z |
z municion de escopeta incendiaria |
Gauge Incendiary Shell |
ammo.shotgun.fire |
municion |
z municion escopeta de nieve |
snowballgun |
ammo.snowballgun |
municion |
z municion de escopeta posta |
Gauge slug |
ammo.shotgun.slug |
municion |
z mira x16 |
16x Zoom Scope |
weapon.mod.8x.scope |
armas |
z granada 40mm he |
40mm HE Grenade |
ammo.grenadelauncher.he |
municion |
z 40mm Shotgun Round |
40mm Shotgun Round |
ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot |
municion |
z granada de humo 40mm |
40mm Smoke Grenade |
ammo.grenadelauncher.smoke |
municion |
z municion de rifle 5.56 |
5.56 Rifle Ammo |
ammo.rifle |
municion |
z mira x8 |
8x Zoom Scope |
weapon.mod.small.scope |
armas |
z disfraz de barril |
A Barrel Costume |
barrelcostume |
ropa |
z piscina grande |
Above Ground Pool |
abovegroundpool |
diversion |
z guitarra acustica |
Acoustic Guitar |
fun.guitar |
diversion |
z té avanzado anti-radiación |
Adv. Anti-Rad Tea |
radiationresisttea.advanced |
comida |
z té avanzado curación |
Advanced Healing Tea |
healingtea.advanced |
comida |
z Té Max Salud Avanzado |
Advanced Max Health Tea |
maxhealthtea.advanced |
comida |
z Té de minero avanzado |
Advanced Ore Tea |
oretea.advanced |
comida |
z Té de eliminación Rad avanzado |
Advanced Rad. Removal Tea |
radiationremovetea.advanced |
comida |
z Té de chatarra avanzado |
Advanced Scrap Tea |
scraptea.advanced |
comida |
z Té de madera avanzado |
Advanced Wood Tea |
woodtea.advanced |
comida |
z Calendario de adviento |
Advent Calendar |
xmas.advent |
diversion |
z Anchoa |
Anchovy |
fish.anchovy |
comida |
z puerta logica AND |
AND Switch |
electric.andswitch |
electricidad |
z Grasa animal |
Animal Fat |
fat.animal |
recursos |
z té anti radiación |
Anti-Rad Tea |
radiationresisttea |
comida |
z PÃldoras anti-radiación |
Anti-Radiation Pills |
antiradpills |
comida |
z manzana |
apple |
apple |
comida |
z Traje de cientÃfico ártico |
Arctic Scientist Suit |
hazmatsuit_scientist_arctic |
ropa |
z Traje ártico |
Arctic Suit |
hazmatsuit.arcticsuit |
ropa |
z Módulo de vehÃculo de cabina blindada |
Armored Cockpit Vehicle Module |
vehicle.1mod.cockpit.armored |
componentes |
z Puerta Blindada hq |
Armored Door |
door.hinged.toptier |
construccion |
z Puerta doble blindada hq |
Armored Double Door |
door.double.hinged.toptier |
construccion |
z Módulo de vehÃculos de pasajeros blindados |
Armored Passenger Vehicle Module |
vehicle.1mod.passengers.armored |
componentes |
z Fusil de asalto ak47 |
Assault Rifle |
rifle.ak |
armas |
z Fusil de asalto - HIELO ak47 |
Assault Rifle - ICE |
rifle.ak.ice |
armas |
z Alarma sonora |
Audio Alarm |
electric.audioalarm |
electricidad |
z torreta automatica |
Auto Turret |
autoturret |
electricidad |
z vendaje |
bandage |
bandage |
medicamento |
z Máscara de pañuelo |
Bandana Mask |
mask.bandana |
ropa |
z Equipo de guardia de bandidos |
Bandit Guard Gear |
attire.banditguard |
ropa |
z Barricada de madera con púas |
Barbed Wooden Barricade |
barricade.woodwire |
recursos |
z Barbacoa |
Barbeque |
bbq |
items |
z Bate de béisbol |
Baseball Bat |
mace.baseballbat |
armas |
z Gorra de beisbol |
Baseball Cap |
hat.cap |
ropa |
z Té curativo básico |
Basic Healing Tea |
healingtea |
comida |
z Herraduras básicas para caballos |
Basic Horse Shoes |
horse.shoes.basic |
items |
z Té Max Salud Básico |
Basic Max Health Tea |
maxhealthtea |
comida |
z Té mineral básico |
Basic Ore Tea |
oretea |
comida |
z Té de chatarra básico |
Basic Scrap Tea |
scraptea |
comida |
z Té de madera básico |
Basic Wood Tea |
woodtea |
comida |
z bateria pequeña |
battery small |
battery.small |
electricidad |
z silla de playa |
beach chair |
beachchair |
diversion |
z sombrilla de playa |
beach parasol |
beachparasol |
diversion |
z mesa de playa |
beach table |
beachtable |
diversion |
z toalla de playa |
beach towel |
beachtowel |
diversion |
z Granada de lata |
Beancan Grenade |
grenade.beancan |
armas |
z cama |
bed |
bed |
items |
z gorro |
Beenie Hat |
hat.beenie |
ropa |
z binoculares |
binoculars |
tool.binoculars |
herramienta |
z Pastel de cumpleaños |
Birthday Cake |
cakefiveyear |
comida |
z Mora |
Black Berry |
black.berry |
comida |
z Clon de Black Berry |
Black Berry Clone |
clone.black.berry |
comida |
z semilla de mora |
Black Berry Seed |
seed.black.berry |
comida |
z Frambuesas Negras |
Black Raspberries |
black.raspberries |
comida |
z LejÃa |
Bleach |
bleach |
items |
z Bloqueador |
Blocker |
electric.blocker |
-1 |
z Bloqueador |
Blocker |
electric.blocker |
electricidad |
z sangre |
blood |
blood |
items |
z Arándano |
Blue Berry |
blue.berry |
comida |
z Clon de bayas azules |
Blue Berry Clone |
clone.blue.berry |
comida |
z Semilla de baya azul |
Blue Berry Seed |
seed.blue.berry |
comida |
z cohete artificial azul grande |
Blue Boomer |
firework.boomer.blue |
diversion |
z Etiquetas de perro azul |
Blue Dog Tags |
bluedogtags |
diversion |
z Mono Azul |
Blue Jumpsuit |
jumpsuit.suit.blue |
ropa |
z tarjeta azul |
Blue Keycard |
keycard_blue |
miscelanea |
z Vela Romana Azul |
Blue Roman Candle |
firework.romancandle.blue |
miscelanea |
z arándanos |
blueberries |
blueberries |
comida |
z Plano |
Blueprint |
blueprintbase |
consola |
z rifle de cerrojo |
Bolt Action Rifle |
rifle.bolt |
armas |
z Armadura de hueso |
Bone Armor |
bone.armor.suit |
ropa |
z Flecha de hueso |
Bone Arrow |
arrow.bone |
municion |
z Cuchillo de huesos |
Bone Club |
bone.club |
armas |
z Fragmentos de Hueso |
Bone Fragments |
bone.fragments |
recursos |
z Casco de hueso |
Bone Helmet |
deer.skull.mask |
ropa |
z Cuchillo de hueso |
Bone Knife |
knife.bone |
armas |
z Tabla de surf |
Boogie Board |
boogieboard |
diversion |
z equipo de musica |
boom box |
boombox |
diversion |
z sombrero boonie |
Boonie Hat |
hat.boonie |
ropa |
z Botas |
Boots |
shoes.boots |
ropa |
z Bolsa de bota |
Bota Bag |
botabag |
comida |
z Huevo de bronce |
Bronze Egg |
easter.bronzeegg |
items |
z Casco de cubo |
Bucket Helmet |
bucket.helmet |
ropa |
z Plano de construcción |
Building Plan |
building.planner |
construccion |
z Orejas de conejo |
Bunny Ears |
attire.bunnyears |
ropa |
z Sombrero de conejito |
Bunny Hat |
hat.bunnyhat |
ropa |
z disfraz de conejo |
Bunny Onesie |
attire.bunny.onesie |
ropa |
z recicladora |
recycler |
recycler |
entidad |
z guantes de arpillera |
Burlap Gloves |
burlap.gloves.new |
ropa |
z puerta de bóveda |
vault door |
door.vault.static |
entidad |
z Cinta para la cabeza de arpillera |
Burlap Headwrap |
burlap.headwrap |
ropa |
z Camisa de arpillera |
Burlap Shirt |
burlap.shirt |
ropa |
z Zapatos de arpillera |
Burlap Shoes |
burlap.shoes |
ropa |
z Pantalones de arpillera |
Burlap Trousers |
burlap.trousers |
ropa |
z carne de oso quemada |
Burnt Bear Meat |
bearmeat.burned |
comida |
z Pollo Quemado |
Burnt Chicken |
chicken.burned |
comida |
z Carne de venado quemada |
Burnt Deer Meat |
deermeat.burned |
comida |
z Carne de caballo quemada |
Burnt Horse Meat |
horsemeat.burned |
-1 |
z Carne humana quemada |
Burnt Human Meat |
humanmeat.burned |
comida |
z Cerdo quemado |
Burnt Pork |
meat.pork.burned |
-1 |
z Carne de lobo quemada |
Burnt Wolf Meat |
wolfmeat.burned |
comida |
z Módulo de ráfaga |
Burst Module |
weapon.mod.burstmodule |
armas |
z Cuchillo de carnicero |
Butcher Knife |
knife.butcher |
herramienta |
z Botón |
Button |
electric.button |
electricidad |
z Túnel de cables |
Cable Tunnel |
electric.cabletunnel |
electricidad |
z Carne de cactus |
Cactus Flesh |
cactusflesh |
comida |
z Cámara |
Camera |
tool.camera |
herramienta |
z hoguera |
Camp Fire |
campfire |
items |
z Módulo de vehÃculo camper |
Camper Vehicle Module |
vehicle.2mod.camper |
miscelanea |
z mesa de poker |
bandit's poker table |
cardtable.deployed |
consola |
z Cámara |
Camera |
tool.camera |
miscelanea |
z Lata de frijoles |
Can of Beans |
can.beans |
comida |
z Lata de atún |
Can of Tuna |
can.tuna |
comida |
z canbourina |
Canbourine |
fun.tambourine |
diversion |
z Gorro De Vela |
Candle Hat |
hat.candle |
ropa |
z bastón de caramelo |
Candy Cane |
candycane |
armas |
z Registro del capitán |
Captain\'s Log |
captainslog |
items |
z Llave del coche |
Car Key |
car.key |
items |
z Mesa de cartas |
Card Table |
cardtable |
consola |
z Calabaza tallable |
Carvable Pumpkin |
carvable.pumpkin |
comida |
z Casete - Largo |
Cassette - Long |
cassette |
items |
Candy Cane Club | candycaneclub | 1789825282 | Smash some faces with this large piece of candy | 1 |
Captain's Log | captainslog | 1230691307 | A deteriorating piece of paper with information relating to the last moments of this vessel. | 1 |
Car Key | car.key | 946662961 | A key to a car, created at a vehicle lift. Keep this item safe; if lost you'll be unable to drive the car again! | 1 |
Card Movember Moustache | movembermoustachecard | 3380160 | A fake moustache for Movember | 1 |
Card Table | cardtable | 1081921512 | A table for playing card games | 1 |
Carvable Pumpkin | carvable.pumpkin | 1524980732 | A pumpkin that you can carve.
Requires wood as a fuel source. | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 | A balanced torso.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 | Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | 10 |
Medium Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 | A medium neon sign! | 5 |
Medium Present | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 | A medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | 5 |
Medium Quality Carburetor | carburetor2 | 656371027 | A medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Medium Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 | A medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Medium Quality Pistons | piston2 | 1883981801 | Medium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Medium Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug2 | -493159321 | Medium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Medium Quality Valves | valve2 | 926800282 | Medium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 | A Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Medium Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 | A 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Megaphone | megaphone | -583379016 | A megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | 1 |
Memory Cell | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 | A 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | 5 |
Metal Barricade | barricade.metal | 1655650836 | A tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | 10 |
Metal Blade | metalblade | 1882709339 | A Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | 20 |
Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Facemask | metal.facemask | -194953424 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Fragments | metal.fragments | 69511070 | Metal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | 1000 |
Metal horizontal embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 | Static shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Ore | metal.ore | -4031221 | A naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | 1000 |
Metal Pipe | metalpipe | 95950017 | Metal Pipe. | 20 |
Metal Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 | A bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | 1 |
Metal Spring | metalspring | -1021495308 | A metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | 20 |
Metal Vertical embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 | Static shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Window Bars | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 | Metal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | 10 |
Microphone Stand | microphonestand | 39600618 | A powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+reload] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | 5 |
Miners Hat | hat.miner | -1539025626 | A leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | 1 |
Mining Quarry | mining.quarry | 1052926200 | Extracts minerals from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of minerals available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Minnows | fish.minnows | -542577259 | A Small group of edible fish. | 10 |
Mixing Table | mixingtable | 1259919256 | Used for mixing recipes. | 1 |
MLRS | mlrs | -1449152644 | M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | 1 |
MLRS Aiming Module | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 | An aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | 1 |
MLRS Rocket | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 | A rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | 6 |
Mobile Phone | mobilephone | -20045316 | A mobile phone that lets you place calls from anywhere. Truly cutting edge Cobalt technology. Use [attack] to access the dialler. | 1 |
Modular Car Lift | modularcarlift | 1696050067 | This allows you to modify modular vehicles | 1 |
Molotov Cocktail | grenade.molotov | 1556365900 | An incendiary device | 5 |
Movember Moustache | movembermoustache | -2047081330 | A magnificent moustache for Movember | 1 |
MP5A4 | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Multiple Grenade Launcher | multiplegrenadelauncher | -1123473824 | A 40MM six barrel, semi automatic grenade launcher | 1 |
Mummy Suit | halloween.mummysuit | 277730763 | A mummy suit | 1 |
Mushroom | mushroom | -1962971928 | A Mushroom found on the ground. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Muzzle Boost | weapon.mod.muzzleboost | -1405508498 | Increases weapon fire rate by channeling gasses back into the weapon cycling it faster, at the cost of bullet velocity and accuracy. | 1 |
Muzzle Brake | weapon.mod.muzzlebrake | 1478091698 | Lowers recoil felt by the operator but can make bullet path more unpredictable and dealing slightly less damage to your foes. | 1 |
Nailgun | pistol.nailgun | 1953903201 | A construction tool turned deadly | 1 |
Nailgun Nails | ammo.nailgun.nails | -2097376851 | Standard nailgun ammunition | 64 |
Nest Hat | attire.nesthat | 1081315464 | An extremely silly easter nest hat with googly eyes. | 1 |
Netting | wall.frame.netting | 1516985844 | Netting you can climb. | 5 |
New Year Gong | newyeargong | -961457160 | Ring in the Lunar new year with a massive gong! | 1 |
Night Vision Goggles | nightvisiongoggles | -1518883088 | Enables vision at nighttime by projecting and amplifying infrared light.The batteries can be recharged at a Lvl 2 workbench. Cannot be worn with a helmet. | 1 |
Ninja Suit | attire.ninja.suit | -1506417026 | BaboAbe Ninja Suit | 1 |
Nomad Suit | hazmatsuit.nomadsuit | 491263800 | A nomad suit. | 1 |
Note | note | 1414245162 | A scrap of paper for leaving notes. | 1 |
One Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town | -1832422579 | A one sided town sign post, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
OR Switch | electric.orswitch | -1286302544 | A logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if EITHER input receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | 5 |
Orange Boomer | firework.boomer.orange | -7270019 | A very large mortar type firework with an orange starburst | 20 |
Orange Roughy | fish.orangeroughy | -1904821376 | A rare fish found in the depths of the ocean. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Ox Mask | hat.oxmask | 1315082560 | An Ox mask to celebrate the 2021 Lunar New Year. | 1 |
Paddle | paddle | 1491189398 | A versatile melee weapon that can also be used to paddle a kayak. | 1 |
Paddling Pool | paddlingpool | -733625651 | A small inflatable pool that you can fill up with water. | 1 |
Painted Egg | easter.paintedeggs | -126305173 | Some simple painted eggs. Collect 10 to upgrade to a bronze egg | 1000 |
Pan Flute | fun.flute | -2040817543 | A set of repurposed PVC pipes that can be used to play a variety of melodies. | 1 |
Pants | pants | 237239288 | Pants. | 1 |
Paper | paper | -1779183908 | Paper, a ingredient for Building plan and Note. | 1000 |
Paper Map | map | 696029452 | Helps you figure out where you are. You can annotate the map by right-clicking and drawing on it. Drag the map into your belt bar to make it active. You will then be able to view the map by holding down the map button (G by default). | 1 |
Party Hat | partyhat | -575744869 | A very stupid looking party hat | 1 |
Passenger Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.passengers | 895374329 | Dual module seating. | 1 |
Pattern Boomer | firework.boomer.pattern | -379734527 | A special boomer which allows you light up the night sky with a custom pattern that you draw. Multiple colors and altitude settings are available. | 20 |
Photograph | photo | 62577426 | A photograph taken with an instant camera. | 1 |
Pickaxe | pickaxe | -1302129395 | A Pickaxe, useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pickles | jar.pickle | 286193827 | Cucumbers in a vinegar bath, jarred by an amateur. Eat at your own risk. | 10 |
Pipe Tool | pipetool | -144513264 | Now you're thinking with pipes! | 1 |
Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol | 785728077 | Ammunition for a Pistol. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | 128 |
Pitchfork | pitchfork | 1090916276 | A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with. | 1 |
Plant Fiber | plantfiber | -804769727 | Fiber from dead plants. Can be composted. | 1000 |
Plumber's Trumpet | fun.trumpet | 273172220 | Toot your own horn with this brassy improvised Trumpet. | 1 |
Pookie Bear | pookie.bear | -1651220691 | A companion that reminds you of your youth. | 1 |
Portable Boom Box | fun.boomboxportable | 576509618 | A portable Boom Box that can play tapes and internet audio streams. [attack] to start/stop and [attack2] to modify settings. | 1 |
Portrait Photo Frame | photoframe.portrait | 1729712564 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Portrait Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.portrait | -1370759135 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Potato | potato | -2086926071 | Potato. | 20 |
Potato Clone | clone.potato | 1512054436 | A Clipping of a Potato Plant. | 50 |
Potato Seed | seed.potato | -2084071424 | These potato seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Powered Water Purifier | powered.water.purifier | -365097295 | A device that converts salt water to fresh water while powered. | 1 |
Pressure Pad | electric.pressurepad | -2049214035 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is standing on it | 1 |
Prison Cell Gate | wall.frame.cell.gate | -956706906 | A prison cell gate to lock things behind bars | 1 |
Prison Cell Wall | wall.frame.cell | -1429456799 | A prison cell wall. | 10 |
Prototype 17 | pistol.prototype17 | 1914691295 | A burst fire prototype pistol | 1 |
Prototype Hatchet | lumberjack.hatchet | -399173933 | A prototype field hatchet, useful for gathering wood | 1 |
Prototype Pickaxe | lumberjack.pickaxe | 236677901 | A prototype field pickaxe. Useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pump Jack | mining.pumpjack | -1130709577 | Extracts oil from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of oil available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Pump Shotgun | shotgun.pump | 795371088 | A Shotgun. Fires six rounds. | 1 |
Pumpkin | pumpkin | -567909622 | An edible vegetable that can also be worn as a hat. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Pumpkin Bucket | pumpkinbasket | 1346158228 | A pumpkin basket to help you collect candy much faster during Trick or Treat events with left click. Use right click to throw candy | 1 |
Pumpkin Plant Clone | clone.pumpkin | 1898094925 | A Clipping of a pumpkin plant. | 50 |
Pumpkin Seed | seed.pumpkin | -1511285251 | Pumpkin Seeds can be found when picking wild Pumpkin plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Pumpkins and faster groth. | 50 |
Pure Anti-Rad Tea | radiationresisttea.pure | -33009419 | A tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | 10 |
Pure Healing Tea | healingtea.pure | -1677315902 | A tea that restores health over time. | 10 |
Pure Max Health Tea | maxhealthtea.pure | 1712261904 | A tea that increases your maximum health. | 10 |
Pure Ore Tea | oretea.pure | 1729374708 | A tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | 10 |
Pure Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea.pure | 1905387657 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
Pure Scrap Tea | scraptea.pure | 2024467711 | A tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | 10 |
Pure Wood Tea | woodtea.pure | -557539629 | A tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | 10 |
Purple Sunglasses | twitchsunglasses | 20489901 | Sunglasses - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Python Revolver | pistol.python | 1373971859 | A High Powered six-shooter. | 1 |
Rabbit Mask | hat.rabbitmask | -986782031 | A Beautifully crafted Rabbit mask to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea | -496584751 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
RAND Switch | electric.random.switch | 492357192 | This switch will allow passthrough based on a random number. Each time the SET input receives power it will roll true or false to allow passthrough | 5 |
Rat Mask | hat.ratmask | 271048478 | A Beautifully crafted bronze and gold Rat mask to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Raw Bear Meat | bearmeat | -1520560807 | Raw Bear Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Chicken Breast | chicken.raw | -1440987069 | Raw chicken breast. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Deer Meat | deermeat.raw | 1422530437 | Raw Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Fish | fish.raw | 989925924 | Raw Fish. | 20 |
Raw Horse Meat | horsemeat.raw | -1130350864 | Raw Horse Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Human Meat | humanmeat.raw | -1709878924 | Raw human meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Raw Pork | meat.boar | 621915341 | Raw pork. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.raw | -395377963 | Raw Wolf Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Reactive Target | target.reactive | -1736356576 | A reactive target that knocks down when hit, can be reset. | 1 |
Rear Seats Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.rear.seats | 1376065505 | Single module seating for two passengers. | 1 |
Red Berry | red.berry | 1272194103 | A red berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Red Berry Clone | clone.red.berry | 2133269020 | A clipping of a Red Berry Plant. | 50 |
Red Berry Seed | seed.red.berry | 830839496 | These red berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Red Boomer | firework.boomer.red | -1553999294 | A very large mortar type firework with a red starburst | 20 |
Red Dog Tags | reddogtags | -602717596 | Red Dog Tags | 5000 |
Red Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.red | -1160621614 | A small red light source. | 10 |
Red Keycard | keycard_red | -1880870149 | A keycard with advanced clearance, grants access to top level areas | 1 |
Red Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.red | -1486461488 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of red balls into the air | 20 |
Red Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.red | -454370658 | Emits a beautiful shower of red sparks | 20 |
Reindeer Antlers | attire.reindeer.headband | -324675402 | A festive reindeer antlers headband and nose. | 1 |
Reinforced Glass Window | wall.window.bars.toptier | 671706427 | Window bars to fit a standard window. These bars are made out of reinforced metal and contain a thick surround to protect from incoming projectiles. | 10 |
Repair Bench | box.repair.bench | 803222026 | You can repair your items here for a fraction of their construction cost. You may also use this to apply new skins to existing items. | 1 |
Research Paper | researchpaper | -544317637 | Use this item in a Research Bench to create blueprints of items. | 1000 |
Research Table | research.table | -1861522751 | You can use this table to learn how to permanently craft items you have found in exchange for scrap. | 1 |
Revolver | pistol.revolver | 649912614 | A standard eight shot revolver. | 1 |
RF Broadcaster | electric.rf.broadcaster | -1044468317 | An RF Broadcaster | 1 |
RF Pager | rf_pager | -566907190 | An RF Pager. An audible tone will be produced when a signal is picked up on the listening frequency. Can be set to silent mode. | 1 |
RF Receiver | electric.rf.receiver | 888415708 | An RF Receiver | 1 |
RF Transmitter | rf.detonator | 596469572 | A hand held RF signal broadcaster. Left click to broadcast. Configurable with right mouse. | 1 |
RHIB | rhib | 1394042569 | | 1 |
Rifle Body | riflebody | 176787552 | The firing mechanism of a rifle. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire 5.56 ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Riot Helmet | riot.helmet | 671063303 | A makeshift riot Helmet. Great at deflecting melee attacks. | 1 |
Road Sign Jacket | roadsign.jacket | -2002277461 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Sign Kilt | roadsign.kilt | 1850456855 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Signs | roadsigns | 1199391518 | Some road signs made of metal. | 20 |
Roadsign Gloves | roadsign.gloves | -699558439 | Gloves made out of metal offers a good amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Roadsign Horse Armor | horse.armor.roadsign | 60528587 | A set of roadsign armor for a horse | 1 |
Rock | rock | 963906841 | A Rock. The most basic melee weapon and gathering tool. | 1 |
Rocket | ammo.rocket.basic | -742865266 | Ammunition for a Rocket Launcher. A short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact. | 3 |
Rocket Launcher | rocket.launcher | 442886268 | Shoots rockets slightly farther than North Korea. | 1 |
Root Combiner | electrical.combiner | -458565393 | This object combines two root electrical sources into a single signal. Helpful for stringing together low energy batteries or solar panels to produce higher power output. Can be wired in series, can not be used with any non energy producing electrical components. | 5 |
Rope | rope | 1414245522 | A Length of Rope. | 50 |
Rotten Apple | apple.spoiled | 352130972 | A rotten apple. Eating it currently provides a tiny boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 1 |
Rowboat | rowboat | 1878053256 | | 1 |
Rug | rug | -1985799200 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rug Bear Skin | rug.bear | -1104881824 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Blue | rustige_egg_b | -173268132 | A beautiful hand crafted white gold and sapphire encrusted egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Green | rustige_egg_e | -173268125 | A beautiful hand crafted gold and green egg, with a miniature traincart contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Ivory | rustige_egg_d | -173268126 | A beautiful hand crafted Ivory and gold egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Purple | rustige_egg_c | -173268131 | A beautiful hand crafted purple egg with gold lace, a miniature offshore monument is contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Red | rustige_egg_a | -173268129 | An exquisite hand crafted gold and diamond egg. When opened, a very special melody can be heard as you observe an intricate representation of your favorite monument. | 1 |
Saddle bag | horse.saddlebag | 1400460850 | Equipping this saddle bag will add extra storage space on your horse | 1 |
Salmon | fish.salmon | -851988960 | A large Salmon, found in fresh and salt water. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 10 |
Salt Water | water.salt | -277057363 | Water with a high salt content. Consuming will damage your health. | 2147483647 |
Salvaged Axe | axe.salvaged | -262590403 | A high-yield resource gathering axe. Slower than the Hatchet. | 1 |
Salvaged Cleaver | salvaged.cleaver | -1978999529 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with high damage. | 1 |
Salvaged Hammer | hammer.salvaged | -1506397857 | A Hammer made from a bunch of other crap. | 1 |
Salvaged Icepick | icepick.salvaged | -1780802565 | A high-yield resource gathering Icepick. | 1 |
Salvaged Shelves | shelves | 1950721418 | Shelves for item stacking | 10 |
Salvaged Sword | salvaged.sword | 1326180354 | A powerful melee weapon made from a filed-down wrench. Great durability, good damage. | 1 |
SAM Ammo | ammo.rocket.sam | -384243979 | Ammunition for a Sam Site, This missile contains a rudimentary guidance system to help it navigate through strong winds. | 1000 |
SAM Site | samsite | -1009359066 | A surface to air rocket site. Requires 25 electricity to function. | 1 |
Sandbag Barricade | barricade.sandbags | -559599960 | A protective barricade made out of Sand Bags. | 10 |
Santa Beard | santabeard | 2126889441 | A santa beard. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Santa Hat | santahat | -575483084 | A santa hat. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Sardine | fish.sardine | -1654233406 | A small oily fish, commonly found in large schools. | 10 |
Satchel Charge | explosive.satchel | -1878475007 | Small explosive package constructed of beancan grenades. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. | 10 |
Scarecrow | scarecrow | 177226991 | Get into the Halloween spirit with this decorative deployable item. | 5 |
Scarecrow Suit | scarecrow.suit | 273951840 | A spooky scarecrow suit | 1 |
Scarecrow Wrap | scarecrowhead | 809942731 | A creepy burlap scarecrow hat | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist | -253079493 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper | -1958316066 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scrap | scrap | -932201673 | Scrap can be used in a Research table and Workbench to unlock and research items. Often used as a currency throughout the world. | 1000 |
ScrapTransportHeliRepair | scraptransportheli.repair | -1884328185 | ScrapTransportHeliRepair Dummy | 1 |
Search Light | searchlight | 2087678962 | A Large, wide beam, aimable light source. | 1 |
Secret Lab Chair | secretlabchair | 567871954 | A luxurious, comfortable chair for long sessions of CCTV watching. | 5 |
Semi Automatic Body | semibody | 573926264 | The firing mechanism of a semi automatic weapon. | 10 |
Semi-Automatic Pistol | pistol.semiauto | 818877484 | A semi-automatic pistol, fires rapidly and with good accuracy. | 1 |
Semi-Automatic Rifle | rifle.semiauto | -904863145 | A Semi Automatic Rifle. | 1 |
Sewing Kit | sewingkit | 1234880403 | A Sewing kit. Used to make advanced clothing. | 20 |
Sheet Metal | sheetmetal | -1994909036 | Sheet metal scraps. | 20 |
Sheet Metal Door | door.hinged.metal | -2067472972 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Sheet Metal Double Door | door.double.hinged.metal | 1390353317 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Shirt | shirt.collared | -2025184684 | A smart casual shirt | 1 |
Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront | -796583652 | A shop front to do commerce. | 1 |
Short Ice Wall | wall.ice.wall | 1327005675 | A short wall made of solid ice. | 10 |
Shorts | pants.shorts | -1695367501 | Trousers without the bottom of the legs. | 1 |
Shotgun Trap | guntrap | 352499047 | A shotgun trap triggered by movement, place near doorways and load with handmade shells. | 1 |
Shovel Bass | fun.bass | -2107018088 | Use this stringed together shovel to play some deep, deep tunes. | 1 |
Sickle | sickle | -1368584029 | A very sharp curved cutting weapon. While its traditional role was to cut grass, this tool is also extremely versatile at cutting throats, perhaps trees, too. | 1 |
Silencer | weapon.mod.silencer | -1850571427 | Significantly reduces the sound of gunfire, and completely removes any visible muzzle flash. | 1 |
Silver Egg | easter.silveregg | 1757265204 | A Silver Egg. Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a gold Egg | 10 |
Simple Handmade Sight | weapon.mod.simplesight | -855748505 | A poorly made sight, slightly better than iron sights. | 1 |
Simple Light | electric.simplelight | -282113991 | A simple debugging light | 1 |
Single Sign Post | sign.post.single | 1542290441 | A single sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Siren Light | electric.sirenlight | 762289806 | A spinning siren light | 5 |
Skull | skull | 1312843609 | A spooky skull | 1 |
Skull Door Knocker | skulldoorknocker | -216116642 | A spooky skull door knocker | 1 |
Skull Fire Pit | skull_fire_pit | 553887414 | Enjoy burning your enemies remnants to ashes with this Halloween exclusive! Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.candles | -25740268 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.pumpkin | -1078639462 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes | -1073015016 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy | -769647921 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.table | -156748077 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar2 | -924959988 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar | 971362526 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Sky Lantern | skylantern | 1819863051 | A beautiful sky lantern. Can be launched in any direction. Has one inventory slot. Can be Ignited with a lit torch. | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Green | skylantern.skylantern.green | -1770889433 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Orange | skylantern.skylantern.orange | -1824770114 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Purple | skylantern.skylantern.purple | 831955134 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Red | skylantern.skylantern.red | -1433390281 | | 20 |
Sled | sled.xmas | -135252633 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sled | sled | -333406828 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sleeping Bag | sleepingbag | -1754948969 | A sleeping bag. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | 1 |
Small Candle Set | smallcandles | -2058362263 | Small Candles | 1 |
Small Chassis | vehicle.chassis.2mod | -44066600 | Two-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Small Generator | electric.fuelgenerator.small | 1849887541 | A small electric generator powered by Low Grade Fuel that outputs 40 power. | 1 |
Small Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.small | 1319617282 | Open for a surprise, or collect 10 to upgrade to a medium loot bag containing better loot! | 10 |
Small Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x125 | 1305578813 | A small neon sign! | 5 |
Small Oil Refinery | small.oil.refinery | -1293296287 | A small refinery which can produce Low Grade Fuel from Crude Oil. | 1 |
Small Planter Box | planter.small | 1903654061 | A small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | 10 |
Small Present | xmas.present.small | -722241321 | A small stocking stuffer present, Collect 10 to upgrade to a larger present. | 10 |
Small Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.small | -692338819 | A small rechargable battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Small Shark | fish.smallshark | -1768880890 | A small, surprisingly aggressive deep sea predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Small Stash | stash.small | -369760990 | A hidden, burried stash to keep your items safe. After placing, return to the stash and aim at the ground where you hid it and it will reveal itself. | 5 |
Small Stocking | stocking.small | 1668858301 | A small stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get a gift! Collect 6 to upgrade to a SUPER Stocking. | 5 |
Small Trout | fish.troutsmall | -1878764039 | A Small Trout. Good for a few meals. | 10 |
Small Water Bottle | smallwaterbottle | -1039528932 | A Small Water Bottle. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | 1 |
Small Water Catcher | water.catcher.small | -132247350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Small Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.small | -1138208076 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Smart Alarm | smart.alarm | -695978112 | Sends a notifications to your phone when powered on. | 5 |
Smart Switch | smart.switch | 988652725 | A smart electric switch. | 5 |
SMG Body | smgbody | 1230323789 | The firing mechanism of a submachinegun. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire pistol ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Smoke Grenade | grenade.smoke | 1263920163 | Produces a large cloud of opaque greyish white smoke. | 3 |
Smoke Rocket WIP!!!! | ammo.rocket.smoke | -17123659 | Emits thick, visibility blocking smoke upon impact. | 3 |
Snap Trap | trap.bear | -582782051 | A metal trap that can injure or even kill people when stepped on. Can be picked up after been triggered. | 3 |
Snow Jacket | jacket.snow | -48090175 | A thick, high visibility Jacket. It will help keep you warm in any climate. | 1 |
Snow Machine | snowmachine | 1358643074 | A machine which will blanket the surrounding terrain in snow. | 1 |
Snowball | snowball | -363689972 | A snowball, throw it! | 1 |
Snowball Gun | snowballgun | 1103488722 | Load snowballs and lay waste to your foes with Christmas cheer. | 1 |
Snowman | snowman | 1629293099 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative snowman | 5 |
Snowman Helmet | attire.snowman.helmet | -842267147 | A snowman helmet which provides ample protection. | 1 |
Snowmobile | snowmobile | -1364246987 | A custom snowmobile, made of various bits and pieces. | 1 |
Sofa | sofa | -555122905 | A comfortable old sofa. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Sofa - Pattern | sofa.pattern | 782422285 | A comfortable old sofa with a floral pattern. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Solo Submarine | submarinesolo | -187031121 | A small one-person submarine. | 1 |
Sound Light | soundlight | -343857907 | A light that will pulse in time to music when connected to a Boom Box. | 5 |
Sousaphone | fun.tuba | 1784406797 | A collection of used piping that¡¯s been converted into a Tuba. Probably not very hygienic. | 1 |
Space Suit | hazmatsuit.spacesuit | -560304835 | A spacesuit built for harsh conditions. | 1 |
Spas-12 Shotgun | shotgun.spas12 | -41440462 | A semi automatic military issue shotgun | 1 |
Speargun | speargun | -1517740219 | A speargun which can only be fired underwater. Excellent for hunting Sharks. | 1 |
Speargun Spear | speargun.spear | -1800345240 | Ammunition for a speargun. | 64 |
Spider Webs | spiderweb | 882559853 | Giant Cobwebs which can be hung against both a ceiling and a wall. | 10 |
Spinning wheel | spinner.wheel | -1100422738 | An interactive spinning wheel. | 1 |
Splitter | electric.splitter | -563624462 | Splits an electrical signal into 3 multiple signals. the amount passed through is equal to the input amount divided by the number of used output slots. | 5 |
Spoiled Chicken | chicken.spoiled | -751151717 | Spoiled Chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Human Meat | humanmeat.spoiled | 1272768630 | Spoiled Human Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.spoiled | -1167031859 | Spoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spooky Speaker | spookyspeaker | 1885488976 | Frighten your guests with creepy and spooky halloween sounds! | 1 |
Spray Can | spraycan | -596876839 | Use the Spray Can to leave Tags or reskin your items. Press [attack] to spray and [attack2] to reskin items. | 1 |
Spray Can Decal | spraycandecal | -1366326648 | | 10 |
Sprinkler | electric.sprinkler | -781014061 | A small sprinkler that sprays water around it. Requires a hose connection to supply it with water. | 10 |
Star Tree Topper | xmas.decoration.star | -1331212963 | A golden star to top off your Christmas Tree | 1 |
Sticks | sticks | 642482233 | Some long, some short. | 100 |
Stone Barricade | barricade.stone | 15388698 | A protective barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Stone Fireplace | fireplace.stone | -1535621066 | A stone fireplace to heat your home. Must be placed indoors and against a wall. | 1 |
Stone Hatchet | stonehatchet | -1583967946 | Primitive tool used for harvesting wood from trees and logs. | 1 |
Stone Pickaxe | stone.pickaxe | 171931394 | Primitive tool used for harvesting Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Stone Spear | spear.stone | 1602646136 | A stone-tipped wooden Spear. Slightly longer range. | 1 |
Stones | stones | -2099697608 | Harvested from rocks using tools, basic building material. | 1000 |
Storage Adaptor | storageadaptor | -1049172752 | Attach to a storage container to allow industrial input/output connections. | 5 |
Storage Monitor | storage.monitor | 1149964039 | The Storage Monitor attaches to the Tool Cupboard and Large Storage Box to monitor the container contents. Output sends a pulse when the container is updated. | 1 |
Storage Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.storage | 268565518 | Single module storage. | 1 |
Strengthened Glass Window | wall.window.glass.reinforced | -1614955425 | Bulletproof glass insert | 10 |
Strobe Light | strobelight | 2104517339 | A flashing light, 3 speeds. Causes seizures. | 1 |
Sulfur | sulfur | -1581843485 | Sulfur is commonly used in gunpowder, medicine, and matches. Matches release sulfur dioxide when they burn, giving them their smell. Sulfur is an essential component to living cells. Many proteins contain sulfur. It is also used as a pesticide on organic farms. | 1000 |
Sulfur Ore | sulfur.ore | -1157596551 | A rock containing sulfur. The sulfur can be extracted using a furnace. | 1000 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02black | 1258768145 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02camo | -2103694546 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02red | 1557173737 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03black | -176608084 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03chrome | -1997698639 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03gold | -1408336705 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses | 352321488 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
SUPER Stocking | stocking.large | -465682601 | A SUPER Stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get an awesome gift! | 1 |
Supply Signal | supply.signal | 1397052267 | Purple signal smoke. Use to mark a location for an airdrop. | 1 |
Surface torpedo | submarine.torpedo.rising | -239306133 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead while rising to the water's surface. | 100 |
Surgeon Scrubs | halloween.surgeonsuit | -1785231475 | A Surgeon Suit | 1 |
Survey Charge | surveycharge | 1975934948 | Use this on the terrain to see which resources are available for mining. | 10 |
Survival Fish Trap | fishtrap.small | 559147458 | Traps fish, place on the shore and load with bait. The more bait loaded the bigger the chance of catching Trout. | 5 |
Switch | electric.switch | 1951603367 | A simple electric switch. | 5 |
T-Shirt | tshirt | 223891266 | A t-shirt with very short sleeves. | 1 |
Table | table | 593465182 | Every home needs a table. A decorative item which provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Tactical Gloves | tactical.gloves | -1108136649 | Military issue tactical gloves provide protection as well as weapon stabilization leading to higher accuracy when used. | 1 |
Tall Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.tall | 121049755 | A tall canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Tank Top | shirt.tanktop | 1608640313 | A tshirt without sleeves | 1 |
Targeting Computer | targeting.computer | 1523195708 | A computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. | 64 |
Tarp | tarp | 2019042823 | A waterproof tarp. | 20 |
Taxi Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.taxi | -626174997 | Single module seating for two passengers, with protection at the front. | 1 |
Tech Trash | techparts | 73681876 | A collection of random tech parts. | 50 |
Telephone | telephone | 1234878710 | Use the telephone to call other telephones on the island! | 1 |
Tesla Coil | electric.teslacoil | 1371909803 | A Tesla Coil | 3 |
Test Generator | electric.generator.small | -295829489 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
Thompson | smg.thompson | -1758372725 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Tiger Mask | hat.tigermask | 709206314 | A special tiger mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Timed Explosive Charge | explosive.timed | 1248356124 | C4, useful for breaking into bases. | 10 |
Timer | electric.timer | 665332906 | A Timer switch, will pass power through for duration. | 5 |
Tomaha Snowmobile | snowmobiletomaha | 1768112091 | An old snowmobile from around 1980. | 1 |
Tool Cupboard | cupboard.tool | -97956382 | Placing and authorising with the cupboard will make it so only you can build in a 50 meter radius of it. If you want your friends to build, they'll need to auth too. You should protect this. | 1 |
Torch | torch | 795236088 | A Torch. Lights your way at night and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Torpedo | submarine.torpedo.straight | -1671551935 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead in a straight line. | 100 |
Tree Lights | xmas.decoration.lights | 1723747470 | A tree isn't complete without colorful lights! | 1 |
Triangle Ladder Hatch | floor.triangle.ladder.hatch | 2041899972 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Tuna Can Lamp | tunalight | -1478445584 | A Makeshift wall light. | 1 |
Twitch Rivals Trophy | trophy | 975983052 | A trophy dedicated to the survivors of Rust Twitch Rivals | 1 |
Two Sided Hanging Sign | sign.hanging | 1205607945 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign | sign.hanging.ornate | -1647846966 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town.roof | 826309791 | A double sided town sign post, with roof, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Vending Machine | vending.machine | 198438816 | Trade your goods with other players safely by creating sell and buy orders.
If a raider gains access to the rear panel, they will have free reign over all of your goodies. Keep it safe. | 1 |
Violet Boomer | firework.boomer.violet | -280223496 | A very large mortar type firework with a violet starburst | 20 |
Violet Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.violet | -99886070 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Violet balls into the air | 20 |
Violet Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.violet | -1538109120 | Emits a beautiful shower of Violet sparks | 20 |
Vodka Bottle | bottle.vodka | 755224797 | A bottle of Russian Vodka. | 1 |
Wagon | wagon | 996757362 | A train car. | 1 |
Watch Tower | watchtower.wood | -463122489 | A high wooden watchtower with a ladder | 10 |
Water | water | -1779180711 | Water. Drinking it will alleviate your thirst. | 2147483647 |
Water Barrel | water.barrel | -1863559151 | A storage container for water. Can output 10ml of water a second via a hose. | 1 |
Water Bucket | bucket.water | 1424075905 | A bucket for transporting water or other liquids. | 1 |
Water Gun | gun.water | 722955039 | A large water gun with pumpable pressure. Hold reload to pump! | 1 |
Water Jug | waterjug | -119235651 | A large jerry can for water. | 1 |
Water Pistol | pistol.water | -1815301988 | A small water gun that doesn't require pumping, but has a lower range and output. | 1 |
Water Pump | waterpump | -1284169891 | Can be placed in a water source to collect that water while powered. Can be connected to other Water entities. | 1 |
Water Purifier | water.purifier | 2114754781 | A Water Purifier. Place overtop of a campfire. Will provide clean, drinkable water from salty, or stagnant water. | 1 |
Waterpipe Shotgun | shotgun.waterpipe | -1367281941 | A Shotgun. Fires a single round before reloading. | 1 |
Weapon flashlight | weapon.mod.flashlight | 952603248 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a beam of light. Pressing F (default) to toggle light. | 1 |
Weapon Lasersight | weapon.mod.lasersight | -132516482 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a guiding laser and reduces weapon sway. | 1 |
Wetsuit | diving.wetsuit | -1101924344 | A Wetsuit providing protection from frigid waters. | 1 |
Wheelbarrow Piano | piano | 1272430949 | The Piano is a repurposed wheelbarrow that weighs a ton, but makes up for it with a wide range of notes. | 1 |
White Berry | white.berry | 854447607 | A white berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
White Berry Clone | clone.white.berry | 1533551194 | A clipping of a White Berry Plant. | 50 |
White Berry Seed | seed.white.berry | -992286106 | These white berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
White Volcano Firework | firework.volcano | 261913429 | Emits a beautiful shower of white sparks | 20 |
Wind Turbine | generator.wind.scrap | -1819763926 | Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds. | 1 |
Wire Tool | wiretool | -144417939 | A tool used to make connections between electrical objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle. you can then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. holding right mouse will clear or cancel a connection. | 1 |
Wolf Headdress | hat.wolf | -1478212975 | A headdress made out of the scraped out head of a wolf. | 1 |
Wolf Skull | skull.wolf | 2048317869 | A wolf skull. | 1 |
Wood | wood | -151838493 | Wood. Collected from trees and used in many crafting recipes. It's also needed to cook in camp-fires. | 1000 |
Wood Armor Helmet | wood.armor.helmet | -2094954543 | A shoddy helmet made from Wood and Cloth. | 1 |
Wood Armor Pants | wood.armor.pants | 832133926 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Chestplate | wood.armor.jacket | 418081930 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Double Door | door.double.hinged.wood | -1336109173 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wood Shutters | shutter.wood.a | -1023374709 | Wood shutters that you can open and close. | 20 |
Wood Storage Box | box.wooden | -180129657 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 18 items. | 1 |
Wooden Arrow | arrow.wooden | -1234735557 | An arrow for a Hunting Bow and Crossbow. | 64 |
Wooden Barricade | barricade.wood | 866889860 | A wooden barricade. Will hurt players and animals that run into it. | 10 |
Wooden Barricade Cover | barricade.wood.cover | 1373240771 | Perfect for cover when engaging in gun fights. Decays rapidly when placed outside of building privilege. | 10 |
Wooden Cross | woodcross | 699075597 | A wooden cross marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Wooden Door | door.hinged.wood | 1729120840 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wooden Floor Spikes | spikes.floor | -92759291 | A set of spikes that will slow down and hurt anyone that walks over them. | 10 |
Wooden Horse Armor | horse.armor.wood | 1659447559 | A set of wooden horse armor | 1 |
Wooden Ladder | ladder.wooden.wall | -316250604 | A ladder will help you climb walls in any base. | 5 |
Wooden Spear | spear.wooden | 1540934679 | Primitive weapon, perfect for hunting your foes. Can be upgraded to Stone Spear. | 1 |
Wooden Window Bars | wall.window.bars.wood | -1183726687 | Window bars made out of wood. They'll stop people climbing through your window, but probably not for very long. | 10 |
Work Cart | workcart | -810326667 | A service train designed to run on an underground rail system. | 1 |
Workbench Level 1 | workbench1 | 1524187186 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 1 | 1 |
Workbench Level 2 | workbench2 | -41896755 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 2 | 1 |
Workbench Level 3 | workbench3 | -1607980696 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 3 | 1 |
Worm | worm | 1770475779 | A small, writhing worm that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Wrapped Gift | wrappedgift | 204970153 | A lazily wrapped gift. | 1 |
Wrapping Paper | wrappingpaper | 1094293920 | Use this to conceal any item in a lazily wrapped gift | 1 |
XL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xl | -996185386 | An extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
XOR Switch | electric.xorswitch | 1293102274 | An exclusive-or logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if ONLY ONE input receives power, passthrough amount is whichever single input is active. if BOTH inputs recieve power, passthrough will be zero. | 5 |
XXL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xxl | 98508942 | A double extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Xylobone | xylophone | -211235948 | A selection of bones that were ¡°acquired¡± for their acoustic attributes. Play a lullaby for your camp with these soothing tones. | 1 |
Yellow Berry | yellow.berry | 1660145984 | A yellow berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Yellow Berry Clone | clone.yellow.berry | 390728933 | A clipping of a Yellow Berry Plant. | 50 |
Yellow Berry Seed | seed.yellow.berry | -520133715 | These yellow berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Yellow Perch | fish.yellowperch | 680234026 | A Yellow Perch, commonly found in freshwater rivers. | 10 |
Cassette - Long | cassette | 476066818 | A tape that you can record audio on to using a Cassette Recorder. Stores up to 30s of audio. | 1 |
Cassette - Medium | cassette.medium | -912398867 | A tape that you can record audio on to using a Cassette Recorder. Stores up to 20s of audio. | 1 |
Cassette - Short | cassette.short | 1523403414 | A tape that you can record audio on to using a Cassette Recorder. Stores up to 10s of audio. | 1 |
Cassette Recorder | fun.casetterecorder | -1530414568 | Insert a cassette and play the recorded audio with [attack], [attack2] to record new audio and [+reload] to throw. | 1 |
Catfish | fish.catfish | -587989372 | A large, whiskered fresh water based predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
CCTV Camera | cctv.camera | 634478325 | A CCTV Camera system can be used for realtime surveillance and security around your base when powered and paired with the Computer Station. | 64 |
Ceiling Light | ceilinglight | 1142993169 | A small ceiling mounted light source. | 10 |
Chainlink Fence | wall.frame.fence | -1117626326 | A Chainlink Fence. | 10 |
Chainlink Fence Gate | wall.frame.fence.gate | 1451568081 | A Chainlink Fence Gate. | 1 |
Chainsaw | chainsaw | 1104520648 | A Chainsaw. Very effective at cutting trees in addition to soft fleshy objects. Requires Low Grade Fuel to run. | 1 |
Chair | chair | 1534542921 | Every home needs a chair. A decorative item which provides comfort while seated. | 5 |
Champagne Boomer | firework.boomer.champagne | 1324203999 | A very large mortar type firework with an massive champagne colored explosion followed by smaller orange starbursts | 20 |
Charcoal | charcoal | -1938052175 | Byproduct from campfires and furnaces used for crafting gunpowder. | 1000 |
Chinese Lantern | chineselantern | -1916473915 | A decorative Paper lantern | 1 |
Chippy Arcade Game | arcade.machine.chippy | 359723196 | An Arcade Machine | 1 |
Chocolate Bar | chocolate | -965336208 | Chocolate Bar found as loot. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Christmas Door Wreath | xmasdoorwreath | 2009734114 | Get into the christmas spirit with this holiday door wreath. | 1 |
Christmas Lights | xmas.lightstring | 1058261682 | A string of colored lights to decorate your home | 20 |
Christmas Tree | xmas.tree | 794443127 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative Christmas tree | 1 |
Clatter Helmet | clatter.helmet | 968019378 | A special item for those who own Clatter. | 1 |
Cloth | cloth | -858312878 | Cloth from an animal or a Hemp Bush. Used in many clothing items, weapons, and more. | 1000 |
Coal | coal | 204391461 | Crappy Holidays! | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 | A balanced torso.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 | Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | 10 |
Medium Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 | A medium neon sign! | 5 |
Medium Present | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 | A medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | 5 |
Medium Quality Carburetor | carburetor2 | 656371027 | A medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Medium Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 | A medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Medium Quality Pistons | piston2 | 1883981801 | Medium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Medium Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug2 | -493159321 | Medium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Medium Quality Valves | valve2 | 926800282 | Medium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 | A Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Medium Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 | A 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Megaphone | megaphone | -583379016 | A megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | 1 |
Memory Cell | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 | A 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | 5 |
Metal Barricade | barricade.metal | 1655650836 | A tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | 10 |
Metal Blade | metalblade | 1882709339 | A Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | 20 |
Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Facemask | metal.facemask | -194953424 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Fragments | metal.fragments | 69511070 | Metal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | 1000 |
Metal horizontal embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 | Static shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Ore | metal.ore | -4031221 | A naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | 1000 |
Metal Pipe | metalpipe | 95950017 | Metal Pipe. | 20 |
Metal Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 | A bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | 1 |
Metal Spring | metalspring | -1021495308 | A metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | 20 |
Metal Vertical embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 | Static shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Window Bars | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 | Metal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | 10 |
Microphone Stand | microphonestand | 39600618 | A powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+reload] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | 5 |
Miners Hat | hat.miner | -1539025626 | A leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | 1 |
Mining Quarry | mining.quarry | 1052926200 | Extracts minerals from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of minerals available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Minnows | fish.minnows | -542577259 | A Small group of edible fish. | 10 |
Mixing Table | mixingtable | 1259919256 | Used for mixing recipes. | 1 |
MLRS | mlrs | -1449152644 | M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | 1 |
MLRS Aiming Module | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 | An aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | 1 |
MLRS Rocket | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 | A rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | 6 |
Mobile Phone | mobilephone | -20045316 | A mobile phone that lets you place calls from anywhere. Truly cutting edge Cobalt technology. Use [attack] to access the dialler. | 1 |
Modular Car Lift | modularcarlift | 1696050067 | This allows you to modify modular vehicles | 1 |
Molotov Cocktail | grenade.molotov | 1556365900 | An incendiary device | 5 |
Movember Moustache | movembermoustache | -2047081330 | A magnificent moustache for Movember | 1 |
MP5A4 | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Multiple Grenade Launcher | multiplegrenadelauncher | -1123473824 | A 40MM six barrel, semi automatic grenade launcher | 1 |
Mummy Suit | halloween.mummysuit | 277730763 | A mummy suit | 1 |
Mushroom | mushroom | -1962971928 | A Mushroom found on the ground. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Muzzle Boost | weapon.mod.muzzleboost | -1405508498 | Increases weapon fire rate by channeling gasses back into the weapon cycling it faster, at the cost of bullet velocity and accuracy. | 1 |
Muzzle Brake | weapon.mod.muzzlebrake | 1478091698 | Lowers recoil felt by the operator but can make bullet path more unpredictable and dealing slightly less damage to your foes. | 1 |
Nailgun | pistol.nailgun | 1953903201 | A construction tool turned deadly | 1 |
Nailgun Nails | ammo.nailgun.nails | -2097376851 | Standard nailgun ammunition | 64 |
Nest Hat | attire.nesthat | 1081315464 | An extremely silly easter nest hat with googly eyes. | 1 |
Netting | wall.frame.netting | 1516985844 | Netting you can climb. | 5 |
New Year Gong | newyeargong | -961457160 | Ring in the Lunar new year with a massive gong! | 1 |
Night Vision Goggles | nightvisiongoggles | -1518883088 | Enables vision at nighttime by projecting and amplifying infrared light.The batteries can be recharged at a Lvl 2 workbench. Cannot be worn with a helmet. | 1 |
Ninja Suit | attire.ninja.suit | -1506417026 | BaboAbe Ninja Suit | 1 |
Nomad Suit | hazmatsuit.nomadsuit | 491263800 | A nomad suit. | 1 |
Note | note | 1414245162 | A scrap of paper for leaving notes. | 1 |
One Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town | -1832422579 | A one sided town sign post, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
OR Switch | electric.orswitch | -1286302544 | A logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if EITHER input receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | 5 |
Orange Boomer | firework.boomer.orange | -7270019 | A very large mortar type firework with an orange starburst | 20 |
Orange Roughy | fish.orangeroughy | -1904821376 | A rare fish found in the depths of the ocean. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Ox Mask | hat.oxmask | 1315082560 | An Ox mask to celebrate the 2021 Lunar New Year. | 1 |
Paddle | paddle | 1491189398 | A versatile melee weapon that can also be used to paddle a kayak. | 1 |
Paddling Pool | paddlingpool | -733625651 | A small inflatable pool that you can fill up with water. | 1 |
Painted Egg | easter.paintedeggs | -126305173 | Some simple painted eggs. Collect 10 to upgrade to a bronze egg | 1000 |
Pan Flute | fun.flute | -2040817543 | A set of repurposed PVC pipes that can be used to play a variety of melodies. | 1 |
Pants | pants | 237239288 | Pants. | 1 |
Paper | paper | -1779183908 | Paper, a ingredient for Building plan and Note. | 1000 |
Paper Map | map | 696029452 | Helps you figure out where you are. You can annotate the map by right-clicking and drawing on it. Drag the map into your belt bar to make it active. You will then be able to view the map by holding down the map button (G by default). | 1 |
Party Hat | partyhat | -575744869 | A very stupid looking party hat | 1 |
Passenger Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.passengers | 895374329 | Dual module seating. | 1 |
Pattern Boomer | firework.boomer.pattern | -379734527 | A special boomer which allows you light up the night sky with a custom pattern that you draw. Multiple colors and altitude settings are available. | 20 |
Photograph | photo | 62577426 | A photograph taken with an instant camera. | 1 |
Pickaxe | pickaxe | -1302129395 | A Pickaxe, useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pickles | jar.pickle | 286193827 | Cucumbers in a vinegar bath, jarred by an amateur. Eat at your own risk. | 10 |
Pipe Tool | pipetool | -144513264 | Now you're thinking with pipes! | 1 |
Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol | 785728077 | Ammunition for a Pistol. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | 128 |
Pitchfork | pitchfork | 1090916276 | A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with. | 1 |
Plant Fiber | plantfiber | -804769727 | Fiber from dead plants. Can be composted. | 1000 |
Plumber's Trumpet | fun.trumpet | 273172220 | Toot your own horn with this brassy improvised Trumpet. | 1 |
Pookie Bear | pookie.bear | -1651220691 | A companion that reminds you of your youth. | 1 |
Portable Boom Box | fun.boomboxportable | 576509618 | A portable Boom Box that can play tapes and internet audio streams. [attack] to start/stop and [attack2] to modify settings. | 1 |
Portrait Photo Frame | photoframe.portrait | 1729712564 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Portrait Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.portrait | -1370759135 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Potato | potato | -2086926071 | Potato. | 20 |
Potato Clone | clone.potato | 1512054436 | A Clipping of a Potato Plant. | 50 |
Potato Seed | seed.potato | -2084071424 | These potato seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Powered Water Purifier | powered.water.purifier | -365097295 | A device that converts salt water to fresh water while powered. | 1 |
Pressure Pad | electric.pressurepad | -2049214035 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is standing on it | 1 |
Prison Cell Gate | wall.frame.cell.gate | -956706906 | A prison cell gate to lock things behind bars | 1 |
Prison Cell Wall | wall.frame.cell | -1429456799 | A prison cell wall. | 10 |
Prototype 17 | pistol.prototype17 | 1914691295 | A burst fire prototype pistol | 1 |
Prototype Hatchet | lumberjack.hatchet | -399173933 | A prototype field hatchet, useful for gathering wood | 1 |
Prototype Pickaxe | lumberjack.pickaxe | 236677901 | A prototype field pickaxe. Useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pump Jack | mining.pumpjack | -1130709577 | Extracts oil from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of oil available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Pump Shotgun | shotgun.pump | 795371088 | A Shotgun. Fires six rounds. | 1 |
Pumpkin | pumpkin | -567909622 | An edible vegetable that can also be worn as a hat. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Pumpkin Bucket | pumpkinbasket | 1346158228 | A pumpkin basket to help you collect candy much faster during Trick or Treat events with left click. Use right click to throw candy | 1 |
Pumpkin Plant Clone | clone.pumpkin | 1898094925 | A Clipping of a pumpkin plant. | 50 |
Pumpkin Seed | seed.pumpkin | -1511285251 | Pumpkin Seeds can be found when picking wild Pumpkin plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Pumpkins and faster groth. | 50 |
Pure Anti-Rad Tea | radiationresisttea.pure | -33009419 | A tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | 10 |
Pure Healing Tea | healingtea.pure | -1677315902 | A tea that restores health over time. | 10 |
Pure Max Health Tea | maxhealthtea.pure | 1712261904 | A tea that increases your maximum health. | 10 |
Pure Ore Tea | oretea.pure | 1729374708 | A tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | 10 |
Pure Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea.pure | 1905387657 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
Pure Scrap Tea | scraptea.pure | 2024467711 | A tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | 10 |
Pure Wood Tea | woodtea.pure | -557539629 | A tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | 10 |
Purple Sunglasses | twitchsunglasses | 20489901 | Sunglasses - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Python Revolver | pistol.python | 1373971859 | A High Powered six-shooter. | 1 |
Rabbit Mask | hat.rabbitmask | -986782031 | A Beautifully crafted Rabbit mask to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea | -496584751 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
RAND Switch | electric.random.switch | 492357192 | This switch will allow passthrough based on a random number. Each time the SET input receives power it will roll true or false to allow passthrough | 5 |
Rat Mask | hat.ratmask | 271048478 | A Beautifully crafted bronze and gold Rat mask to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Raw Bear Meat | bearmeat | -1520560807 | Raw Bear Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Chicken Breast | chicken.raw | -1440987069 | Raw chicken breast. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Deer Meat | deermeat.raw | 1422530437 | Raw Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Fish | fish.raw | 989925924 | Raw Fish. | 20 |
Raw Horse Meat | horsemeat.raw | -1130350864 | Raw Horse Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Human Meat | humanmeat.raw | -1709878924 | Raw human meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Raw Pork | meat.boar | 621915341 | Raw pork. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.raw | -395377963 | Raw Wolf Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Reactive Target | target.reactive | -1736356576 | A reactive target that knocks down when hit, can be reset. | 1 |
Rear Seats Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.rear.seats | 1376065505 | Single module seating for two passengers. | 1 |
Red Berry | red.berry | 1272194103 | A red berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Red Berry Clone | clone.red.berry | 2133269020 | A clipping of a Red Berry Plant. | 50 |
Red Berry Seed | seed.red.berry | 830839496 | These red berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Red Boomer | firework.boomer.red | -1553999294 | A very large mortar type firework with a red starburst | 20 |
Red Dog Tags | reddogtags | -602717596 | Red Dog Tags | 5000 |
Red Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.red | -1160621614 | A small red light source. | 10 |
Red Keycard | keycard_red | -1880870149 | A keycard with advanced clearance, grants access to top level areas | 1 |
Red Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.red | -1486461488 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of red balls into the air | 20 |
Red Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.red | -454370658 | Emits a beautiful shower of red sparks | 20 |
Reindeer Antlers | attire.reindeer.headband | -324675402 | A festive reindeer antlers headband and nose. | 1 |
Reinforced Glass Window | wall.window.bars.toptier | 671706427 | Window bars to fit a standard window. These bars are made out of reinforced metal and contain a thick surround to protect from incoming projectiles. | 10 |
Repair Bench | box.repair.bench | 803222026 | You can repair your items here for a fraction of their construction cost. You may also use this to apply new skins to existing items. | 1 |
Research Paper | researchpaper | -544317637 | Use this item in a Research Bench to create blueprints of items. | 1000 |
Research Table | research.table | -1861522751 | You can use this table to learn how to permanently craft items you have found in exchange for scrap. | 1 |
Revolver | pistol.revolver | 649912614 | A standard eight shot revolver. | 1 |
RF Broadcaster | electric.rf.broadcaster | -1044468317 | An RF Broadcaster | 1 |
RF Pager | rf_pager | -566907190 | An RF Pager. An audible tone will be produced when a signal is picked up on the listening frequency. Can be set to silent mode. | 1 |
RF Receiver | electric.rf.receiver | 888415708 | An RF Receiver | 1 |
RF Transmitter | rf.detonator | 596469572 | A hand held RF signal broadcaster. Left click to broadcast. Configurable with right mouse. | 1 |
RHIB | rhib | 1394042569 | | 1 |
Rifle Body | riflebody | 176787552 | The firing mechanism of a rifle. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire 5.56 ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Riot Helmet | riot.helmet | 671063303 | A makeshift riot Helmet. Great at deflecting melee attacks. | 1 |
Road Sign Jacket | roadsign.jacket | -2002277461 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Sign Kilt | roadsign.kilt | 1850456855 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Signs | roadsigns | 1199391518 | Some road signs made of metal. | 20 |
Roadsign Gloves | roadsign.gloves | -699558439 | Gloves made out of metal offers a good amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Roadsign Horse Armor | horse.armor.roadsign | 60528587 | A set of roadsign armor for a horse | 1 |
Rock | rock | 963906841 | A Rock. The most basic melee weapon and gathering tool. | 1 |
Rocket | ammo.rocket.basic | -742865266 | Ammunition for a Rocket Launcher. A short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact. | 3 |
Rocket Launcher | rocket.launcher | 442886268 | Shoots rockets slightly farther than North Korea. | 1 |
Root Combiner | electrical.combiner | -458565393 | This object combines two root electrical sources into a single signal. Helpful for stringing together low energy batteries or solar panels to produce higher power output. Can be wired in series, can not be used with any non energy producing electrical components. | 5 |
Rope | rope | 1414245522 | A Length of Rope. | 50 |
Rotten Apple | apple.spoiled | 352130972 | A rotten apple. Eating it currently provides a tiny boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 1 |
Rowboat | rowboat | 1878053256 | | 1 |
Rug | rug | -1985799200 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rug Bear Skin | rug.bear | -1104881824 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Blue | rustige_egg_b | -173268132 | A beautiful hand crafted white gold and sapphire encrusted egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Green | rustige_egg_e | -173268125 | A beautiful hand crafted gold and green egg, with a miniature traincart contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Ivory | rustige_egg_d | -173268126 | A beautiful hand crafted Ivory and gold egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Purple | rustige_egg_c | -173268131 | A beautiful hand crafted purple egg with gold lace, a miniature offshore monument is contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Red | rustige_egg_a | -173268129 | An exquisite hand crafted gold and diamond egg. When opened, a very special melody can be heard as you observe an intricate representation of your favorite monument. | 1 |
Saddle bag | horse.saddlebag | 1400460850 | Equipping this saddle bag will add extra storage space on your horse | 1 |
Salmon | fish.salmon | -851988960 | A large Salmon, found in fresh and salt water. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 10 |
Salt Water | water.salt | -277057363 | Water with a high salt content. Consuming will damage your health. | 2147483647 |
Salvaged Axe | axe.salvaged | -262590403 | A high-yield resource gathering axe. Slower than the Hatchet. | 1 |
Salvaged Cleaver | salvaged.cleaver | -1978999529 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with high damage. | 1 |
Salvaged Hammer | hammer.salvaged | -1506397857 | A Hammer made from a bunch of other crap. | 1 |
Salvaged Icepick | icepick.salvaged | -1780802565 | A high-yield resource gathering Icepick. | 1 |
Salvaged Shelves | shelves | 1950721418 | Shelves for item stacking | 10 |
Salvaged Sword | salvaged.sword | 1326180354 | A powerful melee weapon made from a filed-down wrench. Great durability, good damage. | 1 |
SAM Ammo | ammo.rocket.sam | -384243979 | Ammunition for a Sam Site, This missile contains a rudimentary guidance system to help it navigate through strong winds. | 1000 |
SAM Site | samsite | -1009359066 | A surface to air rocket site. Requires 25 electricity to function. | 1 |
Sandbag Barricade | barricade.sandbags | -559599960 | A protective barricade made out of Sand Bags. | 10 |
Santa Beard | santabeard | 2126889441 | A santa beard. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Santa Hat | santahat | -575483084 | A santa hat. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Sardine | fish.sardine | -1654233406 | A small oily fish, commonly found in large schools. | 10 |
Satchel Charge | explosive.satchel | -1878475007 | Small explosive package constructed of beancan grenades. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. | 10 |
Scarecrow | scarecrow | 177226991 | Get into the Halloween spirit with this decorative deployable item. | 5 |
Scarecrow Suit | scarecrow.suit | 273951840 | A spooky scarecrow suit | 1 |
Scarecrow Wrap | scarecrowhead | 809942731 | A creepy burlap scarecrow hat | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist | -253079493 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper | -1958316066 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scrap | scrap | -932201673 | Scrap can be used in a Research table and Workbench to unlock and research items. Often used as a currency throughout the world. | 1000 |
ScrapTransportHeliRepair | scraptransportheli.repair | -1884328185 | ScrapTransportHeliRepair Dummy | 1 |
Search Light | searchlight | 2087678962 | A Large, wide beam, aimable light source. | 1 |
Secret Lab Chair | secretlabchair | 567871954 | A luxurious, comfortable chair for long sessions of CCTV watching. | 5 |
Semi Automatic Body | semibody | 573926264 | The firing mechanism of a semi automatic weapon. | 10 |
Semi-Automatic Pistol | pistol.semiauto | 818877484 | A semi-automatic pistol, fires rapidly and with good accuracy. | 1 |
Semi-Automatic Rifle | rifle.semiauto | -904863145 | A Semi Automatic Rifle. | 1 |
Sewing Kit | sewingkit | 1234880403 | A Sewing kit. Used to make advanced clothing. | 20 |
Sheet Metal | sheetmetal | -1994909036 | Sheet metal scraps. | 20 |
Sheet Metal Door | door.hinged.metal | -2067472972 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Sheet Metal Double Door | door.double.hinged.metal | 1390353317 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Shirt | shirt.collared | -2025184684 | A smart casual shirt | 1 |
Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront | -796583652 | A shop front to do commerce. | 1 |
Short Ice Wall | wall.ice.wall | 1327005675 | A short wall made of solid ice. | 10 |
Shorts | pants.shorts | -1695367501 | Trousers without the bottom of the legs. | 1 |
Shotgun Trap | guntrap | 352499047 | A shotgun trap triggered by movement, place near doorways and load with handmade shells. | 1 |
Shovel Bass | fun.bass | -2107018088 | Use this stringed together shovel to play some deep, deep tunes. | 1 |
Sickle | sickle | -1368584029 | A very sharp curved cutting weapon. While its traditional role was to cut grass, this tool is also extremely versatile at cutting throats, perhaps trees, too. | 1 |
Silencer | weapon.mod.silencer | -1850571427 | Significantly reduces the sound of gunfire, and completely removes any visible muzzle flash. | 1 |
Silver Egg | easter.silveregg | 1757265204 | A Silver Egg. Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a gold Egg | 10 |
Simple Handmade Sight | weapon.mod.simplesight | -855748505 | A poorly made sight, slightly better than iron sights. | 1 |
Simple Light | electric.simplelight | -282113991 | A simple debugging light | 1 |
Single Sign Post | sign.post.single | 1542290441 | A single sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Siren Light | electric.sirenlight | 762289806 | A spinning siren light | 5 |
Skull | skull | 1312843609 | A spooky skull | 1 |
Skull Door Knocker | skulldoorknocker | -216116642 | A spooky skull door knocker | 1 |
Skull Fire Pit | skull_fire_pit | 553887414 | Enjoy burning your enemies remnants to ashes with this Halloween exclusive! Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.candles | -25740268 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.pumpkin | -1078639462 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes | -1073015016 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy | -769647921 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.table | -156748077 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar2 | -924959988 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar | 971362526 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Sky Lantern | skylantern | 1819863051 | A beautiful sky lantern. Can be launched in any direction. Has one inventory slot. Can be Ignited with a lit torch. | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Green | skylantern.skylantern.green | -1770889433 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Orange | skylantern.skylantern.orange | -1824770114 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Purple | skylantern.skylantern.purple | 831955134 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Red | skylantern.skylantern.red | -1433390281 | | 20 |
Sled | sled.xmas | -135252633 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sled | sled | -333406828 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sleeping Bag | sleepingbag | -1754948969 | A sleeping bag. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | 1 |
Small Candle Set | smallcandles | -2058362263 | Small Candles | 1 |
Small Chassis | vehicle.chassis.2mod | -44066600 | Two-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Small Generator | electric.fuelgenerator.small | 1849887541 | A small electric generator powered by Low Grade Fuel that outputs 40 power. | 1 |
Small Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.small | 1319617282 | Open for a surprise, or collect 10 to upgrade to a medium loot bag containing better loot! | 10 |
Small Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x125 | 1305578813 | A small neon sign! | 5 |
Small Oil Refinery | small.oil.refinery | -1293296287 | A small refinery which can produce Low Grade Fuel from Crude Oil. | 1 |
Small Planter Box | planter.small | 1903654061 | A small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | 10 |
Small Present | xmas.present.small | -722241321 | A small stocking stuffer present, Collect 10 to upgrade to a larger present. | 10 |
Small Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.small | -692338819 | A small rechargable battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Small Shark | fish.smallshark | -1768880890 | A small, surprisingly aggressive deep sea predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Small Stash | stash.small | -369760990 | A hidden, burried stash to keep your items safe. After placing, return to the stash and aim at the ground where you hid it and it will reveal itself. | 5 |
Small Stocking | stocking.small | 1668858301 | A small stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get a gift! Collect 6 to upgrade to a SUPER Stocking. | 5 |
Small Trout | fish.troutsmall | -1878764039 | A Small Trout. Good for a few meals. | 10 |
Small Water Bottle | smallwaterbottle | -1039528932 | A Small Water Bottle. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | 1 |
Small Water Catcher | water.catcher.small | -132247350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Small Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.small | -1138208076 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Smart Alarm | smart.alarm | -695978112 | Sends a notifications to your phone when powered on. | 5 |
Smart Switch | smart.switch | 988652725 | A smart electric switch. | 5 |
SMG Body | smgbody | 1230323789 | The firing mechanism of a submachinegun. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire pistol ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Smoke Grenade | grenade.smoke | 1263920163 | Produces a large cloud of opaque greyish white smoke. | 3 |
Smoke Rocket WIP!!!! | ammo.rocket.smoke | -17123659 | Emits thick, visibility blocking smoke upon impact. | 3 |
Snap Trap | trap.bear | -582782051 | A metal trap that can injure or even kill people when stepped on. Can be picked up after been triggered. | 3 |
Snow Jacket | jacket.snow | -48090175 | A thick, high visibility Jacket. It will help keep you warm in any climate. | 1 |
Snow Machine | snowmachine | 1358643074 | A machine which will blanket the surrounding terrain in snow. | 1 |
Snowball | snowball | -363689972 | A snowball, throw it! | 1 |
Snowball Gun | snowballgun | 1103488722 | Load snowballs and lay waste to your foes with Christmas cheer. | 1 |
Snowman | snowman | 1629293099 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative snowman | 5 |
Snowman Helmet | attire.snowman.helmet | -842267147 | A snowman helmet which provides ample protection. | 1 |
Snowmobile | snowmobile | -1364246987 | A custom snowmobile, made of various bits and pieces. | 1 |
Sofa | sofa | -555122905 | A comfortable old sofa. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Sofa - Pattern | sofa.pattern | 782422285 | A comfortable old sofa with a floral pattern. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Solo Submarine | submarinesolo | -187031121 | A small one-person submarine. | 1 |
Sound Light | soundlight | -343857907 | A light that will pulse in time to music when connected to a Boom Box. | 5 |
Sousaphone | fun.tuba | 1784406797 | A collection of used piping that¡¯s been converted into a Tuba. Probably not very hygienic. | 1 |
Space Suit | hazmatsuit.spacesuit | -560304835 | A spacesuit built for harsh conditions. | 1 |
Spas-12 Shotgun | shotgun.spas12 | -41440462 | A semi automatic military issue shotgun | 1 |
Speargun | speargun | -1517740219 | A speargun which can only be fired underwater. Excellent for hunting Sharks. | 1 |
Speargun Spear | speargun.spear | -1800345240 | Ammunition for a speargun. | 64 |
Spider Webs | spiderweb | 882559853 | Giant Cobwebs which can be hung against both a ceiling and a wall. | 10 |
Spinning wheel | spinner.wheel | -1100422738 | An interactive spinning wheel. | 1 |
Splitter | electric.splitter | -563624462 | Splits an electrical signal into 3 multiple signals. the amount passed through is equal to the input amount divided by the number of used output slots. | 5 |
Spoiled Chicken | chicken.spoiled | -751151717 | Spoiled Chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Human Meat | humanmeat.spoiled | 1272768630 | Spoiled Human Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.spoiled | -1167031859 | Spoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spooky Speaker | spookyspeaker | 1885488976 | Frighten your guests with creepy and spooky halloween sounds! | 1 |
Spray Can | spraycan | -596876839 | Use the Spray Can to leave Tags or reskin your items. Press [attack] to spray and [attack2] to reskin items. | 1 |
Spray Can Decal | spraycandecal | -1366326648 | | 10 |
Sprinkler | electric.sprinkler | -781014061 | A small sprinkler that sprays water around it. Requires a hose connection to supply it with water. | 10 |
Star Tree Topper | xmas.decoration.star | -1331212963 | A golden star to top off your Christmas Tree | 1 |
Sticks | sticks | 642482233 | Some long, some short. | 100 |
Stone Barricade | barricade.stone | 15388698 | A protective barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Stone Fireplace | fireplace.stone | -1535621066 | A stone fireplace to heat your home. Must be placed indoors and against a wall. | 1 |
Stone Hatchet | stonehatchet | -1583967946 | Primitive tool used for harvesting wood from trees and logs. | 1 |
Stone Pickaxe | stone.pickaxe | 171931394 | Primitive tool used for harvesting Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Stone Spear | spear.stone | 1602646136 | A stone-tipped wooden Spear. Slightly longer range. | 1 |
Stones | stones | -2099697608 | Harvested from rocks using tools, basic building material. | 1000 |
Storage Adaptor | storageadaptor | -1049172752 | Attach to a storage container to allow industrial input/output connections. | 5 |
Storage Monitor | storage.monitor | 1149964039 | The Storage Monitor attaches to the Tool Cupboard and Large Storage Box to monitor the container contents. Output sends a pulse when the container is updated. | 1 |
Storage Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.storage | 268565518 | Single module storage. | 1 |
Strengthened Glass Window | wall.window.glass.reinforced | -1614955425 | Bulletproof glass insert | 10 |
Strobe Light | strobelight | 2104517339 | A flashing light, 3 speeds. Causes seizures. | 1 |
Sulfur | sulfur | -1581843485 | Sulfur is commonly used in gunpowder, medicine, and matches. Matches release sulfur dioxide when they burn, giving them their smell. Sulfur is an essential component to living cells. Many proteins contain sulfur. It is also used as a pesticide on organic farms. | 1000 |
Sulfur Ore | sulfur.ore | -1157596551 | A rock containing sulfur. The sulfur can be extracted using a furnace. | 1000 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02black | 1258768145 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02camo | -2103694546 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02red | 1557173737 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03black | -176608084 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03chrome | -1997698639 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03gold | -1408336705 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses | 352321488 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
SUPER Stocking | stocking.large | -465682601 | A SUPER Stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get an awesome gift! | 1 |
Supply Signal | supply.signal | 1397052267 | Purple signal smoke. Use to mark a location for an airdrop. | 1 |
Surface torpedo | submarine.torpedo.rising | -239306133 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead while rising to the water's surface. | 100 |
Surgeon Scrubs | halloween.surgeonsuit | -1785231475 | A Surgeon Suit | 1 |
Survey Charge | surveycharge | 1975934948 | Use this on the terrain to see which resources are available for mining. | 10 |
Survival Fish Trap | fishtrap.small | 559147458 | Traps fish, place on the shore and load with bait. The more bait loaded the bigger the chance of catching Trout. | 5 |
Switch | electric.switch | 1951603367 | A simple electric switch. | 5 |
T-Shirt | tshirt | 223891266 | A t-shirt with very short sleeves. | 1 |
Table | table | 593465182 | Every home needs a table. A decorative item which provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Tactical Gloves | tactical.gloves | -1108136649 | Military issue tactical gloves provide protection as well as weapon stabilization leading to higher accuracy when used. | 1 |
Tall Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.tall | 121049755 | A tall canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Tank Top | shirt.tanktop | 1608640313 | A tshirt without sleeves | 1 |
Targeting Computer | targeting.computer | 1523195708 | A computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. | 64 |
Tarp | tarp | 2019042823 | A waterproof tarp. | 20 |
Taxi Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.taxi | -626174997 | Single module seating for two passengers, with protection at the front. | 1 |
Tech Trash | techparts | 73681876 | A collection of random tech parts. | 50 |
Telephone | telephone | 1234878710 | Use the telephone to call other telephones on the island! | 1 |
Tesla Coil | electric.teslacoil | 1371909803 | A Tesla Coil | 3 |
Test Generator | electric.generator.small | -295829489 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
Thompson | smg.thompson | -1758372725 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Tiger Mask | hat.tigermask | 709206314 | A special tiger mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Timed Explosive Charge | explosive.timed | 1248356124 | C4, useful for breaking into bases. | 10 |
Timer | electric.timer | 665332906 | A Timer switch, will pass power through for duration. | 5 |
Tomaha Snowmobile | snowmobiletomaha | 1768112091 | An old snowmobile from around 1980. | 1 |
Tool Cupboard | cupboard.tool | -97956382 | Placing and authorising with the cupboard will make it so only you can build in a 50 meter radius of it. If you want your friends to build, they'll need to auth too. You should protect this. | 1 |
Torch | torch | 795236088 | A Torch. Lights your way at night and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Torpedo | submarine.torpedo.straight | -1671551935 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead in a straight line. | 100 |
Tree Lights | xmas.decoration.lights | 1723747470 | A tree isn't complete without colorful lights! | 1 |
Triangle Ladder Hatch | floor.triangle.ladder.hatch | 2041899972 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Tuna Can Lamp | tunalight | -1478445584 | A Makeshift wall light. | 1 |
Twitch Rivals Trophy | trophy | 975983052 | A trophy dedicated to the survivors of Rust Twitch Rivals | 1 |
Two Sided Hanging Sign | sign.hanging | 1205607945 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign | sign.hanging.ornate | -1647846966 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town.roof | 826309791 | A double sided town sign post, with roof, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Vending Machine | vending.machine | 198438816 | Trade your goods with other players safely by creating sell and buy orders.
If a raider gains access to the rear panel, they will have free reign over all of your goodies. Keep it safe. | 1 |
Violet Boomer | firework.boomer.violet | -280223496 | A very large mortar type firework with a violet starburst | 20 |
Violet Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.violet | -99886070 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Violet balls into the air | 20 |
Violet Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.violet | -1538109120 | Emits a beautiful shower of Violet sparks | 20 |
Vodka Bottle | bottle.vodka | 755224797 | A bottle of Russian Vodka. | 1 |
Wagon | wagon | 996757362 | A train car. | 1 |
Watch Tower | watchtower.wood | -463122489 | A high wooden watchtower with a ladder | 10 |
Water | water | -1779180711 | Water. Drinking it will alleviate your thirst. | 2147483647 |
Water Barrel | water.barrel | -1863559151 | A storage container for water. Can output 10ml of water a second via a hose. | 1 |
Water Bucket | bucket.water | 1424075905 | A bucket for transporting water or other liquids. | 1 |
Water Gun | gun.water | 722955039 | A large water gun with pumpable pressure. Hold reload to pump! | 1 |
Water Jug | waterjug | -119235651 | A large jerry can for water. | 1 |
Water Pistol | pistol.water | -1815301988 | A small water gun that doesn't require pumping, but has a lower range and output. | 1 |
Water Pump | waterpump | -1284169891 | Can be placed in a water source to collect that water while powered. Can be connected to other Water entities. | 1 |
Water Purifier | water.purifier | 2114754781 | A Water Purifier. Place overtop of a campfire. Will provide clean, drinkable water from salty, or stagnant water. | 1 |
Waterpipe Shotgun | shotgun.waterpipe | -1367281941 | A Shotgun. Fires a single round before reloading. | 1 |
Weapon flashlight | weapon.mod.flashlight | 952603248 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a beam of light. Pressing F (default) to toggle light. | 1 |
Weapon Lasersight | weapon.mod.lasersight | -132516482 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a guiding laser and reduces weapon sway. | 1 |
Wetsuit | diving.wetsuit | -1101924344 | A Wetsuit providing protection from frigid waters. | 1 |
Wheelbarrow Piano | piano | 1272430949 | The Piano is a repurposed wheelbarrow that weighs a ton, but makes up for it with a wide range of notes. | 1 |
White Berry | white.berry | 854447607 | A white berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
White Berry Clone | clone.white.berry | 1533551194 | A clipping of a White Berry Plant. | 50 |
White Berry Seed | seed.white.berry | -992286106 | These white berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
White Volcano Firework | firework.volcano | 261913429 | Emits a beautiful shower of white sparks | 20 |
Wind Turbine | generator.wind.scrap | -1819763926 | Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds. | 1 |
Wire Tool | wiretool | -144417939 | A tool used to make connections between electrical objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle. you can then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. holding right mouse will clear or cancel a connection. | 1 |
Wolf Headdress | hat.wolf | -1478212975 | A headdress made out of the scraped out head of a wolf. | 1 |
Wolf Skull | skull.wolf | 2048317869 | A wolf skull. | 1 |
Wood | wood | -151838493 | Wood. Collected from trees and used in many crafting recipes. It's also needed to cook in camp-fires. | 1000 |
Wood Armor Helmet | wood.armor.helmet | -2094954543 | A shoddy helmet made from Wood and Cloth. | 1 |
Wood Armor Pants | wood.armor.pants | 832133926 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Chestplate | wood.armor.jacket | 418081930 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Double Door | door.double.hinged.wood | -1336109173 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wood Shutters | shutter.wood.a | -1023374709 | Wood shutters that you can open and close. | 20 |
Wood Storage Box | box.wooden | -180129657 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 18 items. | 1 |
Wooden Arrow | arrow.wooden | -1234735557 | An arrow for a Hunting Bow and Crossbow. | 64 |
Wooden Barricade | barricade.wood | 866889860 | A wooden barricade. Will hurt players and animals that run into it. | 10 |
Wooden Barricade Cover | barricade.wood.cover | 1373240771 | Perfect for cover when engaging in gun fights. Decays rapidly when placed outside of building privilege. | 10 |
Wooden Cross | woodcross | 699075597 | A wooden cross marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Wooden Door | door.hinged.wood | 1729120840 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wooden Floor Spikes | spikes.floor | -92759291 | A set of spikes that will slow down and hurt anyone that walks over them. | 10 |
Wooden Horse Armor | horse.armor.wood | 1659447559 | A set of wooden horse armor | 1 |
Wooden Ladder | ladder.wooden.wall | -316250604 | A ladder will help you climb walls in any base. | 5 |
Wooden Spear | spear.wooden | 1540934679 | Primitive weapon, perfect for hunting your foes. Can be upgraded to Stone Spear. | 1 |
Wooden Window Bars | wall.window.bars.wood | -1183726687 | Window bars made out of wood. They'll stop people climbing through your window, but probably not for very long. | 10 |
Work Cart | workcart | -810326667 | A service train designed to run on an underground rail system. | 1 |
Workbench Level 1 | workbench1 | 1524187186 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 1 | 1 |
Workbench Level 2 | workbench2 | -41896755 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 2 | 1 |
Workbench Level 3 | workbench3 | -1607980696 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 3 | 1 |
Worm | worm | 1770475779 | A small, writhing worm that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Wrapped Gift | wrappedgift | 204970153 | A lazily wrapped gift. | 1 |
Wrapping Paper | wrappingpaper | 1094293920 | Use this to conceal any item in a lazily wrapped gift | 1 |
XL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xl | -996185386 | An extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
XOR Switch | electric.xorswitch | 1293102274 | An exclusive-or logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if ONLY ONE input receives power, passthrough amount is whichever single input is active. if BOTH inputs recieve power, passthrough will be zero. | 5 |
XXL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xxl | 98508942 | A double extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Xylobone | xylophone | -211235948 | A selection of bones that were ¡°acquired¡± for their acoustic attributes. Play a lullaby for your camp with these soothing tones. | 1 |
Yellow Berry | yellow.berry | 1660145984 | A yellow berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Yellow Berry Clone | clone.yellow.berry | 390728933 | A clipping of a Yellow Berry Plant. | 50 |
Yellow Berry Seed | seed.yellow.berry | -520133715 | These yellow berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Yellow Perch | fish.yellowperch | 680234026 | A Yellow Perch, commonly found in freshwater rivers. | 10 |
Cockpit Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.cockpit | -1501451746 | Single module cockpit for a driver and one passenger. | 1 |
Cockpit With Engine Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.cockpit.with.engine | 170758448 | Single module cockpit for a driver and one passenger, with a small engine. | 1 |
Code Lock | lock.code | 1159991980 | An electronic lock. Locked and unlocked with four-digit code. | 10 |
Coffee Can Helmet | coffeecan.helmet | -803263829 | A Coffee Can Helmet. It provides a level of regional protection from inflicted damage. | 1 |
Coffin | coffin.storage | 573676040 | An old wooden coffin, can store up to 42 items | 1 |
Combat Knife | knife.combat | 2040726127 | Combat knife designed for close combat engagements, can attack while sprinting. Best in class at harvesting flesh. | 1 |
Composter | composter | -1488398114 | Produces fertilizer from compostable items. | 1 |
Compound Bow | bow.compound | 884424049 | A very powerful bow. Can only be fully drawn while stationary. Keep still for bonus damage and speed. | 1 |
Computer Station | computerstation | -1588628467 | A Computer station for remote control access | 1 |
Concrete Barricade | barricade.concrete | -1950721390 | A barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Concrete Hatchet | concretehatchet | 1176355476 | A salvaged piece of concrete and rebar which can be used to harvest wood | 1 |
Concrete Pickaxe | concretepickaxe | -1360171080 | A salvaged piece of concrete and rebar with a sharp edge. Can be used to harvest Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Connected Speaker | connected.speaker | 968421290 | A small speaker that will play any audio from a connected Boom Box. | 5 |
Cooked Bear Meat | bearmeat.cooked | 1873897110 | Delicious Bear Meat, Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Cooked Chicken | chicken.cooked | -1848736516 | Cooked chicken. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Cooked Deer Meat | deermeat.cooked | -1509851560 | Cooked Deer Meat. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Cooked Fish | fish.cooked | 1668129151 | Cooked Fish. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Cooked Horse Meat | horsemeat.cooked | -1162759543 | Cooked Horse Meat. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Cooked Human Meat | humanmeat.cooked | 1536610005 | Salty meat from a human being, eating this will restore some hunger and health but reduces hydration. Maybe you should look for a better food source. | 20 |
Cooked Pork | meat.pork.cooked | -242084766 | Cooked pork, Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Cooked Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.cooked | 813023040 | Cooked Wolf Meat. Eating it will restore some health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Corn | corn | 1367190888 | An ear of corn. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Corn Clone | clone.corn | -778875547 | A Clipping of a Corn Plant. | 50 |
Corn Seed | seed.corn | 998894949 | Corn seeds can be found when picking wild Corn plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Counter | electric.counter | -216999575 | A basic cathode ray tube screen combined with an incremental counter. Can display power received, or can count upwards and allow passthrough when a target is reached. | 5 |
Cowbell | fun.cowbell | -1049881973 | A road sign that\'s been repurposed to produce some beautiful, calming, percussion. | 1 |
Crate Costume | cratecostume | 1189981699 | A sneaky crate costume. Use with a friend to expertly troll other players | 1 |
Crossbow | crossbow | 1965232394 | A very accurate ranged weapon. | 1 |
Crude Oil | crude.oil | -321733511 | Raw Oil out of the ground, must be refined in a refinery to be used. | 500 |
Cultist Deer Torch | torch.torch.skull | -1175656359 | Cultist Deer Torch | 1 |
Cursed Cauldron | cursedcauldron | 1242522330 | A spooky cast iron cauldron with a green goo. | 1 |
Custom SMG | smg.2 | 1796682209 | A rapid-firing Machine Gun. Sacrifices accuracy and distance for speed. | 1 |
Decorative Baubels | xmas.decoration.baubels | -1667224349 | Decorative Baubels you can hang on your Christmas tree | 1 |
Decorative Gingerbread Men | xmas.decoration.gingerbreadmen | 1686524871 | Decorative Gingerbread Men you can hang on your Christmas tree | 1 |
Decorative Pinecones | xmas.decoration.pinecone | -129230242 | Decorative Pinecones you can hang on your Christmas tree | 1 |
Decorative Plastic Candy Canes | xmas.decoration.candycanes | -209869746 | Decorative Plastic Candy Canes you can hang on your Christmas tree | 1 |
Decorative Tinsel | xmas.decoration.tinsel | 2106561762 | Decorative Tinsel you can hang on your Christmas tree | 1 |
Deluxe Christmas Lights | xmas.lightstring.advanced | -151387974 | Colored, Animated, Powered Lights. Requires 5 electricity. Click to start placement, right click to end. Each unit is 0.5m long. | 150 |
Diesel Fuel | diesel_barrel | 1568388703 | Appropriate fuel for the excavator | 20 |
Disco Ball | discoball | 1895235349 | Get groovy with this stunning disco ball. | 5 |
Disco Floor | discofloor.largetiles | 1735402444 | A vibrant flashing floor that pulses in time to music. | 5 |
Disco Floor | discofloor | 286648290 | A vibrant flashing floor that pulses in time to music. | 5 |
Diving Fins | diving.fins | 296519935 | Diving Fins which greatly increase underwater movement | 1 |
Diving Mask | diving.mask | -113413047 | A Diving Mask. Provides clear vision under water. | 1 |
Diving Tank | diving.tank | -2022172587 | An oxygen tank that enables breathing under water for a period of time. Can be refilled at a workbench. | 1 |
Dog Tag | dogtagneutral | 1223900335 | Neutral Dog Tag | 5000 |
Door Closer | door.closer | 1409529282 | Auotmatically closes your doors when left open. | 1 |
Door Controller | electric.doorcontroller | -502177121 | A Door Controller. Will manipulate the state of the closest door when it receives power | 5 |
Door Key | door.key | -1112793865 | A key to a door, created from a Lock. Keep this item safe; if lost you\'ll be unable to open the door again! | 1 |
Double Barrel Shotgun | shotgun.double | -765183617 | A Shotgun with two barrels allowing two shots to be fired in quick succession before needing to reload. | 1 |
Double Sign Post | sign.post.double | 1521286012 | A double sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Dragon Door Knocker | dragondoorknocker | -854270928 | A heavy brass door knocker | 1 |
Dragon Mask | hat.dragonmask | -22883916 | A special dragon mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Drone | drone | 1588492232 | A remote controlled drone. | 1 |
Drop Box | dropbox | -1519126340 | This item can be deployed on walls so that players can input items from the exterior of the building for safe keeping. You can only access the submitted contents of the Drop Box from the rear. | 5 |
Duct Tape | ducttape | 1401987718 | A versatile adhesive tape reinforced with cloth. | 20 |
Duo Submarine | submarineduo | 1015352446 | A small two-person submarine. | 1 |
Easter Door Wreath | easterdoorwreath | -979302481 | A beautiful, hand crafted Easter themed door wreath. | 1 |
Egg Basket | easterbasket | 1856217390 | An easter egg basket. Equip to pick up eggs during an easter egg hunt with left click. Use right click to throw | 1 |
Egg Suit | attire.egg.suit | -747743875 | An eggsquisite egg costume, can be painted when unequipped. Releasing publicly in 2023 | 1 |
Egg Suit Sign Test | sign.egg.suit | -394470247 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 5 |
Electric Furnace | electric.furnace | -1196547867 | An electrical version of a furnace that uses power instead of a fuel source. | 1 |
Electric Fuse | fuse | -629028935 | An unreliable electric fuse. Will allow electrical passthrough for a period of time. | 10 |
Electric Heater | electric.heater | -784870360 | Provides warmth in a radius when on | 5 |
Electrical Branch | electrical.branch | -1448252298 | This object allows you to branch power off from a main line by a set amount. | 5 |
Elevator | elevator | 1177596584 | A powered elevator. Place another elevator above or below this to connect it. Requires power. | 5 |
Empty Can Of Beans | can.beans.empty | 1655979682 | An empty Can of Beans. Can be smelted into Metal Fragments. | 10 |
Empty Propane Tank | propanetank | -1673693549 | Strong metal object. | 5 |
Empty Tuna Can | can.tuna.empty | -1557377697 | An empty Can of Tuna. Can be smelted into Metal Fragments. | 10 |
Engine Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.engine | 1559779253 | Single module large engine. | 1 |
Eoka Pistol | pistol.eoka | -75944661 | A very cheap, very ineffective, and very unreliable pistol that fires shells. | 1 |
Explosive 5.56 Rifle Ammo | ammo.rifle.explosive | -1321651331 | This ammo explodes on contact dealing a small amount of fragmentation damage to nearby objects. | 128 |
Explosives | explosives | -592016202 | A component used for crafting C4 and Rockets. | 100 |
Extended Magazine | weapon.mod.extendedmags | 2005491391 | Larger magazine size | 1 |
F1 Grenade | grenade.f1 | 143803535 | Reliable explosive device. | 5 |
Factory Door | factorydoor | 2054391128 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. Contains a bulletproof viewing portal | 1 |
Fertilizer | fertilizer | -930193596 | Helps plants grow by increasing ground condition. Produced in a composter. | 1000 |
Festive Doorway Garland | xmas.door.garland | 674734128 | A Festive decoration to spruce up your doorway during the holdiays! | 10 |
Festive Double Doorway Garland | xmas.double.door.garland | -1230433643 | A Festive decoration to spruce up your double doorway during the holidays! | 10 |
Festive Window Garland | xmas.window.garland | -1379835144 | A Festive decoration to spruce up your windows during the holdiays! | 10 |
Fire Arrow | arrow.fire | 14241751 | A fuel soaked arrow, ignite it by aiming. | 64 |
Firecracker String | lunar.firecrackers | -1961560162 | Happy Lunar New Year! | 5 |
Fishing Tackle | fishing.tackle | -1707425764 | Fishing Tackle | 1 |
Flame Thrower | flamethrower | -1215753368 | A Flamethrower. Uses low grade fuel as ammunition. | 1 |
Flame Turret | flameturret | 528668503 | Automated Flame turret. Requires Low Grade Fuel. Sprays flames when triggered. | 1 |
Flare | flare | 304481038 | Light up the night sky with this brand new red flare! | 5 |
Flashbang | grenade.flashbang | -936921910 | A bright explosive device which blinds and disorients anyone near it upon detonation | 5 |
Flasher Light | electric.flasherlight | -939424778 | A flashing blue light | 5 |
Flashlight | flashlight.held | -196667575 | A powerful flashlight which illuminates your surroundings and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Flatbed Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.flatbed | -1880231361 | Single module flatbed. | 1 |
Floor grill | floor.grill | 936496778 | A floor grill must be placed in floor frames. Perfect for placing above a large furnace. | 10 |
Floor triangle grill | floor.triangle.grill | 1983621560 | A floor grill must be placed in floor frames. Perfect for placing above a large furnace. | 10 |
Fluid Combiner | fluid.combiner | -265292885 | Combines three separate fluid connections into one connection. | 5 |
Fluid Splitter | fluid.splitter | -1166712463 | Splits a fluid connection into three separate connections. | 5 |
Fluid Switch & Pump | fluid.switch | 443432036 | A simple switch that enables fluid to pass through. Can be switched on/off manually or via electricity. Can also pump water upwards to higher entities when powered. | 1 |
Fogger-3000 | fogmachine | -1973785141 | A Fog machine which runs on low grade fuel. Can be set to fill an area with a dense fog or triggered by motion. | 1 |
Frankenstein Table | frankensteintable | 1575635062 | Place a monsters head, torso and legs into the table to summon Frankensteins monster. | 1 |
Fridge | fridge | 1413014235 | A fridge you can store food into! | 1 |
Frog Boots | boots.frog | -1000573653 | Thank you for playing the game through its early access run. Enjoy these boots made from radiation resistant frog rubber. | 1 |
Fuel Tank Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.fuel.tank | 1186655046 | Dual module large fuel tank. | 1 |
Furnace | furnace | -1999722522 | A Furnace. Use it to smelt mined ore. | 1 |
Garage Door | wall.frame.garagedoor | -148794216 | A garage door that rolls up and down. | 1 |
Garry\'s Mod Tool Gun | toolgun | 1803831286 | Celebrating 15 Years of Garry\'s Mod! Use this tool gun to upgrade building parts. Right-click for the options. You can also pick up deployed objects while the hammer is equipped. | 1 |
Gas Mask | hat.gas.mask | 1659114910 | A Gas Mask | 1 |
Gears | gears | 479143914 | A selection of gears. Some functional, some not. | 20 |
Geiger Counter | geiger.counter | 999690781 | A geiger counter used by scientists | 1 |
Generic vehicle chassis | vehicle.chassis | 1770744540 | Generic vehicle chassis | 1 |
Generic vehicle module | vehicle.module | 878301596 | Generic vehicle module | 1 |
Ghost Costume | ghostsheet | -1043618880 | Definitely not a last minute costume idea. | 1 |
Giant Candy Decor | giantcandycanedecor | -695124222 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative inflated giant candy cane | 1 |
Giant Lollipop Decor | giantlollipops | 282103175 | Get into the holiday spirit with these decorative giant lollipops | 1 |
Gingerbread Suit | gingerbreadsuit | -558880549 | A suit made of gingerbread, slightly crunchy. | 1 |
Glowing Eyes | gloweyes | -690276911 | glowing eyes | 1 |
Glue | glue | -1899491405 | A strong adhesive. | 10 |
Gold Egg | easter.goldegg | -1002156085 | A Gold Egg. Containing the best easter loot. | 10 |
Granola Bar | granolabar | -746030907 | Granola Bar found as loot. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger. | 10 |
Gravestone | gravestone | 809199956 | A Gravestone marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Graveyard Fence | wall.graveyard.fence | -1679267738 | A Spooky Fence | 10 |
Green Berry | green.berry | 858486327 | A green berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Green Berry Clone | clone.green.berry | -1305326964 | A clipping of a Green Berry Plant. | 50 |
Green Berry Seed | seed.green.berry | -1776128552 | These green berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Green Boomer | firework.boomer.green | -656349006 | A very large mortar type firework with a green starburst | 20 |
Green Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.green | 1268178466 | A small green light source. | 10 |
Green Keycard | keycard_green | 37122747 | A low level clearance card granting access to basic areas. | 1 |
Green Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.green | -1306288356 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Green balls into the air | 20 |
Grub | grub | -568419968 | A pale, fleshy insect that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Gun Powder | gunpowder | -265876753 | Made from Sulfur and Charcoal, a key ingredient of anything that goes bang! | 1000 |
Hab Repair | habrepair | -1759188988 | Hab repair | 1 |
Halloween Candy | halloween.candy | -888153050 | Some loose halloween candy Collect 10 to upgrade to a Small Loot Bat! | 1000 |
Hammer | hammer | 200773292 | A Hammer, used to upgrade building materials. Right-click for the options. You can also pick up deployed objects while the hammer is equipped. | 1 |
Handmade Fishing Rod | fishingrod.handmade | 1569882109 | Use [attack2] to cast out the line and wait for a bite. Requires bait. | 1 |
Handmade Shell | ammo.handmade.shell | 588596902 | Shoddy ammo with multiple projectiles. | 64 |
Hatchet | hatchet | -1252059217 | A Hatchet, useful for chopping trees and dismembering corpses. | 1 |
Hazmat Suit | hazmatsuit | 1266491000 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
HBHF Sensor | electric.hbhfsensor | -1507239837 | A Heartbeat, Breathing, Humidity and Footstep sensor. Passthrough is equal to the number of humans detected in a 10m radius | 1 |
Headset | twitch.headset | -1569700847 | Every gamer needs a headset! - Gained from Rust\'s first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Heavy Frankenstein Head | frankensteins.monster.03.head | -297099594 | Slightly slower, slightly stronger.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Heavy Frankenstein Legs | frankensteins.monster.03.legs | -2024549027 | Slightly slower, slightly stronger.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Heavy Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.03.torso | 1614528785 | Slightly slower, slightly stronger.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Heavy Plate Helmet | heavy.plate.helmet | 1181207482 | Offers superior protection at the cost of reduced vision and movement speed. | 1 |
Heavy Plate Jacket | heavy.plate.jacket | -1102429027 | Offers superior protection at the cost of aiming down sights and reduced movement speed. | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 | A balanced torso.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 | Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | 10 |
Medium Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 | A medium neon sign! | 5 |
Medium Present | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 | A medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | 5 |
Medium Quality Carburetor | carburetor2 | 656371027 | A medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Medium Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 | A medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Medium Quality Pistons | piston2 | 1883981801 | Medium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Medium Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug2 | -493159321 | Medium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Medium Quality Valves | valve2 | 926800282 | Medium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 | A Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Medium Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 | A 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Megaphone | megaphone | -583379016 | A megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | 1 |
Memory Cell | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 | A 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | 5 |
Metal Barricade | barricade.metal | 1655650836 | A tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | 10 |
Metal Blade | metalblade | 1882709339 | A Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | 20 |
Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Facemask | metal.facemask | -194953424 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Fragments | metal.fragments | 69511070 | Metal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | 1000 |
Metal horizontal embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 | Static shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Ore | metal.ore | -4031221 | A naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | 1000 |
Metal Pipe | metalpipe | 95950017 | Metal Pipe. | 20 |
Metal Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 | A bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | 1 |
Metal Spring | metalspring | -1021495308 | A metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | 20 |
Metal Vertical embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 | Static shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Window Bars | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 | Metal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | 10 |
Microphone Stand | microphonestand | 39600618 | A powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+reload] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | 5 |
Miners Hat | hat.miner | -1539025626 | A leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | 1 |
Mining Quarry | mining.quarry | 1052926200 | Extracts minerals from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of minerals available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Minnows | fish.minnows | -542577259 | A Small group of edible fish. | 10 |
Mixing Table | mixingtable | 1259919256 | Used for mixing recipes. | 1 |
MLRS | mlrs | -1449152644 | M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | 1 |
MLRS Aiming Module | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 | An aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | 1 |
MLRS Rocket | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 | A rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | 6 |
Mobile Phone | mobilephone | -20045316 | A mobile phone that lets you place calls from anywhere. Truly cutting edge Cobalt technology. Use [attack] to access the dialler. | 1 |
Modular Car Lift | modularcarlift | 1696050067 | This allows you to modify modular vehicles | 1 |
Molotov Cocktail | grenade.molotov | 1556365900 | An incendiary device | 5 |
Movember Moustache | movembermoustache | -2047081330 | A magnificent moustache for Movember | 1 |
MP5A4 | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Multiple Grenade Launcher | multiplegrenadelauncher | -1123473824 | A 40MM six barrel, semi automatic grenade launcher | 1 |
Mummy Suit | halloween.mummysuit | 277730763 | A mummy suit | 1 |
Mushroom | mushroom | -1962971928 | A Mushroom found on the ground. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Muzzle Boost | weapon.mod.muzzleboost | -1405508498 | Increases weapon fire rate by channeling gasses back into the weapon cycling it faster, at the cost of bullet velocity and accuracy. | 1 |
Muzzle Brake | weapon.mod.muzzlebrake | 1478091698 | Lowers recoil felt by the operator but can make bullet path more unpredictable and dealing slightly less damage to your foes. | 1 |
Nailgun | pistol.nailgun | 1953903201 | A construction tool turned deadly | 1 |
Nailgun Nails | ammo.nailgun.nails | -2097376851 | Standard nailgun ammunition | 64 |
Nest Hat | attire.nesthat | 1081315464 | An extremely silly easter nest hat with googly eyes. | 1 |
Netting | wall.frame.netting | 1516985844 | Netting you can climb. | 5 |
New Year Gong | newyeargong | -961457160 | Ring in the Lunar new year with a massive gong! | 1 |
Night Vision Goggles | nightvisiongoggles | -1518883088 | Enables vision at nighttime by projecting and amplifying infrared light.The batteries can be recharged at a Lvl 2 workbench. Cannot be worn with a helmet. | 1 |
Ninja Suit | attire.ninja.suit | -1506417026 | BaboAbe Ninja Suit | 1 |
Nomad Suit | hazmatsuit.nomadsuit | 491263800 | A nomad suit. | 1 |
Note | note | 1414245162 | A scrap of paper for leaving notes. | 1 |
One Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town | -1832422579 | A one sided town sign post, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
OR Switch | electric.orswitch | -1286302544 | A logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if EITHER input receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | 5 |
Orange Boomer | firework.boomer.orange | -7270019 | A very large mortar type firework with an orange starburst | 20 |
Orange Roughy | fish.orangeroughy | -1904821376 | A rare fish found in the depths of the ocean. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Ox Mask | hat.oxmask | 1315082560 | An Ox mask to celebrate the 2021 Lunar New Year. | 1 |
Paddle | paddle | 1491189398 | A versatile melee weapon that can also be used to paddle a kayak. | 1 |
Paddling Pool | paddlingpool | -733625651 | A small inflatable pool that you can fill up with water. | 1 |
Painted Egg | easter.paintedeggs | -126305173 | Some simple painted eggs. Collect 10 to upgrade to a bronze egg | 1000 |
Pan Flute | fun.flute | -2040817543 | A set of repurposed PVC pipes that can be used to play a variety of melodies. | 1 |
Pants | pants | 237239288 | Pants. | 1 |
Paper | paper | -1779183908 | Paper, a ingredient for Building plan and Note. | 1000 |
Paper Map | map | 696029452 | Helps you figure out where you are. You can annotate the map by right-clicking and drawing on it. Drag the map into your belt bar to make it active. You will then be able to view the map by holding down the map button (G by default). | 1 |
Party Hat | partyhat | -575744869 | A very stupid looking party hat | 1 |
Passenger Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.passengers | 895374329 | Dual module seating. | 1 |
Pattern Boomer | firework.boomer.pattern | -379734527 | A special boomer which allows you light up the night sky with a custom pattern that you draw. Multiple colors and altitude settings are available. | 20 |
Photograph | photo | 62577426 | A photograph taken with an instant camera. | 1 |
Pickaxe | pickaxe | -1302129395 | A Pickaxe, useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pickles | jar.pickle | 286193827 | Cucumbers in a vinegar bath, jarred by an amateur. Eat at your own risk. | 10 |
Pipe Tool | pipetool | -144513264 | Now you're thinking with pipes! | 1 |
Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol | 785728077 | Ammunition for a Pistol. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | 128 |
Pitchfork | pitchfork | 1090916276 | A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with. | 1 |
Plant Fiber | plantfiber | -804769727 | Fiber from dead plants. Can be composted. | 1000 |
Plumber's Trumpet | fun.trumpet | 273172220 | Toot your own horn with this brassy improvised Trumpet. | 1 |
Pookie Bear | pookie.bear | -1651220691 | A companion that reminds you of your youth. | 1 |
Portable Boom Box | fun.boomboxportable | 576509618 | A portable Boom Box that can play tapes and internet audio streams. [attack] to start/stop and [attack2] to modify settings. | 1 |
Portrait Photo Frame | photoframe.portrait | 1729712564 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Portrait Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.portrait | -1370759135 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Potato | potato | -2086926071 | Potato. | 20 |
Potato Clone | clone.potato | 1512054436 | A Clipping of a Potato Plant. | 50 |
Potato Seed | seed.potato | -2084071424 | These potato seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Powered Water Purifier | powered.water.purifier | -365097295 | A device that converts salt water to fresh water while powered. | 1 |
Pressure Pad | electric.pressurepad | -2049214035 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is standing on it | 1 |
Prison Cell Gate | wall.frame.cell.gate | -956706906 | A prison cell gate to lock things behind bars | 1 |
Prison Cell Wall | wall.frame.cell | -1429456799 | A prison cell wall. | 10 |
Prototype 17 | pistol.prototype17 | 1914691295 | A burst fire prototype pistol | 1 |
Prototype Hatchet | lumberjack.hatchet | -399173933 | A prototype field hatchet, useful for gathering wood | 1 |
Prototype Pickaxe | lumberjack.pickaxe | 236677901 | A prototype field pickaxe. Useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pump Jack | mining.pumpjack | -1130709577 | Extracts oil from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of oil available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Pump Shotgun | shotgun.pump | 795371088 | A Shotgun. Fires six rounds. | 1 |
Pumpkin | pumpkin | -567909622 | An edible vegetable that can also be worn as a hat. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Pumpkin Bucket | pumpkinbasket | 1346158228 | A pumpkin basket to help you collect candy much faster during Trick or Treat events with left click. Use right click to throw candy | 1 |
Pumpkin Plant Clone | clone.pumpkin | 1898094925 | A Clipping of a pumpkin plant. | 50 |
Pumpkin Seed | seed.pumpkin | -1511285251 | Pumpkin Seeds can be found when picking wild Pumpkin plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Pumpkins and faster groth. | 50 |
Pure Anti-Rad Tea | radiationresisttea.pure | -33009419 | A tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | 10 |
Pure Healing Tea | healingtea.pure | -1677315902 | A tea that restores health over time. | 10 |
Pure Max Health Tea | maxhealthtea.pure | 1712261904 | A tea that increases your maximum health. | 10 |
Pure Ore Tea | oretea.pure | 1729374708 | A tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | 10 |
Pure Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea.pure | 1905387657 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
Pure Scrap Tea | scraptea.pure | 2024467711 | A tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | 10 |
Pure Wood Tea | woodtea.pure | -557539629 | A tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | 10 |
Purple Sunglasses | twitchsunglasses | 20489901 | Sunglasses - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Python Revolver | pistol.python | 1373971859 | A High Powered six-shooter. | 1 |
Rabbit Mask | hat.rabbitmask | -986782031 | A Beautifully crafted Rabbit mask to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea | -496584751 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
RAND Switch | electric.random.switch | 492357192 | This switch will allow passthrough based on a random number. Each time the SET input receives power it will roll true or false to allow passthrough | 5 |
Rat Mask | hat.ratmask | 271048478 | A Beautifully crafted bronze and gold Rat mask to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Raw Bear Meat | bearmeat | -1520560807 | Raw Bear Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Chicken Breast | chicken.raw | -1440987069 | Raw chicken breast. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Deer Meat | deermeat.raw | 1422530437 | Raw Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Fish | fish.raw | 989925924 | Raw Fish. | 20 |
Raw Horse Meat | horsemeat.raw | -1130350864 | Raw Horse Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Human Meat | humanmeat.raw | -1709878924 | Raw human meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Raw Pork | meat.boar | 621915341 | Raw pork. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.raw | -395377963 | Raw Wolf Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Reactive Target | target.reactive | -1736356576 | A reactive target that knocks down when hit, can be reset. | 1 |
Rear Seats Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.rear.seats | 1376065505 | Single module seating for two passengers. | 1 |
Red Berry | red.berry | 1272194103 | A red berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Red Berry Clone | clone.red.berry | 2133269020 | A clipping of a Red Berry Plant. | 50 |
Red Berry Seed | seed.red.berry | 830839496 | These red berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Red Boomer | firework.boomer.red | -1553999294 | A very large mortar type firework with a red starburst | 20 |
Red Dog Tags | reddogtags | -602717596 | Red Dog Tags | 5000 |
Red Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.red | -1160621614 | A small red light source. | 10 |
Red Keycard | keycard_red | -1880870149 | A keycard with advanced clearance, grants access to top level areas | 1 |
Red Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.red | -1486461488 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of red balls into the air | 20 |
Red Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.red | -454370658 | Emits a beautiful shower of red sparks | 20 |
Reindeer Antlers | attire.reindeer.headband | -324675402 | A festive reindeer antlers headband and nose. | 1 |
Reinforced Glass Window | wall.window.bars.toptier | 671706427 | Window bars to fit a standard window. These bars are made out of reinforced metal and contain a thick surround to protect from incoming projectiles. | 10 |
Repair Bench | box.repair.bench | 803222026 | You can repair your items here for a fraction of their construction cost. You may also use this to apply new skins to existing items. | 1 |
Research Paper | researchpaper | -544317637 | Use this item in a Research Bench to create blueprints of items. | 1000 |
Research Table | research.table | -1861522751 | You can use this table to learn how to permanently craft items you have found in exchange for scrap. | 1 |
Revolver | pistol.revolver | 649912614 | A standard eight shot revolver. | 1 |
RF Broadcaster | electric.rf.broadcaster | -1044468317 | An RF Broadcaster | 1 |
RF Pager | rf_pager | -566907190 | An RF Pager. An audible tone will be produced when a signal is picked up on the listening frequency. Can be set to silent mode. | 1 |
RF Receiver | electric.rf.receiver | 888415708 | An RF Receiver | 1 |
RF Transmitter | rf.detonator | 596469572 | A hand held RF signal broadcaster. Left click to broadcast. Configurable with right mouse. | 1 |
RHIB | rhib | 1394042569 | | 1 |
Rifle Body | riflebody | 176787552 | The firing mechanism of a rifle. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire 5.56 ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Riot Helmet | riot.helmet | 671063303 | A makeshift riot Helmet. Great at deflecting melee attacks. | 1 |
Road Sign Jacket | roadsign.jacket | -2002277461 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Sign Kilt | roadsign.kilt | 1850456855 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Signs | roadsigns | 1199391518 | Some road signs made of metal. | 20 |
Roadsign Gloves | roadsign.gloves | -699558439 | Gloves made out of metal offers a good amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Roadsign Horse Armor | horse.armor.roadsign | 60528587 | A set of roadsign armor for a horse | 1 |
Rock | rock | 963906841 | A Rock. The most basic melee weapon and gathering tool. | 1 |
Rocket | ammo.rocket.basic | -742865266 | Ammunition for a Rocket Launcher. A short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact. | 3 |
Rocket Launcher | rocket.launcher | 442886268 | Shoots rockets slightly farther than North Korea. | 1 |
Root Combiner | electrical.combiner | -458565393 | This object combines two root electrical sources into a single signal. Helpful for stringing together low energy batteries or solar panels to produce higher power output. Can be wired in series, can not be used with any non energy producing electrical components. | 5 |
Rope | rope | 1414245522 | A Length of Rope. | 50 |
Rotten Apple | apple.spoiled | 352130972 | A rotten apple. Eating it currently provides a tiny boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 1 |
Rowboat | rowboat | 1878053256 | | 1 |
Rug | rug | -1985799200 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rug Bear Skin | rug.bear | -1104881824 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Blue | rustige_egg_b | -173268132 | A beautiful hand crafted white gold and sapphire encrusted egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Green | rustige_egg_e | -173268125 | A beautiful hand crafted gold and green egg, with a miniature traincart contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Ivory | rustige_egg_d | -173268126 | A beautiful hand crafted Ivory and gold egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Purple | rustige_egg_c | -173268131 | A beautiful hand crafted purple egg with gold lace, a miniature offshore monument is contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Red | rustige_egg_a | -173268129 | An exquisite hand crafted gold and diamond egg. When opened, a very special melody can be heard as you observe an intricate representation of your favorite monument. | 1 |
Saddle bag | horse.saddlebag | 1400460850 | Equipping this saddle bag will add extra storage space on your horse | 1 |
Salmon | fish.salmon | -851988960 | A large Salmon, found in fresh and salt water. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 10 |
Salt Water | water.salt | -277057363 | Water with a high salt content. Consuming will damage your health. | 2147483647 |
Salvaged Axe | axe.salvaged | -262590403 | A high-yield resource gathering axe. Slower than the Hatchet. | 1 |
Salvaged Cleaver | salvaged.cleaver | -1978999529 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with high damage. | 1 |
Salvaged Hammer | hammer.salvaged | -1506397857 | A Hammer made from a bunch of other crap. | 1 |
Salvaged Icepick | icepick.salvaged | -1780802565 | A high-yield resource gathering Icepick. | 1 |
Salvaged Shelves | shelves | 1950721418 | Shelves for item stacking | 10 |
Salvaged Sword | salvaged.sword | 1326180354 | A powerful melee weapon made from a filed-down wrench. Great durability, good damage. | 1 |
SAM Ammo | ammo.rocket.sam | -384243979 | Ammunition for a Sam Site, This missile contains a rudimentary guidance system to help it navigate through strong winds. | 1000 |
SAM Site | samsite | -1009359066 | A surface to air rocket site. Requires 25 electricity to function. | 1 |
Sandbag Barricade | barricade.sandbags | -559599960 | A protective barricade made out of Sand Bags. | 10 |
Santa Beard | santabeard | 2126889441 | A santa beard. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Santa Hat | santahat | -575483084 | A santa hat. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Sardine | fish.sardine | -1654233406 | A small oily fish, commonly found in large schools. | 10 |
Satchel Charge | explosive.satchel | -1878475007 | Small explosive package constructed of beancan grenades. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. | 10 |
Scarecrow | scarecrow | 177226991 | Get into the Halloween spirit with this decorative deployable item. | 5 |
Scarecrow Suit | scarecrow.suit | 273951840 | A spooky scarecrow suit | 1 |
Scarecrow Wrap | scarecrowhead | 809942731 | A creepy burlap scarecrow hat | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist | -253079493 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper | -1958316066 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scrap | scrap | -932201673 | Scrap can be used in a Research table and Workbench to unlock and research items. Often used as a currency throughout the world. | 1000 |
ScrapTransportHeliRepair | scraptransportheli.repair | -1884328185 | ScrapTransportHeliRepair Dummy | 1 |
Search Light | searchlight | 2087678962 | A Large, wide beam, aimable light source. | 1 |
Secret Lab Chair | secretlabchair | 567871954 | A luxurious, comfortable chair for long sessions of CCTV watching. | 5 |
Semi Automatic Body | semibody | 573926264 | The firing mechanism of a semi automatic weapon. | 10 |
Semi-Automatic Pistol | pistol.semiauto | 818877484 | A semi-automatic pistol, fires rapidly and with good accuracy. | 1 |
Semi-Automatic Rifle | rifle.semiauto | -904863145 | A Semi Automatic Rifle. | 1 |
Sewing Kit | sewingkit | 1234880403 | A Sewing kit. Used to make advanced clothing. | 20 |
Sheet Metal | sheetmetal | -1994909036 | Sheet metal scraps. | 20 |
Sheet Metal Door | door.hinged.metal | -2067472972 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Sheet Metal Double Door | door.double.hinged.metal | 1390353317 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Shirt | shirt.collared | -2025184684 | A smart casual shirt | 1 |
Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront | -796583652 | A shop front to do commerce. | 1 |
Short Ice Wall | wall.ice.wall | 1327005675 | A short wall made of solid ice. | 10 |
Shorts | pants.shorts | -1695367501 | Trousers without the bottom of the legs. | 1 |
Shotgun Trap | guntrap | 352499047 | A shotgun trap triggered by movement, place near doorways and load with handmade shells. | 1 |
Shovel Bass | fun.bass | -2107018088 | Use this stringed together shovel to play some deep, deep tunes. | 1 |
Sickle | sickle | -1368584029 | A very sharp curved cutting weapon. While its traditional role was to cut grass, this tool is also extremely versatile at cutting throats, perhaps trees, too. | 1 |
Silencer | weapon.mod.silencer | -1850571427 | Significantly reduces the sound of gunfire, and completely removes any visible muzzle flash. | 1 |
Silver Egg | easter.silveregg | 1757265204 | A Silver Egg. Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a gold Egg | 10 |
Simple Handmade Sight | weapon.mod.simplesight | -855748505 | A poorly made sight, slightly better than iron sights. | 1 |
Simple Light | electric.simplelight | -282113991 | A simple debugging light | 1 |
Single Sign Post | sign.post.single | 1542290441 | A single sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Siren Light | electric.sirenlight | 762289806 | A spinning siren light | 5 |
Skull | skull | 1312843609 | A spooky skull | 1 |
Skull Door Knocker | skulldoorknocker | -216116642 | A spooky skull door knocker | 1 |
Skull Fire Pit | skull_fire_pit | 553887414 | Enjoy burning your enemies remnants to ashes with this Halloween exclusive! Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.candles | -25740268 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.pumpkin | -1078639462 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes | -1073015016 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy | -769647921 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.table | -156748077 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar2 | -924959988 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar | 971362526 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Sky Lantern | skylantern | 1819863051 | A beautiful sky lantern. Can be launched in any direction. Has one inventory slot. Can be Ignited with a lit torch. | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Green | skylantern.skylantern.green | -1770889433 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Orange | skylantern.skylantern.orange | -1824770114 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Purple | skylantern.skylantern.purple | 831955134 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Red | skylantern.skylantern.red | -1433390281 | | 20 |
Sled | sled.xmas | -135252633 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sled | sled | -333406828 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sleeping Bag | sleepingbag | -1754948969 | A sleeping bag. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | 1 |
Small Candle Set | smallcandles | -2058362263 | Small Candles | 1 |
Small Chassis | vehicle.chassis.2mod | -44066600 | Two-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Small Generator | electric.fuelgenerator.small | 1849887541 | A small electric generator powered by Low Grade Fuel that outputs 40 power. | 1 |
Small Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.small | 1319617282 | Open for a surprise, or collect 10 to upgrade to a medium loot bag containing better loot! | 10 |
Small Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x125 | 1305578813 | A small neon sign! | 5 |
Small Oil Refinery | small.oil.refinery | -1293296287 | A small refinery which can produce Low Grade Fuel from Crude Oil. | 1 |
Small Planter Box | planter.small | 1903654061 | A small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | 10 |
Small Present | xmas.present.small | -722241321 | A small stocking stuffer present, Collect 10 to upgrade to a larger present. | 10 |
Small Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.small | -692338819 | A small rechargable battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Small Shark | fish.smallshark | -1768880890 | A small, surprisingly aggressive deep sea predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Small Stash | stash.small | -369760990 | A hidden, burried stash to keep your items safe. After placing, return to the stash and aim at the ground where you hid it and it will reveal itself. | 5 |
Small Stocking | stocking.small | 1668858301 | A small stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get a gift! Collect 6 to upgrade to a SUPER Stocking. | 5 |
Small Trout | fish.troutsmall | -1878764039 | A Small Trout. Good for a few meals. | 10 |
Small Water Bottle | smallwaterbottle | -1039528932 | A Small Water Bottle. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | 1 |
Small Water Catcher | water.catcher.small | -132247350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Small Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.small | -1138208076 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Smart Alarm | smart.alarm | -695978112 | Sends a notifications to your phone when powered on. | 5 |
Smart Switch | smart.switch | 988652725 | A smart electric switch. | 5 |
SMG Body | smgbody | 1230323789 | The firing mechanism of a submachinegun. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire pistol ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Smoke Grenade | grenade.smoke | 1263920163 | Produces a large cloud of opaque greyish white smoke. | 3 |
Smoke Rocket WIP!!!! | ammo.rocket.smoke | -17123659 | Emits thick, visibility blocking smoke upon impact. | 3 |
Snap Trap | trap.bear | -582782051 | A metal trap that can injure or even kill people when stepped on. Can be picked up after been triggered. | 3 |
Snow Jacket | jacket.snow | -48090175 | A thick, high visibility Jacket. It will help keep you warm in any climate. | 1 |
Snow Machine | snowmachine | 1358643074 | A machine which will blanket the surrounding terrain in snow. | 1 |
Snowball | snowball | -363689972 | A snowball, throw it! | 1 |
Snowball Gun | snowballgun | 1103488722 | Load snowballs and lay waste to your foes with Christmas cheer. | 1 |
Snowman | snowman | 1629293099 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative snowman | 5 |
Snowman Helmet | attire.snowman.helmet | -842267147 | A snowman helmet which provides ample protection. | 1 |
Snowmobile | snowmobile | -1364246987 | A custom snowmobile, made of various bits and pieces. | 1 |
Sofa | sofa | -555122905 | A comfortable old sofa. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Sofa - Pattern | sofa.pattern | 782422285 | A comfortable old sofa with a floral pattern. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Solo Submarine | submarinesolo | -187031121 | A small one-person submarine. | 1 |
Sound Light | soundlight | -343857907 | A light that will pulse in time to music when connected to a Boom Box. | 5 |
Sousaphone | fun.tuba | 1784406797 | A collection of used piping that¡¯s been converted into a Tuba. Probably not very hygienic. | 1 |
Space Suit | hazmatsuit.spacesuit | -560304835 | A spacesuit built for harsh conditions. | 1 |
Spas-12 Shotgun | shotgun.spas12 | -41440462 | A semi automatic military issue shotgun | 1 |
Speargun | speargun | -1517740219 | A speargun which can only be fired underwater. Excellent for hunting Sharks. | 1 |
Speargun Spear | speargun.spear | -1800345240 | Ammunition for a speargun. | 64 |
Spider Webs | spiderweb | 882559853 | Giant Cobwebs which can be hung against both a ceiling and a wall. | 10 |
Spinning wheel | spinner.wheel | -1100422738 | An interactive spinning wheel. | 1 |
Splitter | electric.splitter | -563624462 | Splits an electrical signal into 3 multiple signals. the amount passed through is equal to the input amount divided by the number of used output slots. | 5 |
Spoiled Chicken | chicken.spoiled | -751151717 | Spoiled Chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Human Meat | humanmeat.spoiled | 1272768630 | Spoiled Human Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.spoiled | -1167031859 | Spoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spooky Speaker | spookyspeaker | 1885488976 | Frighten your guests with creepy and spooky halloween sounds! | 1 |
Spray Can | spraycan | -596876839 | Use the Spray Can to leave Tags or reskin your items. Press [attack] to spray and [attack2] to reskin items. | 1 |
Spray Can Decal | spraycandecal | -1366326648 | | 10 |
Sprinkler | electric.sprinkler | -781014061 | A small sprinkler that sprays water around it. Requires a hose connection to supply it with water. | 10 |
Star Tree Topper | xmas.decoration.star | -1331212963 | A golden star to top off your Christmas Tree | 1 |
Sticks | sticks | 642482233 | Some long, some short. | 100 |
Stone Barricade | barricade.stone | 15388698 | A protective barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Stone Fireplace | fireplace.stone | -1535621066 | A stone fireplace to heat your home. Must be placed indoors and against a wall. | 1 |
Stone Hatchet | stonehatchet | -1583967946 | Primitive tool used for harvesting wood from trees and logs. | 1 |
Stone Pickaxe | stone.pickaxe | 171931394 | Primitive tool used for harvesting Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Stone Spear | spear.stone | 1602646136 | A stone-tipped wooden Spear. Slightly longer range. | 1 |
Stones | stones | -2099697608 | Harvested from rocks using tools, basic building material. | 1000 |
Storage Adaptor | storageadaptor | -1049172752 | Attach to a storage container to allow industrial input/output connections. | 5 |
Storage Monitor | storage.monitor | 1149964039 | The Storage Monitor attaches to the Tool Cupboard and Large Storage Box to monitor the container contents. Output sends a pulse when the container is updated. | 1 |
Storage Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.storage | 268565518 | Single module storage. | 1 |
Strengthened Glass Window | wall.window.glass.reinforced | -1614955425 | Bulletproof glass insert | 10 |
Strobe Light | strobelight | 2104517339 | A flashing light, 3 speeds. Causes seizures. | 1 |
Sulfur | sulfur | -1581843485 | Sulfur is commonly used in gunpowder, medicine, and matches. Matches release sulfur dioxide when they burn, giving them their smell. Sulfur is an essential component to living cells. Many proteins contain sulfur. It is also used as a pesticide on organic farms. | 1000 |
Sulfur Ore | sulfur.ore | -1157596551 | A rock containing sulfur. The sulfur can be extracted using a furnace. | 1000 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02black | 1258768145 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02camo | -2103694546 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02red | 1557173737 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03black | -176608084 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03chrome | -1997698639 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03gold | -1408336705 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses | 352321488 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
SUPER Stocking | stocking.large | -465682601 | A SUPER Stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get an awesome gift! | 1 |
Supply Signal | supply.signal | 1397052267 | Purple signal smoke. Use to mark a location for an airdrop. | 1 |
Surface torpedo | submarine.torpedo.rising | -239306133 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead while rising to the water's surface. | 100 |
Surgeon Scrubs | halloween.surgeonsuit | -1785231475 | A Surgeon Suit | 1 |
Survey Charge | surveycharge | 1975934948 | Use this on the terrain to see which resources are available for mining. | 10 |
Survival Fish Trap | fishtrap.small | 559147458 | Traps fish, place on the shore and load with bait. The more bait loaded the bigger the chance of catching Trout. | 5 |
Switch | electric.switch | 1951603367 | A simple electric switch. | 5 |
T-Shirt | tshirt | 223891266 | A t-shirt with very short sleeves. | 1 |
Table | table | 593465182 | Every home needs a table. A decorative item which provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Tactical Gloves | tactical.gloves | -1108136649 | Military issue tactical gloves provide protection as well as weapon stabilization leading to higher accuracy when used. | 1 |
Tall Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.tall | 121049755 | A tall canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Tank Top | shirt.tanktop | 1608640313 | A tshirt without sleeves | 1 |
Targeting Computer | targeting.computer | 1523195708 | A computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. | 64 |
Tarp | tarp | 2019042823 | A waterproof tarp. | 20 |
Taxi Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.taxi | -626174997 | Single module seating for two passengers, with protection at the front. | 1 |
Tech Trash | techparts | 73681876 | A collection of random tech parts. | 50 |
Telephone | telephone | 1234878710 | Use the telephone to call other telephones on the island! | 1 |
Tesla Coil | electric.teslacoil | 1371909803 | A Tesla Coil | 3 |
Test Generator | electric.generator.small | -295829489 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
Thompson | smg.thompson | -1758372725 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Tiger Mask | hat.tigermask | 709206314 | A special tiger mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Timed Explosive Charge | explosive.timed | 1248356124 | C4, useful for breaking into bases. | 10 |
Timer | electric.timer | 665332906 | A Timer switch, will pass power through for duration. | 5 |
Tomaha Snowmobile | snowmobiletomaha | 1768112091 | An old snowmobile from around 1980. | 1 |
Tool Cupboard | cupboard.tool | -97956382 | Placing and authorising with the cupboard will make it so only you can build in a 50 meter radius of it. If you want your friends to build, they'll need to auth too. You should protect this. | 1 |
Torch | torch | 795236088 | A Torch. Lights your way at night and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Torpedo | submarine.torpedo.straight | -1671551935 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead in a straight line. | 100 |
Tree Lights | xmas.decoration.lights | 1723747470 | A tree isn't complete without colorful lights! | 1 |
Triangle Ladder Hatch | floor.triangle.ladder.hatch | 2041899972 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Tuna Can Lamp | tunalight | -1478445584 | A Makeshift wall light. | 1 |
Twitch Rivals Trophy | trophy | 975983052 | A trophy dedicated to the survivors of Rust Twitch Rivals | 1 |
Two Sided Hanging Sign | sign.hanging | 1205607945 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign | sign.hanging.ornate | -1647846966 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town.roof | 826309791 | A double sided town sign post, with roof, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Vending Machine | vending.machine | 198438816 | Trade your goods with other players safely by creating sell and buy orders.
If a raider gains access to the rear panel, they will have free reign over all of your goodies. Keep it safe. | 1 |
Violet Boomer | firework.boomer.violet | -280223496 | A very large mortar type firework with a violet starburst | 20 |
Violet Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.violet | -99886070 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Violet balls into the air | 20 |
Violet Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.violet | -1538109120 | Emits a beautiful shower of Violet sparks | 20 |
Vodka Bottle | bottle.vodka | 755224797 | A bottle of Russian Vodka. | 1 |
Wagon | wagon | 996757362 | A train car. | 1 |
Watch Tower | watchtower.wood | -463122489 | A high wooden watchtower with a ladder | 10 |
Water | water | -1779180711 | Water. Drinking it will alleviate your thirst. | 2147483647 |
Water Barrel | water.barrel | -1863559151 | A storage container for water. Can output 10ml of water a second via a hose. | 1 |
Water Bucket | bucket.water | 1424075905 | A bucket for transporting water or other liquids. | 1 |
Water Gun | gun.water | 722955039 | A large water gun with pumpable pressure. Hold reload to pump! | 1 |
Water Jug | waterjug | -119235651 | A large jerry can for water. | 1 |
Water Pistol | pistol.water | -1815301988 | A small water gun that doesn't require pumping, but has a lower range and output. | 1 |
Water Pump | waterpump | -1284169891 | Can be placed in a water source to collect that water while powered. Can be connected to other Water entities. | 1 |
Water Purifier | water.purifier | 2114754781 | A Water Purifier. Place overtop of a campfire. Will provide clean, drinkable water from salty, or stagnant water. | 1 |
Waterpipe Shotgun | shotgun.waterpipe | -1367281941 | A Shotgun. Fires a single round before reloading. | 1 |
Weapon flashlight | weapon.mod.flashlight | 952603248 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a beam of light. Pressing F (default) to toggle light. | 1 |
Weapon Lasersight | weapon.mod.lasersight | -132516482 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a guiding laser and reduces weapon sway. | 1 |
Wetsuit | diving.wetsuit | -1101924344 | A Wetsuit providing protection from frigid waters. | 1 |
Wheelbarrow Piano | piano | 1272430949 | The Piano is a repurposed wheelbarrow that weighs a ton, but makes up for it with a wide range of notes. | 1 |
White Berry | white.berry | 854447607 | A white berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
White Berry Clone | clone.white.berry | 1533551194 | A clipping of a White Berry Plant. | 50 |
White Berry Seed | seed.white.berry | -992286106 | These white berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
White Volcano Firework | firework.volcano | 261913429 | Emits a beautiful shower of white sparks | 20 |
Wind Turbine | generator.wind.scrap | -1819763926 | Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds. | 1 |
Wire Tool | wiretool | -144417939 | A tool used to make connections between electrical objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle. you can then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. holding right mouse will clear or cancel a connection. | 1 |
Wolf Headdress | hat.wolf | -1478212975 | A headdress made out of the scraped out head of a wolf. | 1 |
Wolf Skull | skull.wolf | 2048317869 | A wolf skull. | 1 |
Wood | wood | -151838493 | Wood. Collected from trees and used in many crafting recipes. It's also needed to cook in camp-fires. | 1000 |
Wood Armor Helmet | wood.armor.helmet | -2094954543 | A shoddy helmet made from Wood and Cloth. | 1 |
Wood Armor Pants | wood.armor.pants | 832133926 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Chestplate | wood.armor.jacket | 418081930 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Double Door | door.double.hinged.wood | -1336109173 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wood Shutters | shutter.wood.a | -1023374709 | Wood shutters that you can open and close. | 20 |
Wood Storage Box | box.wooden | -180129657 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 18 items. | 1 |
Wooden Arrow | arrow.wooden | -1234735557 | An arrow for a Hunting Bow and Crossbow. | 64 |
Wooden Barricade | barricade.wood | 866889860 | A wooden barricade. Will hurt players and animals that run into it. | 10 |
Wooden Barricade Cover | barricade.wood.cover | 1373240771 | Perfect for cover when engaging in gun fights. Decays rapidly when placed outside of building privilege. | 10 |
Wooden Cross | woodcross | 699075597 | A wooden cross marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Wooden Door | door.hinged.wood | 1729120840 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wooden Floor Spikes | spikes.floor | -92759291 | A set of spikes that will slow down and hurt anyone that walks over them. | 10 |
Wooden Horse Armor | horse.armor.wood | 1659447559 | A set of wooden horse armor | 1 |
Wooden Ladder | ladder.wooden.wall | -316250604 | A ladder will help you climb walls in any base. | 5 |
Wooden Spear | spear.wooden | 1540934679 | Primitive weapon, perfect for hunting your foes. Can be upgraded to Stone Spear. | 1 |
Wooden Window Bars | wall.window.bars.wood | -1183726687 | Window bars made out of wood. They'll stop people climbing through your window, but probably not for very long. | 10 |
Work Cart | workcart | -810326667 | A service train designed to run on an underground rail system. | 1 |
Workbench Level 1 | workbench1 | 1524187186 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 1 | 1 |
Workbench Level 2 | workbench2 | -41896755 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 2 | 1 |
Workbench Level 3 | workbench3 | -1607980696 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 3 | 1 |
Worm | worm | 1770475779 | A small, writhing worm that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Wrapped Gift | wrappedgift | 204970153 | A lazily wrapped gift. | 1 |
Wrapping Paper | wrappingpaper | 1094293920 | Use this to conceal any item in a lazily wrapped gift | 1 |
XL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xl | -996185386 | An extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
XOR Switch | electric.xorswitch | 1293102274 | An exclusive-or logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if ONLY ONE input receives power, passthrough amount is whichever single input is active. if BOTH inputs recieve power, passthrough will be zero. | 5 |
XXL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xxl | 98508942 | A double extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Xylobone | xylophone | -211235948 | A selection of bones that were ¡°acquired¡± for their acoustic attributes. Play a lullaby for your camp with these soothing tones. | 1 |
Yellow Berry | yellow.berry | 1660145984 | A yellow berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Yellow Berry Clone | clone.yellow.berry | 390728933 | A clipping of a Yellow Berry Plant. | 50 |
Yellow Berry Seed | seed.yellow.berry | -520133715 | These yellow berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Yellow Perch | fish.yellowperch | 680234026 | A Yellow Perch, commonly found in freshwater rivers. | 10 |
Heavy Plate Pants | heavy.plate.pants | -1778159885 | Offers superior protection at the cost of reduced movement speed. | 1 |
Heavy Scientist Suit | scientistsuit_heavy | -1772746857 | A heavy hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Hemp Clone | clone.hemp | -886280491 | A clipping of a hemp plant. | 50 |
Hemp Seed | seed.hemp | -237809779 | Hemp seeds can be found when picking wild Hemp. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional cloth. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more cloth and faster groth. | 50 |
Herring | fish.herring | -1698937385 | A small fish commonly found in a variety of water sources. | 10 |
Hide Boots | attire.hide.boots | 794356786 | Boots made from the hide of an animal. | 1 |
Hide Halterneck | attire.hide.helterneck | 3222790 | A Halterneck made from the hide of an animal. | 1 |
Hide Pants | attire.hide.pants | 1722154847 | Trousers made from the hide of an animal. | 1 |
Hide Poncho | attire.hide.poncho | 980333378 | A Poncho made from the hide of an animal. | 1 |
Hide Skirt | attire.hide.skirt | -1773144852 | A Skirt made from the hide of an animal. | 1 |
Hide Vest | attire.hide.vest | 196700171 | A Vest made from the hide of an animal. | 1 |
High External Stone Gate | gates.external.high.stone | -691113464 | A high stone gate, allowing access in and out of your compound. | 1 |
High External Stone Wall | wall.external.high.stone | -967648160 | A high stone wall used to keep people off your property. | 10 |
High External Wooden Gate | gates.external.high.wood | -335089230 | A high wooden gate, allowing access in and out of your compound. | 1 |
High External Wooden Wall | wall.external.high | 99588025 | A high wooden wall used to keep people off your property. | 10 |
High Ice Wall | wall.external.high.ice | -985781766 | A very high ice wall to protect your property. | 10 |
High Quality Carburetor | carburetor3 | 656371026 | A high quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
High Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft3 | 1158340332 | A high quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
High Quality Horse Shoes | horse.shoes.advanced | 1989785143 | Equipping these horse shoes will grant your horse additional movement speed | 1 |
High Quality Metal | metal.refined | 317398316 | High quality metal suitable for armor and weapons construction. | 100 |
High Quality Metal Ore | hq.metal.ore | -1982036270 | A rock containing High Quality Metal. Can be smelted in a furnace. | 100 |
High Quality Pistons | piston3 | 1883981800 | High quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
High Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug3 | 1072924620 | High quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
High Quality Valves | valve3 | -1802083073 | High quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 | A balanced torso.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 | Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | 10 |
Medium Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 | A medium neon sign! | 5 |
Medium Present | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 | A medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | 5 |
Medium Quality Carburetor | carburetor2 | 656371027 | A medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Medium Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 | A medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Medium Quality Pistons | piston2 | 1883981801 | Medium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Medium Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug2 | -493159321 | Medium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Medium Quality Valves | valve2 | 926800282 | Medium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 | A Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Medium Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 | A 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Megaphone | megaphone | -583379016 | A megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | 1 |
Memory Cell | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 | A 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | 5 |
Metal Barricade | barricade.metal | 1655650836 | A tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | 10 |
Metal Blade | metalblade | 1882709339 | A Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | 20 |
Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Facemask | metal.facemask | -194953424 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Fragments | metal.fragments | 69511070 | Metal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | 1000 |
Metal horizontal embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 | Static shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Ore | metal.ore | -4031221 | A naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | 1000 |
Metal Pipe | metalpipe | 95950017 | Metal Pipe. | 20 |
Metal Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 | A bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | 1 |
Metal Spring | metalspring | -1021495308 | A metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | 20 |
Metal Vertical embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 | Static shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Window Bars | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 | Metal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | 10 |
Microphone Stand | microphonestand | 39600618 | A powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+reload] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | 5 |
Miners Hat | hat.miner | -1539025626 | A leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | 1 |
Mining Quarry | mining.quarry | 1052926200 | Extracts minerals from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of minerals available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Minnows | fish.minnows | -542577259 | A Small group of edible fish. | 10 |
Mixing Table | mixingtable | 1259919256 | Used for mixing recipes. | 1 |
MLRS | mlrs | -1449152644 | M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | 1 |
MLRS Aiming Module | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 | An aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | 1 |
MLRS Rocket | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 | A rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | 6 |
Mobile Phone | mobilephone | -20045316 | A mobile phone that lets you place calls from anywhere. Truly cutting edge Cobalt technology. Use [attack] to access the dialler. | 1 |
Modular Car Lift | modularcarlift | 1696050067 | This allows you to modify modular vehicles | 1 |
Molotov Cocktail | grenade.molotov | 1556365900 | An incendiary device | 5 |
Movember Moustache | movembermoustache | -2047081330 | A magnificent moustache for Movember | 1 |
MP5A4 | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Multiple Grenade Launcher | multiplegrenadelauncher | -1123473824 | A 40MM six barrel, semi automatic grenade launcher | 1 |
Mummy Suit | halloween.mummysuit | 277730763 | A mummy suit | 1 |
Mushroom | mushroom | -1962971928 | A Mushroom found on the ground. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Muzzle Boost | weapon.mod.muzzleboost | -1405508498 | Increases weapon fire rate by channeling gasses back into the weapon cycling it faster, at the cost of bullet velocity and accuracy. | 1 |
Muzzle Brake | weapon.mod.muzzlebrake | 1478091698 | Lowers recoil felt by the operator but can make bullet path more unpredictable and dealing slightly less damage to your foes. | 1 |
Nailgun | pistol.nailgun | 1953903201 | A construction tool turned deadly | 1 |
Nailgun Nails | ammo.nailgun.nails | -2097376851 | Standard nailgun ammunition | 64 |
Nest Hat | attire.nesthat | 1081315464 | An extremely silly easter nest hat with googly eyes. | 1 |
Netting | wall.frame.netting | 1516985844 | Netting you can climb. | 5 |
New Year Gong | newyeargong | -961457160 | Ring in the Lunar new year with a massive gong! | 1 |
Night Vision Goggles | nightvisiongoggles | -1518883088 | Enables vision at nighttime by projecting and amplifying infrared light.The batteries can be recharged at a Lvl 2 workbench. Cannot be worn with a helmet. | 1 |
Ninja Suit | attire.ninja.suit | -1506417026 | BaboAbe Ninja Suit | 1 |
Nomad Suit | hazmatsuit.nomadsuit | 491263800 | A nomad suit. | 1 |
Note | note | 1414245162 | A scrap of paper for leaving notes. | 1 |
One Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town | -1832422579 | A one sided town sign post, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
OR Switch | electric.orswitch | -1286302544 | A logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if EITHER input receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | 5 |
Orange Boomer | firework.boomer.orange | -7270019 | A very large mortar type firework with an orange starburst | 20 |
Orange Roughy | fish.orangeroughy | -1904821376 | A rare fish found in the depths of the ocean. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Ox Mask | hat.oxmask | 1315082560 | An Ox mask to celebrate the 2021 Lunar New Year. | 1 |
Paddle | paddle | 1491189398 | A versatile melee weapon that can also be used to paddle a kayak. | 1 |
Paddling Pool | paddlingpool | -733625651 | A small inflatable pool that you can fill up with water. | 1 |
Painted Egg | easter.paintedeggs | -126305173 | Some simple painted eggs. Collect 10 to upgrade to a bronze egg | 1000 |
Pan Flute | fun.flute | -2040817543 | A set of repurposed PVC pipes that can be used to play a variety of melodies. | 1 |
Pants | pants | 237239288 | Pants. | 1 |
Paper | paper | -1779183908 | Paper, a ingredient for Building plan and Note. | 1000 |
Paper Map | map | 696029452 | Helps you figure out where you are. You can annotate the map by right-clicking and drawing on it. Drag the map into your belt bar to make it active. You will then be able to view the map by holding down the map button (G by default). | 1 |
Party Hat | partyhat | -575744869 | A very stupid looking party hat | 1 |
Passenger Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.passengers | 895374329 | Dual module seating. | 1 |
Pattern Boomer | firework.boomer.pattern | -379734527 | A special boomer which allows you light up the night sky with a custom pattern that you draw. Multiple colors and altitude settings are available. | 20 |
Photograph | photo | 62577426 | A photograph taken with an instant camera. | 1 |
Pickaxe | pickaxe | -1302129395 | A Pickaxe, useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pickles | jar.pickle | 286193827 | Cucumbers in a vinegar bath, jarred by an amateur. Eat at your own risk. | 10 |
Pipe Tool | pipetool | -144513264 | Now you're thinking with pipes! | 1 |
Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol | 785728077 | Ammunition for a Pistol. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | 128 |
Pitchfork | pitchfork | 1090916276 | A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with. | 1 |
Plant Fiber | plantfiber | -804769727 | Fiber from dead plants. Can be composted. | 1000 |
Plumber's Trumpet | fun.trumpet | 273172220 | Toot your own horn with this brassy improvised Trumpet. | 1 |
Pookie Bear | pookie.bear | -1651220691 | A companion that reminds you of your youth. | 1 |
Portable Boom Box | fun.boomboxportable | 576509618 | A portable Boom Box that can play tapes and internet audio streams. [attack] to start/stop and [attack2] to modify settings. | 1 |
Portrait Photo Frame | photoframe.portrait | 1729712564 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Portrait Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.portrait | -1370759135 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Potato | potato | -2086926071 | Potato. | 20 |
Potato Clone | clone.potato | 1512054436 | A Clipping of a Potato Plant. | 50 |
Potato Seed | seed.potato | -2084071424 | These potato seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Powered Water Purifier | powered.water.purifier | -365097295 | A device that converts salt water to fresh water while powered. | 1 |
Pressure Pad | electric.pressurepad | -2049214035 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is standing on it | 1 |
Prison Cell Gate | wall.frame.cell.gate | -956706906 | A prison cell gate to lock things behind bars | 1 |
Prison Cell Wall | wall.frame.cell | -1429456799 | A prison cell wall. | 10 |
Prototype 17 | pistol.prototype17 | 1914691295 | A burst fire prototype pistol | 1 |
Prototype Hatchet | lumberjack.hatchet | -399173933 | A prototype field hatchet, useful for gathering wood | 1 |
Prototype Pickaxe | lumberjack.pickaxe | 236677901 | A prototype field pickaxe. Useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pump Jack | mining.pumpjack | -1130709577 | Extracts oil from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of oil available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Pump Shotgun | shotgun.pump | 795371088 | A Shotgun. Fires six rounds. | 1 |
Pumpkin | pumpkin | -567909622 | An edible vegetable that can also be worn as a hat. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Pumpkin Bucket | pumpkinbasket | 1346158228 | A pumpkin basket to help you collect candy much faster during Trick or Treat events with left click. Use right click to throw candy | 1 |
Pumpkin Plant Clone | clone.pumpkin | 1898094925 | A Clipping of a pumpkin plant. | 50 |
Pumpkin Seed | seed.pumpkin | -1511285251 | Pumpkin Seeds can be found when picking wild Pumpkin plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Pumpkins and faster groth. | 50 |
Pure Anti-Rad Tea | radiationresisttea.pure | -33009419 | A tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | 10 |
Pure Healing Tea | healingtea.pure | -1677315902 | A tea that restores health over time. | 10 |
Pure Max Health Tea | maxhealthtea.pure | 1712261904 | A tea that increases your maximum health. | 10 |
Pure Ore Tea | oretea.pure | 1729374708 | A tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | 10 |
Pure Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea.pure | 1905387657 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
Pure Scrap Tea | scraptea.pure | 2024467711 | A tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | 10 |
Pure Wood Tea | woodtea.pure | -557539629 | A tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | 10 |
Purple Sunglasses | twitchsunglasses | 20489901 | Sunglasses - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Python Revolver | pistol.python | 1373971859 | A High Powered six-shooter. | 1 |
Rabbit Mask | hat.rabbitmask | -986782031 | A Beautifully crafted Rabbit mask to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea | -496584751 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
RAND Switch | electric.random.switch | 492357192 | This switch will allow passthrough based on a random number. Each time the SET input receives power it will roll true or false to allow passthrough | 5 |
Rat Mask | hat.ratmask | 271048478 | A Beautifully crafted bronze and gold Rat mask to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Raw Bear Meat | bearmeat | -1520560807 | Raw Bear Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Chicken Breast | chicken.raw | -1440987069 | Raw chicken breast. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Deer Meat | deermeat.raw | 1422530437 | Raw Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Fish | fish.raw | 989925924 | Raw Fish. | 20 |
Raw Horse Meat | horsemeat.raw | -1130350864 | Raw Horse Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Human Meat | humanmeat.raw | -1709878924 | Raw human meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Raw Pork | meat.boar | 621915341 | Raw pork. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.raw | -395377963 | Raw Wolf Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Reactive Target | target.reactive | -1736356576 | A reactive target that knocks down when hit, can be reset. | 1 |
Rear Seats Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.rear.seats | 1376065505 | Single module seating for two passengers. | 1 |
Red Berry | red.berry | 1272194103 | A red berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Red Berry Clone | clone.red.berry | 2133269020 | A clipping of a Red Berry Plant. | 50 |
Red Berry Seed | seed.red.berry | 830839496 | These red berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Red Boomer | firework.boomer.red | -1553999294 | A very large mortar type firework with a red starburst | 20 |
Red Dog Tags | reddogtags | -602717596 | Red Dog Tags | 5000 |
Red Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.red | -1160621614 | A small red light source. | 10 |
Red Keycard | keycard_red | -1880870149 | A keycard with advanced clearance, grants access to top level areas | 1 |
Red Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.red | -1486461488 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of red balls into the air | 20 |
Red Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.red | -454370658 | Emits a beautiful shower of red sparks | 20 |
Reindeer Antlers | attire.reindeer.headband | -324675402 | A festive reindeer antlers headband and nose. | 1 |
Reinforced Glass Window | wall.window.bars.toptier | 671706427 | Window bars to fit a standard window. These bars are made out of reinforced metal and contain a thick surround to protect from incoming projectiles. | 10 |
Repair Bench | box.repair.bench | 803222026 | You can repair your items here for a fraction of their construction cost. You may also use this to apply new skins to existing items. | 1 |
Research Paper | researchpaper | -544317637 | Use this item in a Research Bench to create blueprints of items. | 1000 |
Research Table | research.table | -1861522751 | You can use this table to learn how to permanently craft items you have found in exchange for scrap. | 1 |
Revolver | pistol.revolver | 649912614 | A standard eight shot revolver. | 1 |
RF Broadcaster | electric.rf.broadcaster | -1044468317 | An RF Broadcaster | 1 |
RF Pager | rf_pager | -566907190 | An RF Pager. An audible tone will be produced when a signal is picked up on the listening frequency. Can be set to silent mode. | 1 |
RF Receiver | electric.rf.receiver | 888415708 | An RF Receiver | 1 |
RF Transmitter | rf.detonator | 596469572 | A hand held RF signal broadcaster. Left click to broadcast. Configurable with right mouse. | 1 |
RHIB | rhib | 1394042569 | | 1 |
Rifle Body | riflebody | 176787552 | The firing mechanism of a rifle. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire 5.56 ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Riot Helmet | riot.helmet | 671063303 | A makeshift riot Helmet. Great at deflecting melee attacks. | 1 |
Road Sign Jacket | roadsign.jacket | -2002277461 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Sign Kilt | roadsign.kilt | 1850456855 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Signs | roadsigns | 1199391518 | Some road signs made of metal. | 20 |
Roadsign Gloves | roadsign.gloves | -699558439 | Gloves made out of metal offers a good amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Roadsign Horse Armor | horse.armor.roadsign | 60528587 | A set of roadsign armor for a horse | 1 |
Rock | rock | 963906841 | A Rock. The most basic melee weapon and gathering tool. | 1 |
Rocket | ammo.rocket.basic | -742865266 | Ammunition for a Rocket Launcher. A short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact. | 3 |
Rocket Launcher | rocket.launcher | 442886268 | Shoots rockets slightly farther than North Korea. | 1 |
Root Combiner | electrical.combiner | -458565393 | This object combines two root electrical sources into a single signal. Helpful for stringing together low energy batteries or solar panels to produce higher power output. Can be wired in series, can not be used with any non energy producing electrical components. | 5 |
Rope | rope | 1414245522 | A Length of Rope. | 50 |
Rotten Apple | apple.spoiled | 352130972 | A rotten apple. Eating it currently provides a tiny boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 1 |
Rowboat | rowboat | 1878053256 | | 1 |
Rug | rug | -1985799200 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rug Bear Skin | rug.bear | -1104881824 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Blue | rustige_egg_b | -173268132 | A beautiful hand crafted white gold and sapphire encrusted egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Green | rustige_egg_e | -173268125 | A beautiful hand crafted gold and green egg, with a miniature traincart contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Ivory | rustige_egg_d | -173268126 | A beautiful hand crafted Ivory and gold egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Purple | rustige_egg_c | -173268131 | A beautiful hand crafted purple egg with gold lace, a miniature offshore monument is contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Red | rustige_egg_a | -173268129 | An exquisite hand crafted gold and diamond egg. When opened, a very special melody can be heard as you observe an intricate representation of your favorite monument. | 1 |
Saddle bag | horse.saddlebag | 1400460850 | Equipping this saddle bag will add extra storage space on your horse | 1 |
Salmon | fish.salmon | -851988960 | A large Salmon, found in fresh and salt water. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 10 |
Salt Water | water.salt | -277057363 | Water with a high salt content. Consuming will damage your health. | 2147483647 |
Salvaged Axe | axe.salvaged | -262590403 | A high-yield resource gathering axe. Slower than the Hatchet. | 1 |
Salvaged Cleaver | salvaged.cleaver | -1978999529 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with high damage. | 1 |
Salvaged Hammer | hammer.salvaged | -1506397857 | A Hammer made from a bunch of other crap. | 1 |
Salvaged Icepick | icepick.salvaged | -1780802565 | A high-yield resource gathering Icepick. | 1 |
Salvaged Shelves | shelves | 1950721418 | Shelves for item stacking | 10 |
Salvaged Sword | salvaged.sword | 1326180354 | A powerful melee weapon made from a filed-down wrench. Great durability, good damage. | 1 |
SAM Ammo | ammo.rocket.sam | -384243979 | Ammunition for a Sam Site, This missile contains a rudimentary guidance system to help it navigate through strong winds. | 1000 |
SAM Site | samsite | -1009359066 | A surface to air rocket site. Requires 25 electricity to function. | 1 |
Sandbag Barricade | barricade.sandbags | -559599960 | A protective barricade made out of Sand Bags. | 10 |
Santa Beard | santabeard | 2126889441 | A santa beard. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Santa Hat | santahat | -575483084 | A santa hat. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Sardine | fish.sardine | -1654233406 | A small oily fish, commonly found in large schools. | 10 |
Satchel Charge | explosive.satchel | -1878475007 | Small explosive package constructed of beancan grenades. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. | 10 |
Scarecrow | scarecrow | 177226991 | Get into the Halloween spirit with this decorative deployable item. | 5 |
Scarecrow Suit | scarecrow.suit | 273951840 | A spooky scarecrow suit | 1 |
Scarecrow Wrap | scarecrowhead | 809942731 | A creepy burlap scarecrow hat | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist | -253079493 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper | -1958316066 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scrap | scrap | -932201673 | Scrap can be used in a Research table and Workbench to unlock and research items. Often used as a currency throughout the world. | 1000 |
ScrapTransportHeliRepair | scraptransportheli.repair | -1884328185 | ScrapTransportHeliRepair Dummy | 1 |
Search Light | searchlight | 2087678962 | A Large, wide beam, aimable light source. | 1 |
Secret Lab Chair | secretlabchair | 567871954 | A luxurious, comfortable chair for long sessions of CCTV watching. | 5 |
Semi Automatic Body | semibody | 573926264 | The firing mechanism of a semi automatic weapon. | 10 |
Semi-Automatic Pistol | pistol.semiauto | 818877484 | A semi-automatic pistol, fires rapidly and with good accuracy. | 1 |
Semi-Automatic Rifle | rifle.semiauto | -904863145 | A Semi Automatic Rifle. | 1 |
Sewing Kit | sewingkit | 1234880403 | A Sewing kit. Used to make advanced clothing. | 20 |
Sheet Metal | sheetmetal | -1994909036 | Sheet metal scraps. | 20 |
Sheet Metal Door | door.hinged.metal | -2067472972 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Sheet Metal Double Door | door.double.hinged.metal | 1390353317 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Shirt | shirt.collared | -2025184684 | A smart casual shirt | 1 |
Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront | -796583652 | A shop front to do commerce. | 1 |
Short Ice Wall | wall.ice.wall | 1327005675 | A short wall made of solid ice. | 10 |
Shorts | pants.shorts | -1695367501 | Trousers without the bottom of the legs. | 1 |
Shotgun Trap | guntrap | 352499047 | A shotgun trap triggered by movement, place near doorways and load with handmade shells. | 1 |
Shovel Bass | fun.bass | -2107018088 | Use this stringed together shovel to play some deep, deep tunes. | 1 |
Sickle | sickle | -1368584029 | A very sharp curved cutting weapon. While its traditional role was to cut grass, this tool is also extremely versatile at cutting throats, perhaps trees, too. | 1 |
Silencer | weapon.mod.silencer | -1850571427 | Significantly reduces the sound of gunfire, and completely removes any visible muzzle flash. | 1 |
Silver Egg | easter.silveregg | 1757265204 | A Silver Egg. Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a gold Egg | 10 |
Simple Handmade Sight | weapon.mod.simplesight | -855748505 | A poorly made sight, slightly better than iron sights. | 1 |
Simple Light | electric.simplelight | -282113991 | A simple debugging light | 1 |
Single Sign Post | sign.post.single | 1542290441 | A single sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Siren Light | electric.sirenlight | 762289806 | A spinning siren light | 5 |
Skull | skull | 1312843609 | A spooky skull | 1 |
Skull Door Knocker | skulldoorknocker | -216116642 | A spooky skull door knocker | 1 |
Skull Fire Pit | skull_fire_pit | 553887414 | Enjoy burning your enemies remnants to ashes with this Halloween exclusive! Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.candles | -25740268 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.pumpkin | -1078639462 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes | -1073015016 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy | -769647921 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.table | -156748077 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar2 | -924959988 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar | 971362526 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Sky Lantern | skylantern | 1819863051 | A beautiful sky lantern. Can be launched in any direction. Has one inventory slot. Can be Ignited with a lit torch. | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Green | skylantern.skylantern.green | -1770889433 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Orange | skylantern.skylantern.orange | -1824770114 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Purple | skylantern.skylantern.purple | 831955134 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Red | skylantern.skylantern.red | -1433390281 | | 20 |
Sled | sled.xmas | -135252633 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sled | sled | -333406828 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sleeping Bag | sleepingbag | -1754948969 | A sleeping bag. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | 1 |
Small Candle Set | smallcandles | -2058362263 | Small Candles | 1 |
Small Chassis | vehicle.chassis.2mod | -44066600 | Two-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Small Generator | electric.fuelgenerator.small | 1849887541 | A small electric generator powered by Low Grade Fuel that outputs 40 power. | 1 |
Small Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.small | 1319617282 | Open for a surprise, or collect 10 to upgrade to a medium loot bag containing better loot! | 10 |
Small Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x125 | 1305578813 | A small neon sign! | 5 |
Small Oil Refinery | small.oil.refinery | -1293296287 | A small refinery which can produce Low Grade Fuel from Crude Oil. | 1 |
Small Planter Box | planter.small | 1903654061 | A small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | 10 |
Small Present | xmas.present.small | -722241321 | A small stocking stuffer present, Collect 10 to upgrade to a larger present. | 10 |
Small Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.small | -692338819 | A small rechargable battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Small Shark | fish.smallshark | -1768880890 | A small, surprisingly aggressive deep sea predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Small Stash | stash.small | -369760990 | A hidden, burried stash to keep your items safe. After placing, return to the stash and aim at the ground where you hid it and it will reveal itself. | 5 |
Small Stocking | stocking.small | 1668858301 | A small stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get a gift! Collect 6 to upgrade to a SUPER Stocking. | 5 |
Small Trout | fish.troutsmall | -1878764039 | A Small Trout. Good for a few meals. | 10 |
Small Water Bottle | smallwaterbottle | -1039528932 | A Small Water Bottle. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | 1 |
Small Water Catcher | water.catcher.small | -132247350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Small Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.small | -1138208076 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Smart Alarm | smart.alarm | -695978112 | Sends a notifications to your phone when powered on. | 5 |
Smart Switch | smart.switch | 988652725 | A smart electric switch. | 5 |
SMG Body | smgbody | 1230323789 | The firing mechanism of a submachinegun. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire pistol ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Smoke Grenade | grenade.smoke | 1263920163 | Produces a large cloud of opaque greyish white smoke. | 3 |
Smoke Rocket WIP!!!! | ammo.rocket.smoke | -17123659 | Emits thick, visibility blocking smoke upon impact. | 3 |
Snap Trap | trap.bear | -582782051 | A metal trap that can injure or even kill people when stepped on. Can be picked up after been triggered. | 3 |
Snow Jacket | jacket.snow | -48090175 | A thick, high visibility Jacket. It will help keep you warm in any climate. | 1 |
Snow Machine | snowmachine | 1358643074 | A machine which will blanket the surrounding terrain in snow. | 1 |
Snowball | snowball | -363689972 | A snowball, throw it! | 1 |
Snowball Gun | snowballgun | 1103488722 | Load snowballs and lay waste to your foes with Christmas cheer. | 1 |
Snowman | snowman | 1629293099 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative snowman | 5 |
Snowman Helmet | attire.snowman.helmet | -842267147 | A snowman helmet which provides ample protection. | 1 |
Snowmobile | snowmobile | -1364246987 | A custom snowmobile, made of various bits and pieces. | 1 |
Sofa | sofa | -555122905 | A comfortable old sofa. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Sofa - Pattern | sofa.pattern | 782422285 | A comfortable old sofa with a floral pattern. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Solo Submarine | submarinesolo | -187031121 | A small one-person submarine. | 1 |
Sound Light | soundlight | -343857907 | A light that will pulse in time to music when connected to a Boom Box. | 5 |
Sousaphone | fun.tuba | 1784406797 | A collection of used piping that¡¯s been converted into a Tuba. Probably not very hygienic. | 1 |
Space Suit | hazmatsuit.spacesuit | -560304835 | A spacesuit built for harsh conditions. | 1 |
Spas-12 Shotgun | shotgun.spas12 | -41440462 | A semi automatic military issue shotgun | 1 |
Speargun | speargun | -1517740219 | A speargun which can only be fired underwater. Excellent for hunting Sharks. | 1 |
Speargun Spear | speargun.spear | -1800345240 | Ammunition for a speargun. | 64 |
Spider Webs | spiderweb | 882559853 | Giant Cobwebs which can be hung against both a ceiling and a wall. | 10 |
Spinning wheel | spinner.wheel | -1100422738 | An interactive spinning wheel. | 1 |
Splitter | electric.splitter | -563624462 | Splits an electrical signal into 3 multiple signals. the amount passed through is equal to the input amount divided by the number of used output slots. | 5 |
Spoiled Chicken | chicken.spoiled | -751151717 | Spoiled Chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Human Meat | humanmeat.spoiled | 1272768630 | Spoiled Human Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.spoiled | -1167031859 | Spoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spooky Speaker | spookyspeaker | 1885488976 | Frighten your guests with creepy and spooky halloween sounds! | 1 |
Spray Can | spraycan | -596876839 | Use the Spray Can to leave Tags or reskin your items. Press [attack] to spray and [attack2] to reskin items. | 1 |
Spray Can Decal | spraycandecal | -1366326648 | | 10 |
Sprinkler | electric.sprinkler | -781014061 | A small sprinkler that sprays water around it. Requires a hose connection to supply it with water. | 10 |
Star Tree Topper | xmas.decoration.star | -1331212963 | A golden star to top off your Christmas Tree | 1 |
Sticks | sticks | 642482233 | Some long, some short. | 100 |
Stone Barricade | barricade.stone | 15388698 | A protective barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Stone Fireplace | fireplace.stone | -1535621066 | A stone fireplace to heat your home. Must be placed indoors and against a wall. | 1 |
Stone Hatchet | stonehatchet | -1583967946 | Primitive tool used for harvesting wood from trees and logs. | 1 |
Stone Pickaxe | stone.pickaxe | 171931394 | Primitive tool used for harvesting Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Stone Spear | spear.stone | 1602646136 | A stone-tipped wooden Spear. Slightly longer range. | 1 |
Stones | stones | -2099697608 | Harvested from rocks using tools, basic building material. | 1000 |
Storage Adaptor | storageadaptor | -1049172752 | Attach to a storage container to allow industrial input/output connections. | 5 |
Storage Monitor | storage.monitor | 1149964039 | The Storage Monitor attaches to the Tool Cupboard and Large Storage Box to monitor the container contents. Output sends a pulse when the container is updated. | 1 |
Storage Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.storage | 268565518 | Single module storage. | 1 |
Strengthened Glass Window | wall.window.glass.reinforced | -1614955425 | Bulletproof glass insert | 10 |
Strobe Light | strobelight | 2104517339 | A flashing light, 3 speeds. Causes seizures. | 1 |
Sulfur | sulfur | -1581843485 | Sulfur is commonly used in gunpowder, medicine, and matches. Matches release sulfur dioxide when they burn, giving them their smell. Sulfur is an essential component to living cells. Many proteins contain sulfur. It is also used as a pesticide on organic farms. | 1000 |
Sulfur Ore | sulfur.ore | -1157596551 | A rock containing sulfur. The sulfur can be extracted using a furnace. | 1000 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02black | 1258768145 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02camo | -2103694546 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02red | 1557173737 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03black | -176608084 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03chrome | -1997698639 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03gold | -1408336705 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses | 352321488 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
SUPER Stocking | stocking.large | -465682601 | A SUPER Stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get an awesome gift! | 1 |
Supply Signal | supply.signal | 1397052267 | Purple signal smoke. Use to mark a location for an airdrop. | 1 |
Surface torpedo | submarine.torpedo.rising | -239306133 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead while rising to the water's surface. | 100 |
Surgeon Scrubs | halloween.surgeonsuit | -1785231475 | A Surgeon Suit | 1 |
Survey Charge | surveycharge | 1975934948 | Use this on the terrain to see which resources are available for mining. | 10 |
Survival Fish Trap | fishtrap.small | 559147458 | Traps fish, place on the shore and load with bait. The more bait loaded the bigger the chance of catching Trout. | 5 |
Switch | electric.switch | 1951603367 | A simple electric switch. | 5 |
T-Shirt | tshirt | 223891266 | A t-shirt with very short sleeves. | 1 |
Table | table | 593465182 | Every home needs a table. A decorative item which provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Tactical Gloves | tactical.gloves | -1108136649 | Military issue tactical gloves provide protection as well as weapon stabilization leading to higher accuracy when used. | 1 |
Tall Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.tall | 121049755 | A tall canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Tank Top | shirt.tanktop | 1608640313 | A tshirt without sleeves | 1 |
Targeting Computer | targeting.computer | 1523195708 | A computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. | 64 |
Tarp | tarp | 2019042823 | A waterproof tarp. | 20 |
Taxi Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.taxi | -626174997 | Single module seating for two passengers, with protection at the front. | 1 |
Tech Trash | techparts | 73681876 | A collection of random tech parts. | 50 |
Telephone | telephone | 1234878710 | Use the telephone to call other telephones on the island! | 1 |
Tesla Coil | electric.teslacoil | 1371909803 | A Tesla Coil | 3 |
Test Generator | electric.generator.small | -295829489 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
Thompson | smg.thompson | -1758372725 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Tiger Mask | hat.tigermask | 709206314 | A special tiger mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Timed Explosive Charge | explosive.timed | 1248356124 | C4, useful for breaking into bases. | 10 |
Timer | electric.timer | 665332906 | A Timer switch, will pass power through for duration. | 5 |
Tomaha Snowmobile | snowmobiletomaha | 1768112091 | An old snowmobile from around 1980. | 1 |
Tool Cupboard | cupboard.tool | -97956382 | Placing and authorising with the cupboard will make it so only you can build in a 50 meter radius of it. If you want your friends to build, they'll need to auth too. You should protect this. | 1 |
Torch | torch | 795236088 | A Torch. Lights your way at night and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Torpedo | submarine.torpedo.straight | -1671551935 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead in a straight line. | 100 |
Tree Lights | xmas.decoration.lights | 1723747470 | A tree isn't complete without colorful lights! | 1 |
Triangle Ladder Hatch | floor.triangle.ladder.hatch | 2041899972 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Tuna Can Lamp | tunalight | -1478445584 | A Makeshift wall light. | 1 |
Twitch Rivals Trophy | trophy | 975983052 | A trophy dedicated to the survivors of Rust Twitch Rivals | 1 |
Two Sided Hanging Sign | sign.hanging | 1205607945 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign | sign.hanging.ornate | -1647846966 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town.roof | 826309791 | A double sided town sign post, with roof, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Vending Machine | vending.machine | 198438816 | Trade your goods with other players safely by creating sell and buy orders.
If a raider gains access to the rear panel, they will have free reign over all of your goodies. Keep it safe. | 1 |
Violet Boomer | firework.boomer.violet | -280223496 | A very large mortar type firework with a violet starburst | 20 |
Violet Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.violet | -99886070 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Violet balls into the air | 20 |
Violet Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.violet | -1538109120 | Emits a beautiful shower of Violet sparks | 20 |
Vodka Bottle | bottle.vodka | 755224797 | A bottle of Russian Vodka. | 1 |
Wagon | wagon | 996757362 | A train car. | 1 |
Watch Tower | watchtower.wood | -463122489 | A high wooden watchtower with a ladder | 10 |
Water | water | -1779180711 | Water. Drinking it will alleviate your thirst. | 2147483647 |
Water Barrel | water.barrel | -1863559151 | A storage container for water. Can output 10ml of water a second via a hose. | 1 |
Water Bucket | bucket.water | 1424075905 | A bucket for transporting water or other liquids. | 1 |
Water Gun | gun.water | 722955039 | A large water gun with pumpable pressure. Hold reload to pump! | 1 |
Water Jug | waterjug | -119235651 | A large jerry can for water. | 1 |
Water Pistol | pistol.water | -1815301988 | A small water gun that doesn't require pumping, but has a lower range and output. | 1 |
Water Pump | waterpump | -1284169891 | Can be placed in a water source to collect that water while powered. Can be connected to other Water entities. | 1 |
Water Purifier | water.purifier | 2114754781 | A Water Purifier. Place overtop of a campfire. Will provide clean, drinkable water from salty, or stagnant water. | 1 |
Waterpipe Shotgun | shotgun.waterpipe | -1367281941 | A Shotgun. Fires a single round before reloading. | 1 |
Weapon flashlight | weapon.mod.flashlight | 952603248 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a beam of light. Pressing F (default) to toggle light. | 1 |
Weapon Lasersight | weapon.mod.lasersight | -132516482 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a guiding laser and reduces weapon sway. | 1 |
Wetsuit | diving.wetsuit | -1101924344 | A Wetsuit providing protection from frigid waters. | 1 |
Wheelbarrow Piano | piano | 1272430949 | The Piano is a repurposed wheelbarrow that weighs a ton, but makes up for it with a wide range of notes. | 1 |
White Berry | white.berry | 854447607 | A white berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
White Berry Clone | clone.white.berry | 1533551194 | A clipping of a White Berry Plant. | 50 |
White Berry Seed | seed.white.berry | -992286106 | These white berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
White Volcano Firework | firework.volcano | 261913429 | Emits a beautiful shower of white sparks | 20 |
Wind Turbine | generator.wind.scrap | -1819763926 | Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds. | 1 |
Wire Tool | wiretool | -144417939 | A tool used to make connections between electrical objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle. you can then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. holding right mouse will clear or cancel a connection. | 1 |
Wolf Headdress | hat.wolf | -1478212975 | A headdress made out of the scraped out head of a wolf. | 1 |
Wolf Skull | skull.wolf | 2048317869 | A wolf skull. | 1 |
Wood | wood | -151838493 | Wood. Collected from trees and used in many crafting recipes. It's also needed to cook in camp-fires. | 1000 |
Wood Armor Helmet | wood.armor.helmet | -2094954543 | A shoddy helmet made from Wood and Cloth. | 1 |
Wood Armor Pants | wood.armor.pants | 832133926 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Chestplate | wood.armor.jacket | 418081930 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Double Door | door.double.hinged.wood | -1336109173 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wood Shutters | shutter.wood.a | -1023374709 | Wood shutters that you can open and close. | 20 |
Wood Storage Box | box.wooden | -180129657 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 18 items. | 1 |
Wooden Arrow | arrow.wooden | -1234735557 | An arrow for a Hunting Bow and Crossbow. | 64 |
Wooden Barricade | barricade.wood | 866889860 | A wooden barricade. Will hurt players and animals that run into it. | 10 |
Wooden Barricade Cover | barricade.wood.cover | 1373240771 | Perfect for cover when engaging in gun fights. Decays rapidly when placed outside of building privilege. | 10 |
Wooden Cross | woodcross | 699075597 | A wooden cross marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Wooden Door | door.hinged.wood | 1729120840 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wooden Floor Spikes | spikes.floor | -92759291 | A set of spikes that will slow down and hurt anyone that walks over them. | 10 |
Wooden Horse Armor | horse.armor.wood | 1659447559 | A set of wooden horse armor | 1 |
Wooden Ladder | ladder.wooden.wall | -316250604 | A ladder will help you climb walls in any base. | 5 |
Wooden Spear | spear.wooden | 1540934679 | Primitive weapon, perfect for hunting your foes. Can be upgraded to Stone Spear. | 1 |
Wooden Window Bars | wall.window.bars.wood | -1183726687 | Window bars made out of wood. They'll stop people climbing through your window, but probably not for very long. | 10 |
Work Cart | workcart | -810326667 | A service train designed to run on an underground rail system. | 1 |
Workbench Level 1 | workbench1 | 1524187186 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 1 | 1 |
Workbench Level 2 | workbench2 | -41896755 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 2 | 1 |
Workbench Level 3 | workbench3 | -1607980696 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 3 | 1 |
Worm | worm | 1770475779 | A small, writhing worm that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Wrapped Gift | wrappedgift | 204970153 | A lazily wrapped gift. | 1 |
Wrapping Paper | wrappingpaper | 1094293920 | Use this to conceal any item in a lazily wrapped gift | 1 |
XL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xl | -996185386 | An extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
XOR Switch | electric.xorswitch | 1293102274 | An exclusive-or logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if ONLY ONE input receives power, passthrough amount is whichever single input is active. if BOTH inputs recieve power, passthrough will be zero. | 5 |
XXL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xxl | 98508942 | A double extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Xylobone | xylophone | -211235948 | A selection of bones that were ¡°acquired¡± for their acoustic attributes. Play a lullaby for your camp with these soothing tones. | 1 |
Yellow Berry | yellow.berry | 1660145984 | A yellow berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Yellow Berry Clone | clone.yellow.berry | 390728933 | A clipping of a Yellow Berry Plant. | 50 |
Yellow Berry Seed | seed.yellow.berry | -520133715 | These yellow berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Yellow Perch | fish.yellowperch | 680234026 | A Yellow Perch, commonly found in freshwater rivers. | 10 |
High Velocity Arrow | arrow.hv | -1023065463 | Lighter, faster arrow that deals less damage. | 64 |
High Velocity Rocket | ammo.rocket.hv | -1841918730 | Fast moving rocket ammunition. Short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact but less damage than a normal rocket. | 3 |
Hitch & Trough | hitchtroughcombo | 1160881421 | A Hitching post and Trough. Dismounting your horses here will keep them healthy and fed as long as it is kept stocked with food. | 1 |
HMLMG | hmlmg | -1214542497 | A hand made belt-fed light machine gun with high damage, high rate of fire, low accuracy during short bursts. | 1 |
Hobo Barrel | hobobarrel | -1442559428 | A vagabond staple. Use this repurposed oil barrel to stay warm. | 1 |
Hockey Mask | metal.facemask.hockey | -1334569149 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Holosight | weapon.mod.holosight | 442289265 | Uses laser projection to create a holographic sight which is always pointing at the target regardless of view angle. | 1 |
Homemade Landmine | trap.landmine | -1663759755 | Homemade Landmine. If you stand on one, you can ask a friend to disarm it before it explodes. | 5 |
Hoodie | hoodie | 1751045826 | A hoodie. | 1 |
Horse Dung | horsedung | -1579932985 | Fresh and fertile. | 100 |
Horse Saddle | horse.saddle | -1997543660 | Having this item allows you to claim a horse in a stable by holding E and selecting the \"Claim\" option | 1 |
Hose Tool | hosetool | 363163265 | A tool used to make fluid connections between objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle, then click on another object\'s input/output handle to form a connection. | 1 |
Huge Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.huge | -143132326 | A 6-meter by 3-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Human Skull | skull.human | 996293980 | A human skull. | 1 |
Hunting Bow | bow.hunting | 1443579727 | Hunting Bow, useful for short to medium range combat and hunting. | 1 |
HV 5.56 Rifle Ammo | ammo.rifle.hv | 1712070256 | This ammunition travels faster, resulting in less drop and slightly higher damage when fired over long distances. | 128 |
HV Pistol Ammo | ammo.pistol.hv | -1691396643 | This ammunition travels faster, resulting in less drop and slightly higher damage when fired over long distances. | 128 |
Ice Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso.icevest | -1478855279 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Ice Metal Facemask | metal.facemask.icemask | 110116923 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Ice Throne | chair.icethrone | -1944704288 | Every home needs a chair. A decorative item which provides comfort while seated. | 5 |
Igniter | electric.igniter | -44876289 | Ignites nearby objects such as furnaces and campfires when power is received | 3 |
Improvised Balaclava | mask.balaclava | -2012470695 | A home made balaclava. | 1 |
Incendiary 5.56 Rifle Ammo | ammo.rifle.incendiary | 605467368 | Slower moving ammunition that deals fire damage. There\'s a small chance it will start a fire. | 128 |
Incendiary Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol.fire | 51984655 | Slower moving ammunition that deals fire damage. There\'s a small chance it will start a fire. | 128 |
Incendiary Rocket | ammo.rocket.fire | 1638322904 | Creates flames upon impact. | 3 |
Industrial Combiner | industrial.combiner | 1538126328 | Combines three separate industrial connections into one connection. | 5 |
Industrial Conveyor | industrial.conveyor | 610102428 | Moves an item from one container to another. | 5 |
Industrial Crafter | industrial.crafter | 1430085198 | Attaches to a workbench to allow automated crafting. | 5 |
Industrial Door | door.hinged.industrial.a | 818733919 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Industrial Splitter | industrial.splitter | 742745918 | Splits an industrial connection into three separate connections. | 5 |
Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light | 1623701499 | A small light source. | 10 |
Inner Tube | innertube | -697981032 | An inflated tube for aquatic activities. | 1 |
Inner Tube | innertube.horse | 185586769 | An inflated tube for aquatic activities. | 1 |
Inner Tube | innertube.unicorn | 2052270186 | An inflated tube for aquatic activities. | 1 |
Instant Camera | tool.instant_camera | -2001260025 | An instant camera. Take photos with primary fire, zoom in and out with secondary fire, and change focus mode with reload. | 1 |
Jack O Lantern Angry | jackolantern.angry | 1242482355 | A Lantern. Place it where you need light. | 1 |
Jack O Lantern Happy | jackolantern.happy | -1824943010 | A Lantern. Place it where you need light. | 1 |
Jacket | jacket | -1163532624 | A rugged jacket. | 1 |
Jackhammer | jackhammer | 1488979457 | A Pneumatic Jackhammer to blast through ore nodes. The sheer power of this device requires no aiming as all weak spots will be instantly destroyed. Works well on human flesh. Can be refilled at a Workbench. | 1 |
Jerry Can Guitar | fun.jerrycanguitar | -979951147 | Take advantage of the unique acoustics of the Jerry Can Guitar to play some rustic tunes. | 1 |
Jumpsuit | jumpsuit.suit | -97459906 | A Jumpsuit | 1 |
Junkyard Drum Kit | drumkit | -1330640246 | An array of pots, pans and buckets that passes as a serviceable Drum Kit. Three cymbals, some Tom Drums and a Kick Drum means you can easily lay down a beat. | 1 |
Kayak | kayak | 190184021 | An improvised wooden kayak. Seats two and requires a Paddle to operate. | 1 |
Key Lock | lock.key | -850982208 | Place on a door to avoid any unwelcome guests. To craft your key first place the lock on a door and hold E while looking at the Key lock and select \'Create Key\', a key will now be added to your crafting queue.
If the key is lost, you cannot make another, so don\'t forget to make extras and put them in a safe place! | 10 |
L96 Rifle | rifle.l96 | -778367295 | A military grade high powered, long range rifle with great accuracy. | 1 |
Ladder Hatch | floor.ladder.hatch | 1948067030 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Landscape Photo Frame | photoframe.landscape | 1697996440 | A landscape oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Landscape Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.landscape | -845557339 | A landscape oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Lantern | lantern | 1658229558 | A Lantern. Place it where you need light, requires low grade fuel to work. | 1 |
Large Animated Neon Sign | sign.neon.xl.animated | 1643667218 | A large, animated neon sign! | 5 |
Large Banner Hanging | sign.hanging.banner.large | 23352662 | A large banner hanging on a wall. | 5 |
Large Banner on pole | sign.pole.banner.large | 2070189026 | A large banner hanging on a pole. | 5 |
Large Candle Set | largecandles | -489848205 | Large Candles | 1 |
Large Chassis | vehicle.chassis.4mod | -44066790 | Four-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Large Flatbed Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.flatbed | -1693832478 | Dual module large flatbed. | 1 |
Large Furnace | furnace.large | -1992717673 | Used to smelt large quantities of ore. Difficult to secure, must be placed on terrain. | 1 |
Large Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.large | 479292118 | A massive haul. Contains the best halloween loot | 10 |
Large Medkit | largemedkit | 254522515 | A large medkit. | 1 |
Large Neon Sign | sign.neon.xl | 866332017 | A large neon sign! | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 | A balanced torso.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 | Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | 10 |
Medium Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 | A medium neon sign! | 5 |
Medium Present | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 | A medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | 5 |
Medium Quality Carburetor | carburetor2 | 656371027 | A medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Medium Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 | A medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Medium Quality Pistons | piston2 | 1883981801 | Medium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Medium Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug2 | -493159321 | Medium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Medium Quality Valves | valve2 | 926800282 | Medium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 | A Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Medium Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 | A 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Megaphone | megaphone | -583379016 | A megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | 1 |
Memory Cell | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 | A 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | 5 |
Metal Barricade | barricade.metal | 1655650836 | A tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | 10 |
Metal Blade | metalblade | 1882709339 | A Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | 20 |
Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Facemask | metal.facemask | -194953424 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Fragments | metal.fragments | 69511070 | Metal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | 1000 |
Metal horizontal embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 | Static shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Ore | metal.ore | -4031221 | A naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | 1000 |
Metal Pipe | metalpipe | 95950017 | Metal Pipe. | 20 |
Metal Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 | A bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | 1 |
Metal Spring | metalspring | -1021495308 | A metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | 20 |
Metal Vertical embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 | Static shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Window Bars | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 | Metal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | 10 |
Microphone Stand | microphonestand | 39600618 | A powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+reload] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | 5 |
Miners Hat | hat.miner | -1539025626 | A leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | 1 |
Mining Quarry | mining.quarry | 1052926200 | Extracts minerals from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of minerals available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Minnows | fish.minnows | -542577259 | A Small group of edible fish. | 10 |
Mixing Table | mixingtable | 1259919256 | Used for mixing recipes. | 1 |
MLRS | mlrs | -1449152644 | M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | 1 |
MLRS Aiming Module | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 | An aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | 1 |
MLRS Rocket | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 | A rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | 6 |
Mobile Phone | mobilephone | -20045316 | A mobile phone that lets you place calls from anywhere. Truly cutting edge Cobalt technology. Use [attack] to access the dialler. | 1 |
Modular Car Lift | modularcarlift | 1696050067 | This allows you to modify modular vehicles | 1 |
Molotov Cocktail | grenade.molotov | 1556365900 | An incendiary device | 5 |
Movember Moustache | movembermoustache | -2047081330 | A magnificent moustache for Movember | 1 |
MP5A4 | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Multiple Grenade Launcher | multiplegrenadelauncher | -1123473824 | A 40MM six barrel, semi automatic grenade launcher | 1 |
Mummy Suit | halloween.mummysuit | 277730763 | A mummy suit | 1 |
Mushroom | mushroom | -1962971928 | A Mushroom found on the ground. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Muzzle Boost | weapon.mod.muzzleboost | -1405508498 | Increases weapon fire rate by channeling gasses back into the weapon cycling it faster, at the cost of bullet velocity and accuracy. | 1 |
Muzzle Brake | weapon.mod.muzzlebrake | 1478091698 | Lowers recoil felt by the operator but can make bullet path more unpredictable and dealing slightly less damage to your foes. | 1 |
Nailgun | pistol.nailgun | 1953903201 | A construction tool turned deadly | 1 |
Nailgun Nails | ammo.nailgun.nails | -2097376851 | Standard nailgun ammunition | 64 |
Nest Hat | attire.nesthat | 1081315464 | An extremely silly easter nest hat with googly eyes. | 1 |
Netting | wall.frame.netting | 1516985844 | Netting you can climb. | 5 |
New Year Gong | newyeargong | -961457160 | Ring in the Lunar new year with a massive gong! | 1 |
Night Vision Goggles | nightvisiongoggles | -1518883088 | Enables vision at nighttime by projecting and amplifying infrared light.The batteries can be recharged at a Lvl 2 workbench. Cannot be worn with a helmet. | 1 |
Ninja Suit | attire.ninja.suit | -1506417026 | BaboAbe Ninja Suit | 1 |
Nomad Suit | hazmatsuit.nomadsuit | 491263800 | A nomad suit. | 1 |
Note | note | 1414245162 | A scrap of paper for leaving notes. | 1 |
One Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town | -1832422579 | A one sided town sign post, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
OR Switch | electric.orswitch | -1286302544 | A logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if EITHER input receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | 5 |
Orange Boomer | firework.boomer.orange | -7270019 | A very large mortar type firework with an orange starburst | 20 |
Orange Roughy | fish.orangeroughy | -1904821376 | A rare fish found in the depths of the ocean. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Ox Mask | hat.oxmask | 1315082560 | An Ox mask to celebrate the 2021 Lunar New Year. | 1 |
Paddle | paddle | 1491189398 | A versatile melee weapon that can also be used to paddle a kayak. | 1 |
Paddling Pool | paddlingpool | -733625651 | A small inflatable pool that you can fill up with water. | 1 |
Painted Egg | easter.paintedeggs | -126305173 | Some simple painted eggs. Collect 10 to upgrade to a bronze egg | 1000 |
Pan Flute | fun.flute | -2040817543 | A set of repurposed PVC pipes that can be used to play a variety of melodies. | 1 |
Pants | pants | 237239288 | Pants. | 1 |
Paper | paper | -1779183908 | Paper, a ingredient for Building plan and Note. | 1000 |
Paper Map | map | 696029452 | Helps you figure out where you are. You can annotate the map by right-clicking and drawing on it. Drag the map into your belt bar to make it active. You will then be able to view the map by holding down the map button (G by default). | 1 |
Party Hat | partyhat | -575744869 | A very stupid looking party hat | 1 |
Passenger Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.passengers | 895374329 | Dual module seating. | 1 |
Pattern Boomer | firework.boomer.pattern | -379734527 | A special boomer which allows you light up the night sky with a custom pattern that you draw. Multiple colors and altitude settings are available. | 20 |
Photograph | photo | 62577426 | A photograph taken with an instant camera. | 1 |
Pickaxe | pickaxe | -1302129395 | A Pickaxe, useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pickles | jar.pickle | 286193827 | Cucumbers in a vinegar bath, jarred by an amateur. Eat at your own risk. | 10 |
Pipe Tool | pipetool | -144513264 | Now you're thinking with pipes! | 1 |
Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol | 785728077 | Ammunition for a Pistol. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | 128 |
Pitchfork | pitchfork | 1090916276 | A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with. | 1 |
Plant Fiber | plantfiber | -804769727 | Fiber from dead plants. Can be composted. | 1000 |
Plumber's Trumpet | fun.trumpet | 273172220 | Toot your own horn with this brassy improvised Trumpet. | 1 |
Pookie Bear | pookie.bear | -1651220691 | A companion that reminds you of your youth. | 1 |
Portable Boom Box | fun.boomboxportable | 576509618 | A portable Boom Box that can play tapes and internet audio streams. [attack] to start/stop and [attack2] to modify settings. | 1 |
Portrait Photo Frame | photoframe.portrait | 1729712564 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Portrait Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.portrait | -1370759135 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Potato | potato | -2086926071 | Potato. | 20 |
Potato Clone | clone.potato | 1512054436 | A Clipping of a Potato Plant. | 50 |
Potato Seed | seed.potato | -2084071424 | These potato seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Powered Water Purifier | powered.water.purifier | -365097295 | A device that converts salt water to fresh water while powered. | 1 |
Pressure Pad | electric.pressurepad | -2049214035 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is standing on it | 1 |
Prison Cell Gate | wall.frame.cell.gate | -956706906 | A prison cell gate to lock things behind bars | 1 |
Prison Cell Wall | wall.frame.cell | -1429456799 | A prison cell wall. | 10 |
Prototype 17 | pistol.prototype17 | 1914691295 | A burst fire prototype pistol | 1 |
Prototype Hatchet | lumberjack.hatchet | -399173933 | A prototype field hatchet, useful for gathering wood | 1 |
Prototype Pickaxe | lumberjack.pickaxe | 236677901 | A prototype field pickaxe. Useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pump Jack | mining.pumpjack | -1130709577 | Extracts oil from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of oil available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Pump Shotgun | shotgun.pump | 795371088 | A Shotgun. Fires six rounds. | 1 |
Pumpkin | pumpkin | -567909622 | An edible vegetable that can also be worn as a hat. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Pumpkin Bucket | pumpkinbasket | 1346158228 | A pumpkin basket to help you collect candy much faster during Trick or Treat events with left click. Use right click to throw candy | 1 |
Pumpkin Plant Clone | clone.pumpkin | 1898094925 | A Clipping of a pumpkin plant. | 50 |
Pumpkin Seed | seed.pumpkin | -1511285251 | Pumpkin Seeds can be found when picking wild Pumpkin plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Pumpkins and faster groth. | 50 |
Pure Anti-Rad Tea | radiationresisttea.pure | -33009419 | A tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | 10 |
Pure Healing Tea | healingtea.pure | -1677315902 | A tea that restores health over time. | 10 |
Pure Max Health Tea | maxhealthtea.pure | 1712261904 | A tea that increases your maximum health. | 10 |
Pure Ore Tea | oretea.pure | 1729374708 | A tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | 10 |
Pure Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea.pure | 1905387657 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
Pure Scrap Tea | scraptea.pure | 2024467711 | A tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | 10 |
Pure Wood Tea | woodtea.pure | -557539629 | A tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | 10 |
Purple Sunglasses | twitchsunglasses | 20489901 | Sunglasses - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Python Revolver | pistol.python | 1373971859 | A High Powered six-shooter. | 1 |
Rabbit Mask | hat.rabbitmask | -986782031 | A Beautifully crafted Rabbit mask to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea | -496584751 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
RAND Switch | electric.random.switch | 492357192 | This switch will allow passthrough based on a random number. Each time the SET input receives power it will roll true or false to allow passthrough | 5 |
Rat Mask | hat.ratmask | 271048478 | A Beautifully crafted bronze and gold Rat mask to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Raw Bear Meat | bearmeat | -1520560807 | Raw Bear Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Chicken Breast | chicken.raw | -1440987069 | Raw chicken breast. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Deer Meat | deermeat.raw | 1422530437 | Raw Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Fish | fish.raw | 989925924 | Raw Fish. | 20 |
Raw Horse Meat | horsemeat.raw | -1130350864 | Raw Horse Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Human Meat | humanmeat.raw | -1709878924 | Raw human meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Raw Pork | meat.boar | 621915341 | Raw pork. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.raw | -395377963 | Raw Wolf Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Reactive Target | target.reactive | -1736356576 | A reactive target that knocks down when hit, can be reset. | 1 |
Rear Seats Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.rear.seats | 1376065505 | Single module seating for two passengers. | 1 |
Red Berry | red.berry | 1272194103 | A red berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Red Berry Clone | clone.red.berry | 2133269020 | A clipping of a Red Berry Plant. | 50 |
Red Berry Seed | seed.red.berry | 830839496 | These red berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Red Boomer | firework.boomer.red | -1553999294 | A very large mortar type firework with a red starburst | 20 |
Red Dog Tags | reddogtags | -602717596 | Red Dog Tags | 5000 |
Red Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.red | -1160621614 | A small red light source. | 10 |
Red Keycard | keycard_red | -1880870149 | A keycard with advanced clearance, grants access to top level areas | 1 |
Red Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.red | -1486461488 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of red balls into the air | 20 |
Red Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.red | -454370658 | Emits a beautiful shower of red sparks | 20 |
Reindeer Antlers | attire.reindeer.headband | -324675402 | A festive reindeer antlers headband and nose. | 1 |
Reinforced Glass Window | wall.window.bars.toptier | 671706427 | Window bars to fit a standard window. These bars are made out of reinforced metal and contain a thick surround to protect from incoming projectiles. | 10 |
Repair Bench | box.repair.bench | 803222026 | You can repair your items here for a fraction of their construction cost. You may also use this to apply new skins to existing items. | 1 |
Research Paper | researchpaper | -544317637 | Use this item in a Research Bench to create blueprints of items. | 1000 |
Research Table | research.table | -1861522751 | You can use this table to learn how to permanently craft items you have found in exchange for scrap. | 1 |
Revolver | pistol.revolver | 649912614 | A standard eight shot revolver. | 1 |
RF Broadcaster | electric.rf.broadcaster | -1044468317 | An RF Broadcaster | 1 |
RF Pager | rf_pager | -566907190 | An RF Pager. An audible tone will be produced when a signal is picked up on the listening frequency. Can be set to silent mode. | 1 |
RF Receiver | electric.rf.receiver | 888415708 | An RF Receiver | 1 |
RF Transmitter | rf.detonator | 596469572 | A hand held RF signal broadcaster. Left click to broadcast. Configurable with right mouse. | 1 |
RHIB | rhib | 1394042569 | | 1 |
Rifle Body | riflebody | 176787552 | The firing mechanism of a rifle. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire 5.56 ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Riot Helmet | riot.helmet | 671063303 | A makeshift riot Helmet. Great at deflecting melee attacks. | 1 |
Road Sign Jacket | roadsign.jacket | -2002277461 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Sign Kilt | roadsign.kilt | 1850456855 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Signs | roadsigns | 1199391518 | Some road signs made of metal. | 20 |
Roadsign Gloves | roadsign.gloves | -699558439 | Gloves made out of metal offers a good amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Roadsign Horse Armor | horse.armor.roadsign | 60528587 | A set of roadsign armor for a horse | 1 |
Rock | rock | 963906841 | A Rock. The most basic melee weapon and gathering tool. | 1 |
Rocket | ammo.rocket.basic | -742865266 | Ammunition for a Rocket Launcher. A short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact. | 3 |
Rocket Launcher | rocket.launcher | 442886268 | Shoots rockets slightly farther than North Korea. | 1 |
Root Combiner | electrical.combiner | -458565393 | This object combines two root electrical sources into a single signal. Helpful for stringing together low energy batteries or solar panels to produce higher power output. Can be wired in series, can not be used with any non energy producing electrical components. | 5 |
Rope | rope | 1414245522 | A Length of Rope. | 50 |
Rotten Apple | apple.spoiled | 352130972 | A rotten apple. Eating it currently provides a tiny boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 1 |
Rowboat | rowboat | 1878053256 | | 1 |
Rug | rug | -1985799200 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rug Bear Skin | rug.bear | -1104881824 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Blue | rustige_egg_b | -173268132 | A beautiful hand crafted white gold and sapphire encrusted egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Green | rustige_egg_e | -173268125 | A beautiful hand crafted gold and green egg, with a miniature traincart contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Ivory | rustige_egg_d | -173268126 | A beautiful hand crafted Ivory and gold egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Purple | rustige_egg_c | -173268131 | A beautiful hand crafted purple egg with gold lace, a miniature offshore monument is contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Red | rustige_egg_a | -173268129 | An exquisite hand crafted gold and diamond egg. When opened, a very special melody can be heard as you observe an intricate representation of your favorite monument. | 1 |
Saddle bag | horse.saddlebag | 1400460850 | Equipping this saddle bag will add extra storage space on your horse | 1 |
Salmon | fish.salmon | -851988960 | A large Salmon, found in fresh and salt water. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 10 |
Salt Water | water.salt | -277057363 | Water with a high salt content. Consuming will damage your health. | 2147483647 |
Salvaged Axe | axe.salvaged | -262590403 | A high-yield resource gathering axe. Slower than the Hatchet. | 1 |
Salvaged Cleaver | salvaged.cleaver | -1978999529 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with high damage. | 1 |
Salvaged Hammer | hammer.salvaged | -1506397857 | A Hammer made from a bunch of other crap. | 1 |
Salvaged Icepick | icepick.salvaged | -1780802565 | A high-yield resource gathering Icepick. | 1 |
Salvaged Shelves | shelves | 1950721418 | Shelves for item stacking | 10 |
Salvaged Sword | salvaged.sword | 1326180354 | A powerful melee weapon made from a filed-down wrench. Great durability, good damage. | 1 |
SAM Ammo | ammo.rocket.sam | -384243979 | Ammunition for a Sam Site, This missile contains a rudimentary guidance system to help it navigate through strong winds. | 1000 |
SAM Site | samsite | -1009359066 | A surface to air rocket site. Requires 25 electricity to function. | 1 |
Sandbag Barricade | barricade.sandbags | -559599960 | A protective barricade made out of Sand Bags. | 10 |
Santa Beard | santabeard | 2126889441 | A santa beard. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Santa Hat | santahat | -575483084 | A santa hat. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Sardine | fish.sardine | -1654233406 | A small oily fish, commonly found in large schools. | 10 |
Satchel Charge | explosive.satchel | -1878475007 | Small explosive package constructed of beancan grenades. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. | 10 |
Scarecrow | scarecrow | 177226991 | Get into the Halloween spirit with this decorative deployable item. | 5 |
Scarecrow Suit | scarecrow.suit | 273951840 | A spooky scarecrow suit | 1 |
Scarecrow Wrap | scarecrowhead | 809942731 | A creepy burlap scarecrow hat | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist | -253079493 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper | -1958316066 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scrap | scrap | -932201673 | Scrap can be used in a Research table and Workbench to unlock and research items. Often used as a currency throughout the world. | 1000 |
ScrapTransportHeliRepair | scraptransportheli.repair | -1884328185 | ScrapTransportHeliRepair Dummy | 1 |
Search Light | searchlight | 2087678962 | A Large, wide beam, aimable light source. | 1 |
Secret Lab Chair | secretlabchair | 567871954 | A luxurious, comfortable chair for long sessions of CCTV watching. | 5 |
Semi Automatic Body | semibody | 573926264 | The firing mechanism of a semi automatic weapon. | 10 |
Semi-Automatic Pistol | pistol.semiauto | 818877484 | A semi-automatic pistol, fires rapidly and with good accuracy. | 1 |
Semi-Automatic Rifle | rifle.semiauto | -904863145 | A Semi Automatic Rifle. | 1 |
Sewing Kit | sewingkit | 1234880403 | A Sewing kit. Used to make advanced clothing. | 20 |
Sheet Metal | sheetmetal | -1994909036 | Sheet metal scraps. | 20 |
Sheet Metal Door | door.hinged.metal | -2067472972 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Sheet Metal Double Door | door.double.hinged.metal | 1390353317 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Shirt | shirt.collared | -2025184684 | A smart casual shirt | 1 |
Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront | -796583652 | A shop front to do commerce. | 1 |
Short Ice Wall | wall.ice.wall | 1327005675 | A short wall made of solid ice. | 10 |
Shorts | pants.shorts | -1695367501 | Trousers without the bottom of the legs. | 1 |
Shotgun Trap | guntrap | 352499047 | A shotgun trap triggered by movement, place near doorways and load with handmade shells. | 1 |
Shovel Bass | fun.bass | -2107018088 | Use this stringed together shovel to play some deep, deep tunes. | 1 |
Sickle | sickle | -1368584029 | A very sharp curved cutting weapon. While its traditional role was to cut grass, this tool is also extremely versatile at cutting throats, perhaps trees, too. | 1 |
Silencer | weapon.mod.silencer | -1850571427 | Significantly reduces the sound of gunfire, and completely removes any visible muzzle flash. | 1 |
Silver Egg | easter.silveregg | 1757265204 | A Silver Egg. Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a gold Egg | 10 |
Simple Handmade Sight | weapon.mod.simplesight | -855748505 | A poorly made sight, slightly better than iron sights. | 1 |
Simple Light | electric.simplelight | -282113991 | A simple debugging light | 1 |
Single Sign Post | sign.post.single | 1542290441 | A single sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Siren Light | electric.sirenlight | 762289806 | A spinning siren light | 5 |
Skull | skull | 1312843609 | A spooky skull | 1 |
Skull Door Knocker | skulldoorknocker | -216116642 | A spooky skull door knocker | 1 |
Skull Fire Pit | skull_fire_pit | 553887414 | Enjoy burning your enemies remnants to ashes with this Halloween exclusive! Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.candles | -25740268 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.pumpkin | -1078639462 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes | -1073015016 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy | -769647921 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.table | -156748077 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar2 | -924959988 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar | 971362526 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Sky Lantern | skylantern | 1819863051 | A beautiful sky lantern. Can be launched in any direction. Has one inventory slot. Can be Ignited with a lit torch. | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Green | skylantern.skylantern.green | -1770889433 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Orange | skylantern.skylantern.orange | -1824770114 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Purple | skylantern.skylantern.purple | 831955134 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Red | skylantern.skylantern.red | -1433390281 | | 20 |
Sled | sled.xmas | -135252633 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sled | sled | -333406828 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sleeping Bag | sleepingbag | -1754948969 | A sleeping bag. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | 1 |
Small Candle Set | smallcandles | -2058362263 | Small Candles | 1 |
Small Chassis | vehicle.chassis.2mod | -44066600 | Two-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Small Generator | electric.fuelgenerator.small | 1849887541 | A small electric generator powered by Low Grade Fuel that outputs 40 power. | 1 |
Small Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.small | 1319617282 | Open for a surprise, or collect 10 to upgrade to a medium loot bag containing better loot! | 10 |
Small Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x125 | 1305578813 | A small neon sign! | 5 |
Small Oil Refinery | small.oil.refinery | -1293296287 | A small refinery which can produce Low Grade Fuel from Crude Oil. | 1 |
Small Planter Box | planter.small | 1903654061 | A small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | 10 |
Small Present | xmas.present.small | -722241321 | A small stocking stuffer present, Collect 10 to upgrade to a larger present. | 10 |
Small Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.small | -692338819 | A small rechargable battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Small Shark | fish.smallshark | -1768880890 | A small, surprisingly aggressive deep sea predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Small Stash | stash.small | -369760990 | A hidden, burried stash to keep your items safe. After placing, return to the stash and aim at the ground where you hid it and it will reveal itself. | 5 |
Small Stocking | stocking.small | 1668858301 | A small stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get a gift! Collect 6 to upgrade to a SUPER Stocking. | 5 |
Small Trout | fish.troutsmall | -1878764039 | A Small Trout. Good for a few meals. | 10 |
Small Water Bottle | smallwaterbottle | -1039528932 | A Small Water Bottle. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | 1 |
Small Water Catcher | water.catcher.small | -132247350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Small Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.small | -1138208076 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Smart Alarm | smart.alarm | -695978112 | Sends a notifications to your phone when powered on. | 5 |
Smart Switch | smart.switch | 988652725 | A smart electric switch. | 5 |
SMG Body | smgbody | 1230323789 | The firing mechanism of a submachinegun. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire pistol ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Smoke Grenade | grenade.smoke | 1263920163 | Produces a large cloud of opaque greyish white smoke. | 3 |
Smoke Rocket WIP!!!! | ammo.rocket.smoke | -17123659 | Emits thick, visibility blocking smoke upon impact. | 3 |
Snap Trap | trap.bear | -582782051 | A metal trap that can injure or even kill people when stepped on. Can be picked up after been triggered. | 3 |
Snow Jacket | jacket.snow | -48090175 | A thick, high visibility Jacket. It will help keep you warm in any climate. | 1 |
Snow Machine | snowmachine | 1358643074 | A machine which will blanket the surrounding terrain in snow. | 1 |
Snowball | snowball | -363689972 | A snowball, throw it! | 1 |
Snowball Gun | snowballgun | 1103488722 | Load snowballs and lay waste to your foes with Christmas cheer. | 1 |
Snowman | snowman | 1629293099 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative snowman | 5 |
Snowman Helmet | attire.snowman.helmet | -842267147 | A snowman helmet which provides ample protection. | 1 |
Snowmobile | snowmobile | -1364246987 | A custom snowmobile, made of various bits and pieces. | 1 |
Sofa | sofa | -555122905 | A comfortable old sofa. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Sofa - Pattern | sofa.pattern | 782422285 | A comfortable old sofa with a floral pattern. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Solo Submarine | submarinesolo | -187031121 | A small one-person submarine. | 1 |
Sound Light | soundlight | -343857907 | A light that will pulse in time to music when connected to a Boom Box. | 5 |
Sousaphone | fun.tuba | 1784406797 | A collection of used piping that¡¯s been converted into a Tuba. Probably not very hygienic. | 1 |
Space Suit | hazmatsuit.spacesuit | -560304835 | A spacesuit built for harsh conditions. | 1 |
Spas-12 Shotgun | shotgun.spas12 | -41440462 | A semi automatic military issue shotgun | 1 |
Speargun | speargun | -1517740219 | A speargun which can only be fired underwater. Excellent for hunting Sharks. | 1 |
Speargun Spear | speargun.spear | -1800345240 | Ammunition for a speargun. | 64 |
Spider Webs | spiderweb | 882559853 | Giant Cobwebs which can be hung against both a ceiling and a wall. | 10 |
Spinning wheel | spinner.wheel | -1100422738 | An interactive spinning wheel. | 1 |
Splitter | electric.splitter | -563624462 | Splits an electrical signal into 3 multiple signals. the amount passed through is equal to the input amount divided by the number of used output slots. | 5 |
Spoiled Chicken | chicken.spoiled | -751151717 | Spoiled Chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Human Meat | humanmeat.spoiled | 1272768630 | Spoiled Human Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.spoiled | -1167031859 | Spoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spooky Speaker | spookyspeaker | 1885488976 | Frighten your guests with creepy and spooky halloween sounds! | 1 |
Spray Can | spraycan | -596876839 | Use the Spray Can to leave Tags or reskin your items. Press [attack] to spray and [attack2] to reskin items. | 1 |
Spray Can Decal | spraycandecal | -1366326648 | | 10 |
Sprinkler | electric.sprinkler | -781014061 | A small sprinkler that sprays water around it. Requires a hose connection to supply it with water. | 10 |
Star Tree Topper | xmas.decoration.star | -1331212963 | A golden star to top off your Christmas Tree | 1 |
Sticks | sticks | 642482233 | Some long, some short. | 100 |
Stone Barricade | barricade.stone | 15388698 | A protective barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Stone Fireplace | fireplace.stone | -1535621066 | A stone fireplace to heat your home. Must be placed indoors and against a wall. | 1 |
Stone Hatchet | stonehatchet | -1583967946 | Primitive tool used for harvesting wood from trees and logs. | 1 |
Stone Pickaxe | stone.pickaxe | 171931394 | Primitive tool used for harvesting Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Stone Spear | spear.stone | 1602646136 | A stone-tipped wooden Spear. Slightly longer range. | 1 |
Stones | stones | -2099697608 | Harvested from rocks using tools, basic building material. | 1000 |
Storage Adaptor | storageadaptor | -1049172752 | Attach to a storage container to allow industrial input/output connections. | 5 |
Storage Monitor | storage.monitor | 1149964039 | The Storage Monitor attaches to the Tool Cupboard and Large Storage Box to monitor the container contents. Output sends a pulse when the container is updated. | 1 |
Storage Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.storage | 268565518 | Single module storage. | 1 |
Strengthened Glass Window | wall.window.glass.reinforced | -1614955425 | Bulletproof glass insert | 10 |
Strobe Light | strobelight | 2104517339 | A flashing light, 3 speeds. Causes seizures. | 1 |
Sulfur | sulfur | -1581843485 | Sulfur is commonly used in gunpowder, medicine, and matches. Matches release sulfur dioxide when they burn, giving them their smell. Sulfur is an essential component to living cells. Many proteins contain sulfur. It is also used as a pesticide on organic farms. | 1000 |
Sulfur Ore | sulfur.ore | -1157596551 | A rock containing sulfur. The sulfur can be extracted using a furnace. | 1000 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02black | 1258768145 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02camo | -2103694546 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02red | 1557173737 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03black | -176608084 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03chrome | -1997698639 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03gold | -1408336705 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses | 352321488 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
SUPER Stocking | stocking.large | -465682601 | A SUPER Stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get an awesome gift! | 1 |
Supply Signal | supply.signal | 1397052267 | Purple signal smoke. Use to mark a location for an airdrop. | 1 |
Surface torpedo | submarine.torpedo.rising | -239306133 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead while rising to the water's surface. | 100 |
Surgeon Scrubs | halloween.surgeonsuit | -1785231475 | A Surgeon Suit | 1 |
Survey Charge | surveycharge | 1975934948 | Use this on the terrain to see which resources are available for mining. | 10 |
Survival Fish Trap | fishtrap.small | 559147458 | Traps fish, place on the shore and load with bait. The more bait loaded the bigger the chance of catching Trout. | 5 |
Switch | electric.switch | 1951603367 | A simple electric switch. | 5 |
T-Shirt | tshirt | 223891266 | A t-shirt with very short sleeves. | 1 |
Table | table | 593465182 | Every home needs a table. A decorative item which provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Tactical Gloves | tactical.gloves | -1108136649 | Military issue tactical gloves provide protection as well as weapon stabilization leading to higher accuracy when used. | 1 |
Tall Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.tall | 121049755 | A tall canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Tank Top | shirt.tanktop | 1608640313 | A tshirt without sleeves | 1 |
Targeting Computer | targeting.computer | 1523195708 | A computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. | 64 |
Tarp | tarp | 2019042823 | A waterproof tarp. | 20 |
Taxi Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.taxi | -626174997 | Single module seating for two passengers, with protection at the front. | 1 |
Tech Trash | techparts | 73681876 | A collection of random tech parts. | 50 |
Telephone | telephone | 1234878710 | Use the telephone to call other telephones on the island! | 1 |
Tesla Coil | electric.teslacoil | 1371909803 | A Tesla Coil | 3 |
Test Generator | electric.generator.small | -295829489 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
Thompson | smg.thompson | -1758372725 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Tiger Mask | hat.tigermask | 709206314 | A special tiger mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Timed Explosive Charge | explosive.timed | 1248356124 | C4, useful for breaking into bases. | 10 |
Timer | electric.timer | 665332906 | A Timer switch, will pass power through for duration. | 5 |
Tomaha Snowmobile | snowmobiletomaha | 1768112091 | An old snowmobile from around 1980. | 1 |
Tool Cupboard | cupboard.tool | -97956382 | Placing and authorising with the cupboard will make it so only you can build in a 50 meter radius of it. If you want your friends to build, they'll need to auth too. You should protect this. | 1 |
Torch | torch | 795236088 | A Torch. Lights your way at night and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Torpedo | submarine.torpedo.straight | -1671551935 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead in a straight line. | 100 |
Tree Lights | xmas.decoration.lights | 1723747470 | A tree isn't complete without colorful lights! | 1 |
Triangle Ladder Hatch | floor.triangle.ladder.hatch | 2041899972 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Tuna Can Lamp | tunalight | -1478445584 | A Makeshift wall light. | 1 |
Twitch Rivals Trophy | trophy | 975983052 | A trophy dedicated to the survivors of Rust Twitch Rivals | 1 |
Two Sided Hanging Sign | sign.hanging | 1205607945 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign | sign.hanging.ornate | -1647846966 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town.roof | 826309791 | A double sided town sign post, with roof, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Vending Machine | vending.machine | 198438816 | Trade your goods with other players safely by creating sell and buy orders.
If a raider gains access to the rear panel, they will have free reign over all of your goodies. Keep it safe. | 1 |
Violet Boomer | firework.boomer.violet | -280223496 | A very large mortar type firework with a violet starburst | 20 |
Violet Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.violet | -99886070 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Violet balls into the air | 20 |
Violet Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.violet | -1538109120 | Emits a beautiful shower of Violet sparks | 20 |
Vodka Bottle | bottle.vodka | 755224797 | A bottle of Russian Vodka. | 1 |
Wagon | wagon | 996757362 | A train car. | 1 |
Watch Tower | watchtower.wood | -463122489 | A high wooden watchtower with a ladder | 10 |
Water | water | -1779180711 | Water. Drinking it will alleviate your thirst. | 2147483647 |
Water Barrel | water.barrel | -1863559151 | A storage container for water. Can output 10ml of water a second via a hose. | 1 |
Water Bucket | bucket.water | 1424075905 | A bucket for transporting water or other liquids. | 1 |
Water Gun | gun.water | 722955039 | A large water gun with pumpable pressure. Hold reload to pump! | 1 |
Water Jug | waterjug | -119235651 | A large jerry can for water. | 1 |
Water Pistol | pistol.water | -1815301988 | A small water gun that doesn't require pumping, but has a lower range and output. | 1 |
Water Pump | waterpump | -1284169891 | Can be placed in a water source to collect that water while powered. Can be connected to other Water entities. | 1 |
Water Purifier | water.purifier | 2114754781 | A Water Purifier. Place overtop of a campfire. Will provide clean, drinkable water from salty, or stagnant water. | 1 |
Waterpipe Shotgun | shotgun.waterpipe | -1367281941 | A Shotgun. Fires a single round before reloading. | 1 |
Weapon flashlight | weapon.mod.flashlight | 952603248 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a beam of light. Pressing F (default) to toggle light. | 1 |
Weapon Lasersight | weapon.mod.lasersight | -132516482 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a guiding laser and reduces weapon sway. | 1 |
Wetsuit | diving.wetsuit | -1101924344 | A Wetsuit providing protection from frigid waters. | 1 |
Wheelbarrow Piano | piano | 1272430949 | The Piano is a repurposed wheelbarrow that weighs a ton, but makes up for it with a wide range of notes. | 1 |
White Berry | white.berry | 854447607 | A white berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
White Berry Clone | clone.white.berry | 1533551194 | A clipping of a White Berry Plant. | 50 |
White Berry Seed | seed.white.berry | -992286106 | These white berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
White Volcano Firework | firework.volcano | 261913429 | Emits a beautiful shower of white sparks | 20 |
Wind Turbine | generator.wind.scrap | -1819763926 | Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds. | 1 |
Wire Tool | wiretool | -144417939 | A tool used to make connections between electrical objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle. you can then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. holding right mouse will clear or cancel a connection. | 1 |
Wolf Headdress | hat.wolf | -1478212975 | A headdress made out of the scraped out head of a wolf. | 1 |
Wolf Skull | skull.wolf | 2048317869 | A wolf skull. | 1 |
Wood | wood | -151838493 | Wood. Collected from trees and used in many crafting recipes. It's also needed to cook in camp-fires. | 1000 |
Wood Armor Helmet | wood.armor.helmet | -2094954543 | A shoddy helmet made from Wood and Cloth. | 1 |
Wood Armor Pants | wood.armor.pants | 832133926 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Chestplate | wood.armor.jacket | 418081930 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Double Door | door.double.hinged.wood | -1336109173 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wood Shutters | shutter.wood.a | -1023374709 | Wood shutters that you can open and close. | 20 |
Wood Storage Box | box.wooden | -180129657 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 18 items. | 1 |
Wooden Arrow | arrow.wooden | -1234735557 | An arrow for a Hunting Bow and Crossbow. | 64 |
Wooden Barricade | barricade.wood | 866889860 | A wooden barricade. Will hurt players and animals that run into it. | 10 |
Wooden Barricade Cover | barricade.wood.cover | 1373240771 | Perfect for cover when engaging in gun fights. Decays rapidly when placed outside of building privilege. | 10 |
Wooden Cross | woodcross | 699075597 | A wooden cross marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Wooden Door | door.hinged.wood | 1729120840 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wooden Floor Spikes | spikes.floor | -92759291 | A set of spikes that will slow down and hurt anyone that walks over them. | 10 |
Wooden Horse Armor | horse.armor.wood | 1659447559 | A set of wooden horse armor | 1 |
Wooden Ladder | ladder.wooden.wall | -316250604 | A ladder will help you climb walls in any base. | 5 |
Wooden Spear | spear.wooden | 1540934679 | Primitive weapon, perfect for hunting your foes. Can be upgraded to Stone Spear. | 1 |
Wooden Window Bars | wall.window.bars.wood | -1183726687 | Window bars made out of wood. They'll stop people climbing through your window, but probably not for very long. | 10 |
Work Cart | workcart | -810326667 | A service train designed to run on an underground rail system. | 1 |
Workbench Level 1 | workbench1 | 1524187186 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 1 | 1 |
Workbench Level 2 | workbench2 | -41896755 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 2 | 1 |
Workbench Level 3 | workbench3 | -1607980696 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 3 | 1 |
Worm | worm | 1770475779 | A small, writhing worm that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Wrapped Gift | wrappedgift | 204970153 | A lazily wrapped gift. | 1 |
Wrapping Paper | wrappingpaper | 1094293920 | Use this to conceal any item in a lazily wrapped gift | 1 |
XL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xl | -996185386 | An extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
XOR Switch | electric.xorswitch | 1293102274 | An exclusive-or logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if ONLY ONE input receives power, passthrough amount is whichever single input is active. if BOTH inputs recieve power, passthrough will be zero. | 5 |
XXL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xxl | 98508942 | A double extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Xylobone | xylophone | -211235948 | A selection of bones that were ¡°acquired¡± for their acoustic attributes. Play a lullaby for your camp with these soothing tones. | 1 |
Yellow Berry | yellow.berry | 1660145984 | A yellow berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Yellow Berry Clone | clone.yellow.berry | 390728933 | A clipping of a Yellow Berry Plant. | 50 |
Yellow Berry Seed | seed.yellow.berry | -520133715 | These yellow berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Yellow Perch | fish.yellowperch | 680234026 | A Yellow Perch, commonly found in freshwater rivers. | 10 |
Large Photo Frame | photoframe.large | 1205084994 | A large frame for your photos. | 1 |
Large Planter Box | planter.large | 1581210395 | A large planter with enough room to plant 9 seeds. | 10 |
Large Present | xmas.present.large | -1622660759 | A Large Present, the best there is. Unwrap it now! | 1 |
Large Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.large | 553270375 | A Large Rechargeable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Large Solar Panel | electric.solarpanel.large | 2090395347 | A solar panel which converts sunlight into energy. The amount of energy generated is dependent on the sun\'s intensity and angle to the panel. | 3 |
Large Water Catcher | water.catcher.large | -1100168350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Large Wood Box | box.wooden.large | 833533164 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 48 items. | 1 |
Large Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.large | 1153652756 | A 3-meter by 1.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Laser Detector | electric.laserdetector | -798293154 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is in the beam | 5 |
Laser Light | laserlight | 853471967 | A small device that shoots out visible lasers in time to music. | 5 |
Leather | leather | 1381010055 | Leather from an animal. Used in many clothing items and more. | 1000 |
Leather Gloves | burlap.gloves | 1366282552 | Gloves made out of leather, offers a small amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Light Frankenstein Head | frankensteins.monster.01.head | -134959124 | Slightly faster, slightly weaker.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Light Frankenstein Legs | frankensteins.monster.01.legs | 106959911 | Slightly faster, slightly weaker.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Light Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.01.torso | -1624770297 | Slightly faster, slightly weaker.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Locker | locker | -110921842 | A locker for keeping your clothes and armor safe! | 1 |
Locomotive | locomotive | -2027988285 | A powerful locomotive. | 1 |
Longsleeve T-Shirt | tshirt.long | 935692442 | A t-shirt with long sleeves. | 1 |
Longsword | longsword | -1469578201 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with good range and high damage. | 1 |
Low Grade Fuel | lowgradefuel | -946369541 | Low Grade Fuel, used to power light sources. | 500 |
Low Quality Carburetor | carburetor1 | 656371028 | A low quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Low Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft1 | 1158340334 | A low quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Low Quality Pistons | piston1 | 1883981798 | Low quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Low Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug1 | -89874794 | Low quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Low Quality Valves | valve1 | 1330084809 | Low quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
LR-300 Assault Rifle | rifle.lr300 | -1812555177 | Stalk your enemies with this high powered light assault rifle. | 1 |
Lumberjack Hoodie | lumberjack hoodie | -763071910 | A Lumberjack Hoodie | 1 |
Lumberjack Suit | hazmatsuit.lumberjack | 861513346 | A Lumberjack Suit | 1 |
M249 | lmg.m249 | -2069578888 | High damage, high rate of fire, belt fed light machine gun. | 1 |
M39 Rifle | rifle.m39 | 28201841 | Military grade semi auto rifle | 1 |
M92 Pistol | pistol.m92 | -852563019 | A semi-automatic Pistol. Fires rapidly and with good accuracy. Military Grade | 1 |
Mace | mace | -1966748496 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon, It\'s unique design makes it easier to hit your target when compared to other more traditional weapons. | 1 |
Machete | machete | -1137865085 | A brutal weapon with good range. | 1 |
Mail Box | mailbox | -586784898 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
MC repair | minihelicopter.repair | 1426574435 | MC repair dummy | 1 |
Medical Syringe | syringe.medical | 1079279582 | Heal yourself or others with this syringe. Left-click heals you, right-click heals a target. | 2 |
Medium Animated Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215.animated | 42535890 | An animated neon sign! | 1 |
Medium Chassis | vehicle.chassis.3mod | -44066823 | Three-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Head | frankensteins.monster.02.head | -1732475823 | A balanced head.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Legs | frankensteins.monster.02.legs | 835042040 | A balanced set of legs.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Frankenstein Torso | frankensteins.monster.02.torso | 1491753484 | A balanced torso.
Combined at a Frankenstein Table to create your very own monster. | 1 |
Medium Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.medium | 1899610628 | Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a Large loot bag, containing the best loot | 10 |
Medium Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x215 | -1423304443 | A medium neon sign! | 5 |
Medium Present | xmas.present.medium | 756517185 | A medium present, might be good! Collect 5 to upgrade to a larger present. | 5 |
Medium Quality Carburetor | carburetor2 | 656371027 | A medium quality carburetor for a combustion engine. Mixes air and fuel to the proper ratio. | 5 |
Medium Quality Crankshaft | crankshaft2 | 1158340331 | A medium quality crankshaft for a combustion engine. Converts piston movement into rotational motion. | 5 |
Medium Quality Pistons | piston2 | 1883981801 | Medium quality pistons for a combustion engine. Pistons convert expanding combustion gases into the motion that turns a crankshaft. | 10 |
Medium Quality Spark Plugs | sparkplug2 | -493159321 | Medium quality spark plugs for a combustion engine. Spark plugs ignite the fuel/air mixture to move the pistons. | 20 |
Medium Quality Valves | valve2 | 926800282 | Medium quality poppet valves for a combustion engine. Valves control the intake and exhaust flow. | 15 |
Medium Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.medium | 2023888403 | A Medium Rechargable Battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Medium Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.medium | -1819233322 | A 2-meter by 1-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Megaphone | megaphone | -583379016 | A megaphone that lets you broadcast your voice. [attack] to activate your voice. | 1 |
Memory Cell | electrical.memorycell | -746647361 | A 1 bit storage component. SET input will set the value to 1 CLEAR input sets the value to 0. Output will provide connected power if value is 1, Inverted output will provide connected power if value is 0. This is also known as a D-Type Flip Flop | 5 |
Metal Barricade | barricade.metal | 1655650836 | A tough metal barricade with barbed wire, made from Metal Fragments. The barbed wire causes damage and will also slow player movement. | 10 |
Metal Blade | metalblade | 1882709339 | A Metal Blade for making melee weapons. | 20 |
Metal Chest Plate | metal.plate.torso | 1110385766 | A metal plate covering your torso, provides excellent protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Facemask | metal.facemask | -194953424 | A protective facemask which provides the user with excellent head protection from all forms of attacks. | 1 |
Metal Fragments | metal.fragments | 69511070 | Metal Fragments. Smelted from Metal Ore, used in lots of different crafting recipes. | 1000 |
Metal horizontal embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.a | -1199897169 | Static shutter that forms a metal horizontal embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Ore | metal.ore | -4031221 | A naturally occurring rock containing metal and metal compounds. You can extract this metal using a furnace. | 1000 |
Metal Pipe | metalpipe | 95950017 | Metal Pipe. | 20 |
Metal Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront.metal | -148229307 | A bulletproof shop front for secure trades. | 1 |
Metal Spring | metalspring | -1021495308 | A metal spring. Used to provide motion or resistance in objects. | 20 |
Metal Vertical embrasure | shutter.metal.embrasure.b | -1199897172 | Static shutter that forms a metal vertical embrasure over your window frame. | 20 |
Metal Window Bars | wall.window.bars.metal | -819720157 | Metal window bars made to fit a normal sized window. | 10 |
Microphone Stand | microphonestand | 39600618 | A powered microphone that lets you broadcast your voice. Press [+reload] to change voice mode between high and low pitch. | 5 |
Miners Hat | hat.miner | -1539025626 | A leather cap with a flashlight attached. It uses Low Grade Fuel and can be activated from the inventory. | 1 |
Mining Quarry | mining.quarry | 1052926200 | Extracts minerals from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of minerals available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Minnows | fish.minnows | -542577259 | A Small group of edible fish. | 10 |
Mixing Table | mixingtable | 1259919256 | Used for mixing recipes. | 1 |
MLRS | mlrs | -1449152644 | M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System | 1 |
MLRS Aiming Module | aiming.module.mlrs | 343045591 | An aiming system computer module for an MLRS vehicle. | 1 |
MLRS Rocket | ammo.rocket.mlrs | -1843426638 | A rocket intended for use in an MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System). | 6 |
Mobile Phone | mobilephone | -20045316 | A mobile phone that lets you place calls from anywhere. Truly cutting edge Cobalt technology. Use [attack] to access the dialler. | 1 |
Modular Car Lift | modularcarlift | 1696050067 | This allows you to modify modular vehicles | 1 |
Molotov Cocktail | grenade.molotov | 1556365900 | An incendiary device | 5 |
Movember Moustache | movembermoustache | -2047081330 | A magnificent moustache for Movember | 1 |
MP5A4 | smg.mp5 | 1318558775 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Multiple Grenade Launcher | multiplegrenadelauncher | -1123473824 | A 40MM six barrel, semi automatic grenade launcher | 1 |
Mummy Suit | halloween.mummysuit | 277730763 | A mummy suit | 1 |
Mushroom | mushroom | -1962971928 | A Mushroom found on the ground. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 10 |
Muzzle Boost | weapon.mod.muzzleboost | -1405508498 | Increases weapon fire rate by channeling gasses back into the weapon cycling it faster, at the cost of bullet velocity and accuracy. | 1 |
Muzzle Brake | weapon.mod.muzzlebrake | 1478091698 | Lowers recoil felt by the operator but can make bullet path more unpredictable and dealing slightly less damage to your foes. | 1 |
Nailgun | pistol.nailgun | 1953903201 | A construction tool turned deadly | 1 |
Nailgun Nails | ammo.nailgun.nails | -2097376851 | Standard nailgun ammunition | 64 |
Nest Hat | attire.nesthat | 1081315464 | An extremely silly easter nest hat with googly eyes. | 1 |
Netting | wall.frame.netting | 1516985844 | Netting you can climb. | 5 |
New Year Gong | newyeargong | -961457160 | Ring in the Lunar new year with a massive gong! | 1 |
Night Vision Goggles | nightvisiongoggles | -1518883088 | Enables vision at nighttime by projecting and amplifying infrared light.The batteries can be recharged at a Lvl 2 workbench. Cannot be worn with a helmet. | 1 |
Ninja Suit | attire.ninja.suit | -1506417026 | BaboAbe Ninja Suit | 1 |
Nomad Suit | hazmatsuit.nomadsuit | 491263800 | A nomad suit. | 1 |
Note | note | 1414245162 | A scrap of paper for leaving notes. | 1 |
One Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town | -1832422579 | A one sided town sign post, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
OR Switch | electric.orswitch | -1286302544 | A logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if EITHER input receives power, passthrough amount is the greater of either power source | 5 |
Orange Boomer | firework.boomer.orange | -7270019 | A very large mortar type firework with an orange starburst | 20 |
Orange Roughy | fish.orangeroughy | -1904821376 | A rare fish found in the depths of the ocean. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Ox Mask | hat.oxmask | 1315082560 | An Ox mask to celebrate the 2021 Lunar New Year. | 1 |
Paddle | paddle | 1491189398 | A versatile melee weapon that can also be used to paddle a kayak. | 1 |
Paddling Pool | paddlingpool | -733625651 | A small inflatable pool that you can fill up with water. | 1 |
Painted Egg | easter.paintedeggs | -126305173 | Some simple painted eggs. Collect 10 to upgrade to a bronze egg | 1000 |
Pan Flute | fun.flute | -2040817543 | A set of repurposed PVC pipes that can be used to play a variety of melodies. | 1 |
Pants | pants | 237239288 | Pants. | 1 |
Paper | paper | -1779183908 | Paper, a ingredient for Building plan and Note. | 1000 |
Paper Map | map | 696029452 | Helps you figure out where you are. You can annotate the map by right-clicking and drawing on it. Drag the map into your belt bar to make it active. You will then be able to view the map by holding down the map button (G by default). | 1 |
Party Hat | partyhat | -575744869 | A very stupid looking party hat | 1 |
Passenger Vehicle Module | vehicle.2mod.passengers | 895374329 | Dual module seating. | 1 |
Pattern Boomer | firework.boomer.pattern | -379734527 | A special boomer which allows you light up the night sky with a custom pattern that you draw. Multiple colors and altitude settings are available. | 20 |
Photograph | photo | 62577426 | A photograph taken with an instant camera. | 1 |
Pickaxe | pickaxe | -1302129395 | A Pickaxe, useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pickles | jar.pickle | 286193827 | Cucumbers in a vinegar bath, jarred by an amateur. Eat at your own risk. | 10 |
Pipe Tool | pipetool | -144513264 | Now you're thinking with pipes! | 1 |
Pistol Bullet | ammo.pistol | 785728077 | Ammunition for a Pistol. Loses velocity when fired over long distances resulting in slightly decreased damage. | 128 |
Pitchfork | pitchfork | 1090916276 | A 3 pronged pitchfork. Extremely easy to hit targets with. | 1 |
Plant Fiber | plantfiber | -804769727 | Fiber from dead plants. Can be composted. | 1000 |
Plumber's Trumpet | fun.trumpet | 273172220 | Toot your own horn with this brassy improvised Trumpet. | 1 |
Pookie Bear | pookie.bear | -1651220691 | A companion that reminds you of your youth. | 1 |
Portable Boom Box | fun.boomboxportable | 576509618 | A portable Boom Box that can play tapes and internet audio streams. [attack] to start/stop and [attack2] to modify settings. | 1 |
Portrait Photo Frame | photoframe.portrait | 1729712564 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 1 |
Portrait Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.portrait | -1370759135 | A portrait oriented canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Potato | potato | -2086926071 | Potato. | 20 |
Potato Clone | clone.potato | 1512054436 | A Clipping of a Potato Plant. | 50 |
Potato Seed | seed.potato | -2084071424 | These potato seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Powered Water Purifier | powered.water.purifier | -365097295 | A device that converts salt water to fresh water while powered. | 1 |
Pressure Pad | electric.pressurepad | -2049214035 | A gate which allows power to flow while a player is standing on it | 1 |
Prison Cell Gate | wall.frame.cell.gate | -956706906 | A prison cell gate to lock things behind bars | 1 |
Prison Cell Wall | wall.frame.cell | -1429456799 | A prison cell wall. | 10 |
Prototype 17 | pistol.prototype17 | 1914691295 | A burst fire prototype pistol | 1 |
Prototype Hatchet | lumberjack.hatchet | -399173933 | A prototype field hatchet, useful for gathering wood | 1 |
Prototype Pickaxe | lumberjack.pickaxe | 236677901 | A prototype field pickaxe. Useful for gathering ore from rocks. | 1 |
Pump Jack | mining.pumpjack | -1130709577 | Extracts oil from the ground. Use a Survey Charge to determine the amount of oil available for extraction in any given area. | 1 |
Pump Shotgun | shotgun.pump | 795371088 | A Shotgun. Fires six rounds. | 1 |
Pumpkin | pumpkin | -567909622 | An edible vegetable that can also be worn as a hat. Eating it provides a small boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 20 |
Pumpkin Bucket | pumpkinbasket | 1346158228 | A pumpkin basket to help you collect candy much faster during Trick or Treat events with left click. Use right click to throw candy | 1 |
Pumpkin Plant Clone | clone.pumpkin | 1898094925 | A Clipping of a pumpkin plant. | 50 |
Pumpkin Seed | seed.pumpkin | -1511285251 | Pumpkin Seeds can be found when picking wild Pumpkin plants. These seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Pumpkins and faster groth. | 50 |
Pure Anti-Rad Tea | radiationresisttea.pure | -33009419 | A tea that reduces the amount of health lost due to radiation. | 10 |
Pure Healing Tea | healingtea.pure | -1677315902 | A tea that restores health over time. | 10 |
Pure Max Health Tea | maxhealthtea.pure | 1712261904 | A tea that increases your maximum health. | 10 |
Pure Ore Tea | oretea.pure | 1729374708 | A tea that increases the amount of ore you receive. | 10 |
Pure Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea.pure | 1905387657 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
Pure Scrap Tea | scraptea.pure | 2024467711 | A tea that increases the amount of scrap you receive from barrels. | 10 |
Pure Wood Tea | woodtea.pure | -557539629 | A tea that increases the amount of wood you receive from trees. | 10 |
Purple Sunglasses | twitchsunglasses | 20489901 | Sunglasses - Gained from Rust's first Twitch drop event. | 1 |
Python Revolver | pistol.python | 1373971859 | A High Powered six-shooter. | 1 |
Rabbit Mask | hat.rabbitmask | -986782031 | A Beautifully crafted Rabbit mask to celebrate the 2023 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Rad. Removal Tea | radiationremovetea | -496584751 | A tea that removes some radiation. | 10 |
RAND Switch | electric.random.switch | 492357192 | This switch will allow passthrough based on a random number. Each time the SET input receives power it will roll true or false to allow passthrough | 5 |
Rat Mask | hat.ratmask | 271048478 | A Beautifully crafted bronze and gold Rat mask to celebrate the 2020 Lunar New Year | 1 |
Raw Bear Meat | bearmeat | -1520560807 | Raw Bear Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Chicken Breast | chicken.raw | -1440987069 | Raw chicken breast. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Deer Meat | deermeat.raw | 1422530437 | Raw Deer Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Fish | fish.raw | 989925924 | Raw Fish. | 20 |
Raw Horse Meat | horsemeat.raw | -1130350864 | Raw Horse Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Human Meat | humanmeat.raw | -1709878924 | Raw human meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Raw Pork | meat.boar | 621915341 | Raw pork. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Raw Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.raw | -395377963 | Raw Wolf Meat. Eating it will damage your health, try cooking it first. | 20 |
Reactive Target | target.reactive | -1736356576 | A reactive target that knocks down when hit, can be reset. | 1 |
Rear Seats Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.rear.seats | 1376065505 | Single module seating for two passengers. | 1 |
Red Berry | red.berry | 1272194103 | A red berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Red Berry Clone | clone.red.berry | 2133269020 | A clipping of a Red Berry Plant. | 50 |
Red Berry Seed | seed.red.berry | 830839496 | These red berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Red Boomer | firework.boomer.red | -1553999294 | A very large mortar type firework with a red starburst | 20 |
Red Dog Tags | reddogtags | -602717596 | Red Dog Tags | 5000 |
Red Industrial Wall Light | industrial.wall.light.red | -1160621614 | A small red light source. | 10 |
Red Keycard | keycard_red | -1880870149 | A keycard with advanced clearance, grants access to top level areas | 1 |
Red Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.red | -1486461488 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of red balls into the air | 20 |
Red Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.red | -454370658 | Emits a beautiful shower of red sparks | 20 |
Reindeer Antlers | attire.reindeer.headband | -324675402 | A festive reindeer antlers headband and nose. | 1 |
Reinforced Glass Window | wall.window.bars.toptier | 671706427 | Window bars to fit a standard window. These bars are made out of reinforced metal and contain a thick surround to protect from incoming projectiles. | 10 |
Repair Bench | box.repair.bench | 803222026 | You can repair your items here for a fraction of their construction cost. You may also use this to apply new skins to existing items. | 1 |
Research Paper | researchpaper | -544317637 | Use this item in a Research Bench to create blueprints of items. | 1000 |
Research Table | research.table | -1861522751 | You can use this table to learn how to permanently craft items you have found in exchange for scrap. | 1 |
Revolver | pistol.revolver | 649912614 | A standard eight shot revolver. | 1 |
RF Broadcaster | electric.rf.broadcaster | -1044468317 | An RF Broadcaster | 1 |
RF Pager | rf_pager | -566907190 | An RF Pager. An audible tone will be produced when a signal is picked up on the listening frequency. Can be set to silent mode. | 1 |
RF Receiver | electric.rf.receiver | 888415708 | An RF Receiver | 1 |
RF Transmitter | rf.detonator | 596469572 | A hand held RF signal broadcaster. Left click to broadcast. Configurable with right mouse. | 1 |
RHIB | rhib | 1394042569 | | 1 |
Rifle Body | riflebody | 176787552 | The firing mechanism of a rifle. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire 5.56 ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Riot Helmet | riot.helmet | 671063303 | A makeshift riot Helmet. Great at deflecting melee attacks. | 1 |
Road Sign Jacket | roadsign.jacket | -2002277461 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Sign Kilt | roadsign.kilt | 1850456855 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from roadsigns. | 1 |
Road Signs | roadsigns | 1199391518 | Some road signs made of metal. | 20 |
Roadsign Gloves | roadsign.gloves | -699558439 | Gloves made out of metal offers a good amount of protection to the upper body. | 1 |
Roadsign Horse Armor | horse.armor.roadsign | 60528587 | A set of roadsign armor for a horse | 1 |
Rock | rock | 963906841 | A Rock. The most basic melee weapon and gathering tool. | 1 |
Rocket | ammo.rocket.basic | -742865266 | Ammunition for a Rocket Launcher. A short to medium range self-propelled, unguided rocket which deals large splash damage on impact. | 3 |
Rocket Launcher | rocket.launcher | 442886268 | Shoots rockets slightly farther than North Korea. | 1 |
Root Combiner | electrical.combiner | -458565393 | This object combines two root electrical sources into a single signal. Helpful for stringing together low energy batteries or solar panels to produce higher power output. Can be wired in series, can not be used with any non energy producing electrical components. | 5 |
Rope | rope | 1414245522 | A Length of Rope. | 50 |
Rotten Apple | apple.spoiled | 352130972 | A rotten apple. Eating it currently provides a tiny boost to health, hunger, and thirst. | 1 |
Rowboat | rowboat | 1878053256 | | 1 |
Rug | rug | -1985799200 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rug Bear Skin | rug.bear | -1104881824 | A decorative rug that can be placed on walls, floors, and ceilings. Provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Blue | rustige_egg_b | -173268132 | A beautiful hand crafted white gold and sapphire encrusted egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Green | rustige_egg_e | -173268125 | A beautiful hand crafted gold and green egg, with a miniature traincart contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Ivory | rustige_egg_d | -173268126 | A beautiful hand crafted Ivory and gold egg, with a miniature monument contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Purple | rustige_egg_c | -173268131 | A beautiful hand crafted purple egg with gold lace, a miniature offshore monument is contained inside. | 1 |
Rustig¨¦ Egg - Red | rustige_egg_a | -173268129 | An exquisite hand crafted gold and diamond egg. When opened, a very special melody can be heard as you observe an intricate representation of your favorite monument. | 1 |
Saddle bag | horse.saddlebag | 1400460850 | Equipping this saddle bag will add extra storage space on your horse | 1 |
Salmon | fish.salmon | -851988960 | A large Salmon, found in fresh and salt water. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 10 |
Salt Water | water.salt | -277057363 | Water with a high salt content. Consuming will damage your health. | 2147483647 |
Salvaged Axe | axe.salvaged | -262590403 | A high-yield resource gathering axe. Slower than the Hatchet. | 1 |
Salvaged Cleaver | salvaged.cleaver | -1978999529 | A powerful 2-handed melee weapon with high damage. | 1 |
Salvaged Hammer | hammer.salvaged | -1506397857 | A Hammer made from a bunch of other crap. | 1 |
Salvaged Icepick | icepick.salvaged | -1780802565 | A high-yield resource gathering Icepick. | 1 |
Salvaged Shelves | shelves | 1950721418 | Shelves for item stacking | 10 |
Salvaged Sword | salvaged.sword | 1326180354 | A powerful melee weapon made from a filed-down wrench. Great durability, good damage. | 1 |
SAM Ammo | ammo.rocket.sam | -384243979 | Ammunition for a Sam Site, This missile contains a rudimentary guidance system to help it navigate through strong winds. | 1000 |
SAM Site | samsite | -1009359066 | A surface to air rocket site. Requires 25 electricity to function. | 1 |
Sandbag Barricade | barricade.sandbags | -559599960 | A protective barricade made out of Sand Bags. | 10 |
Santa Beard | santabeard | 2126889441 | A santa beard. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Santa Hat | santahat | -575483084 | A santa hat. Ho Ho ho. | 1 |
Sardine | fish.sardine | -1654233406 | A small oily fish, commonly found in large schools. | 10 |
Satchel Charge | explosive.satchel | -1878475007 | Small explosive package constructed of beancan grenades. Useful for destroying wood and sheet metal doors. | 10 |
Scarecrow | scarecrow | 177226991 | Get into the Halloween spirit with this decorative deployable item. | 5 |
Scarecrow Suit | scarecrow.suit | 273951840 | A spooky scarecrow suit | 1 |
Scarecrow Wrap | scarecrowhead | 809942731 | A creepy burlap scarecrow hat | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist | -253079493 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scientist Suit | hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper | -1958316066 | A hazmat suit made from radiation resistant rubber. | 1 |
Scrap | scrap | -932201673 | Scrap can be used in a Research table and Workbench to unlock and research items. Often used as a currency throughout the world. | 1000 |
ScrapTransportHeliRepair | scraptransportheli.repair | -1884328185 | ScrapTransportHeliRepair Dummy | 1 |
Search Light | searchlight | 2087678962 | A Large, wide beam, aimable light source. | 1 |
Secret Lab Chair | secretlabchair | 567871954 | A luxurious, comfortable chair for long sessions of CCTV watching. | 5 |
Semi Automatic Body | semibody | 573926264 | The firing mechanism of a semi automatic weapon. | 10 |
Semi-Automatic Pistol | pistol.semiauto | 818877484 | A semi-automatic pistol, fires rapidly and with good accuracy. | 1 |
Semi-Automatic Rifle | rifle.semiauto | -904863145 | A Semi Automatic Rifle. | 1 |
Sewing Kit | sewingkit | 1234880403 | A Sewing kit. Used to make advanced clothing. | 20 |
Sheet Metal | sheetmetal | -1994909036 | Sheet metal scraps. | 20 |
Sheet Metal Door | door.hinged.metal | -2067472972 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Sheet Metal Double Door | door.double.hinged.metal | 1390353317 | Medium strength door, vulnerable to explosives. | 1 |
Shirt | shirt.collared | -2025184684 | A smart casual shirt | 1 |
Shop Front | wall.frame.shopfront | -796583652 | A shop front to do commerce. | 1 |
Short Ice Wall | wall.ice.wall | 1327005675 | A short wall made of solid ice. | 10 |
Shorts | pants.shorts | -1695367501 | Trousers without the bottom of the legs. | 1 |
Shotgun Trap | guntrap | 352499047 | A shotgun trap triggered by movement, place near doorways and load with handmade shells. | 1 |
Shovel Bass | fun.bass | -2107018088 | Use this stringed together shovel to play some deep, deep tunes. | 1 |
Sickle | sickle | -1368584029 | A very sharp curved cutting weapon. While its traditional role was to cut grass, this tool is also extremely versatile at cutting throats, perhaps trees, too. | 1 |
Silencer | weapon.mod.silencer | -1850571427 | Significantly reduces the sound of gunfire, and completely removes any visible muzzle flash. | 1 |
Silver Egg | easter.silveregg | 1757265204 | A Silver Egg. Contains medium level loot, Collect 10 to upgrade to a gold Egg | 10 |
Simple Handmade Sight | weapon.mod.simplesight | -855748505 | A poorly made sight, slightly better than iron sights. | 1 |
Simple Light | electric.simplelight | -282113991 | A simple debugging light | 1 |
Single Sign Post | sign.post.single | 1542290441 | A single sign post that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Siren Light | electric.sirenlight | 762289806 | A spinning siren light | 5 |
Skull | skull | 1312843609 | A spooky skull | 1 |
Skull Door Knocker | skulldoorknocker | -216116642 | A spooky skull door knocker | 1 |
Skull Fire Pit | skull_fire_pit | 553887414 | Enjoy burning your enemies remnants to ashes with this Halloween exclusive! Provides warmth and light, and you can cook with it. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.candles | -25740268 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes.pumpkin | -1078639462 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Spikes | skullspikes | -1073015016 | A spike of several skulls. Very spooky. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy | -769647921 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.table | -156748077 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar2 | -924959988 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Skull Trophy | skull.trophy.jar | 971362526 | A decorative mount that can hold the skull of a friend or foe. | 1 |
Sky Lantern | skylantern | 1819863051 | A beautiful sky lantern. Can be launched in any direction. Has one inventory slot. Can be Ignited with a lit torch. | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Green | skylantern.skylantern.green | -1770889433 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Orange | skylantern.skylantern.orange | -1824770114 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Purple | skylantern.skylantern.purple | 831955134 | | 20 |
Sky Lantern - Red | skylantern.skylantern.red | -1433390281 | | 20 |
Sled | sled.xmas | -135252633 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sled | sled | -333406828 | A wooden sled to quickly travel down snowy hills. | 1 |
Sleeping Bag | sleepingbag | -1754948969 | A sleeping bag. Placing this will give you a location to respawn. | 1 |
Small Candle Set | smallcandles | -2058362263 | Small Candles | 1 |
Small Chassis | vehicle.chassis.2mod | -44066600 | Two-socket vehicle chassis. | 1 |
Small Generator | electric.fuelgenerator.small | 1849887541 | A small electric generator powered by Low Grade Fuel that outputs 40 power. | 1 |
Small Loot Bag | halloween.lootbag.small | 1319617282 | Open for a surprise, or collect 10 to upgrade to a medium loot bag containing better loot! | 10 |
Small Neon Sign | sign.neon.125x125 | 1305578813 | A small neon sign! | 5 |
Small Oil Refinery | small.oil.refinery | -1293296287 | A small refinery which can produce Low Grade Fuel from Crude Oil. | 1 |
Small Planter Box | planter.small | 1903654061 | A small planter with enough room to plant 3 seeds. | 10 |
Small Present | xmas.present.small | -722241321 | A small stocking stuffer present, Collect 10 to upgrade to a larger present. | 10 |
Small Rechargeable Battery | electric.battery.rechargable.small | -692338819 | A small rechargable battery. Must have a minimum charge of 5 seconds to discharge. Can be wired in series. Charging rate is dependant on power in, with a maximum of 80% efficiency. | 1 |
Small Shark | fish.smallshark | -1768880890 | A small, surprisingly aggressive deep sea predator. Eats everything, so you never know what you'll find in it's stomach. | 5 |
Small Stash | stash.small | -369760990 | A hidden, burried stash to keep your items safe. After placing, return to the stash and aim at the ground where you hid it and it will reveal itself. | 5 |
Small Stocking | stocking.small | 1668858301 | A small stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get a gift! Collect 6 to upgrade to a SUPER Stocking. | 5 |
Small Trout | fish.troutsmall | -1878764039 | A Small Trout. Good for a few meals. | 10 |
Small Water Bottle | smallwaterbottle | -1039528932 | A Small Water Bottle. Left click to drink, right click to fill from water sources, or to pour out. | 1 |
Small Water Catcher | water.catcher.small | -132247350 | Collects drinkable water from the air via rain and dew. Can be connected to other entities to provide water, 20ml a second. | 1 |
Small Wooden Sign | sign.wooden.small | -1138208076 | A 1-meter by 0.5-meter wooden sign that you can write on. | 1 |
Smart Alarm | smart.alarm | -695978112 | Sends a notifications to your phone when powered on. | 5 |
Smart Switch | smart.switch | 988652725 | A smart electric switch. | 5 |
SMG Body | smgbody | 1230323789 | The firing mechanism of a submachinegun. Used in construction of a weapon that can fire pistol ammo fully automatic. | 10 |
Smoke Grenade | grenade.smoke | 1263920163 | Produces a large cloud of opaque greyish white smoke. | 3 |
Smoke Rocket WIP!!!! | ammo.rocket.smoke | -17123659 | Emits thick, visibility blocking smoke upon impact. | 3 |
Snap Trap | trap.bear | -582782051 | A metal trap that can injure or even kill people when stepped on. Can be picked up after been triggered. | 3 |
Snow Jacket | jacket.snow | -48090175 | A thick, high visibility Jacket. It will help keep you warm in any climate. | 1 |
Snow Machine | snowmachine | 1358643074 | A machine which will blanket the surrounding terrain in snow. | 1 |
Snowball | snowball | -363689972 | A snowball, throw it! | 1 |
Snowball Gun | snowballgun | 1103488722 | Load snowballs and lay waste to your foes with Christmas cheer. | 1 |
Snowman | snowman | 1629293099 | Get into the holiday spirit with this decorative snowman | 5 |
Snowman Helmet | attire.snowman.helmet | -842267147 | A snowman helmet which provides ample protection. | 1 |
Snowmobile | snowmobile | -1364246987 | A custom snowmobile, made of various bits and pieces. | 1 |
Sofa | sofa | -555122905 | A comfortable old sofa. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Sofa - Pattern | sofa.pattern | 782422285 | A comfortable old sofa with a floral pattern. A decorative item which provides comfort and seats two. | 2 |
Solo Submarine | submarinesolo | -187031121 | A small one-person submarine. | 1 |
Sound Light | soundlight | -343857907 | A light that will pulse in time to music when connected to a Boom Box. | 5 |
Sousaphone | fun.tuba | 1784406797 | A collection of used piping that¡¯s been converted into a Tuba. Probably not very hygienic. | 1 |
Space Suit | hazmatsuit.spacesuit | -560304835 | A spacesuit built for harsh conditions. | 1 |
Spas-12 Shotgun | shotgun.spas12 | -41440462 | A semi automatic military issue shotgun | 1 |
Speargun | speargun | -1517740219 | A speargun which can only be fired underwater. Excellent for hunting Sharks. | 1 |
Speargun Spear | speargun.spear | -1800345240 | Ammunition for a speargun. | 64 |
Spider Webs | spiderweb | 882559853 | Giant Cobwebs which can be hung against both a ceiling and a wall. | 10 |
Spinning wheel | spinner.wheel | -1100422738 | An interactive spinning wheel. | 1 |
Splitter | electric.splitter | -563624462 | Splits an electrical signal into 3 multiple signals. the amount passed through is equal to the input amount divided by the number of used output slots. | 5 |
Spoiled Chicken | chicken.spoiled | -751151717 | Spoiled Chicken. Eating it will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Human Meat | humanmeat.spoiled | 1272768630 | Spoiled Human Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spoiled Wolf Meat | wolfmeat.spoiled | -1167031859 | Spoiled Wolf Meat. Consuming will damage your health. | 20 |
Spooky Speaker | spookyspeaker | 1885488976 | Frighten your guests with creepy and spooky halloween sounds! | 1 |
Spray Can | spraycan | -596876839 | Use the Spray Can to leave Tags or reskin your items. Press [attack] to spray and [attack2] to reskin items. | 1 |
Spray Can Decal | spraycandecal | -1366326648 | | 10 |
Sprinkler | electric.sprinkler | -781014061 | A small sprinkler that sprays water around it. Requires a hose connection to supply it with water. | 10 |
Star Tree Topper | xmas.decoration.star | -1331212963 | A golden star to top off your Christmas Tree | 1 |
Sticks | sticks | 642482233 | Some long, some short. | 100 |
Stone Barricade | barricade.stone | 15388698 | A protective barricade made out of Stones. | 10 |
Stone Fireplace | fireplace.stone | -1535621066 | A stone fireplace to heat your home. Must be placed indoors and against a wall. | 1 |
Stone Hatchet | stonehatchet | -1583967946 | Primitive tool used for harvesting wood from trees and logs. | 1 |
Stone Pickaxe | stone.pickaxe | 171931394 | Primitive tool used for harvesting Stone, Metal ore and Sulfur ore. | 1 |
Stone Spear | spear.stone | 1602646136 | A stone-tipped wooden Spear. Slightly longer range. | 1 |
Stones | stones | -2099697608 | Harvested from rocks using tools, basic building material. | 1000 |
Storage Adaptor | storageadaptor | -1049172752 | Attach to a storage container to allow industrial input/output connections. | 5 |
Storage Monitor | storage.monitor | 1149964039 | The Storage Monitor attaches to the Tool Cupboard and Large Storage Box to monitor the container contents. Output sends a pulse when the container is updated. | 1 |
Storage Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.storage | 268565518 | Single module storage. | 1 |
Strengthened Glass Window | wall.window.glass.reinforced | -1614955425 | Bulletproof glass insert | 10 |
Strobe Light | strobelight | 2104517339 | A flashing light, 3 speeds. Causes seizures. | 1 |
Sulfur | sulfur | -1581843485 | Sulfur is commonly used in gunpowder, medicine, and matches. Matches release sulfur dioxide when they burn, giving them their smell. Sulfur is an essential component to living cells. Many proteins contain sulfur. It is also used as a pesticide on organic farms. | 1000 |
Sulfur Ore | sulfur.ore | -1157596551 | A rock containing sulfur. The sulfur can be extracted using a furnace. | 1000 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02black | 1258768145 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02camo | -2103694546 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses02red | 1557173737 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03black | -176608084 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03chrome | -1997698639 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses03gold | -1408336705 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
Sunglasses | sunglasses | 352321488 | A pair of sunglasses. Functional and stylish! | 1 |
SUPER Stocking | stocking.large | -465682601 | A SUPER Stocking. Hang it by a fire and you might just get an awesome gift! | 1 |
Supply Signal | supply.signal | 1397052267 | Purple signal smoke. Use to mark a location for an airdrop. | 1 |
Surface torpedo | submarine.torpedo.rising | -239306133 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead while rising to the water's surface. | 100 |
Surgeon Scrubs | halloween.surgeonsuit | -1785231475 | A Surgeon Suit | 1 |
Survey Charge | surveycharge | 1975934948 | Use this on the terrain to see which resources are available for mining. | 10 |
Survival Fish Trap | fishtrap.small | 559147458 | Traps fish, place on the shore and load with bait. The more bait loaded the bigger the chance of catching Trout. | 5 |
Switch | electric.switch | 1951603367 | A simple electric switch. | 5 |
T-Shirt | tshirt | 223891266 | A t-shirt with very short sleeves. | 1 |
Table | table | 593465182 | Every home needs a table. A decorative item which provides comfort when in close proximity. | 1 |
Tactical Gloves | tactical.gloves | -1108136649 | Military issue tactical gloves provide protection as well as weapon stabilization leading to higher accuracy when used. | 1 |
Tall Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.tall | 121049755 | A tall canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Tank Top | shirt.tanktop | 1608640313 | A tshirt without sleeves | 1 |
Targeting Computer | targeting.computer | 1523195708 | A computer loaded with software that can analyze a video and produce rotational deltas to individual objects contained in the feed. | 64 |
Tarp | tarp | 2019042823 | A waterproof tarp. | 20 |
Taxi Vehicle Module | vehicle.1mod.taxi | -626174997 | Single module seating for two passengers, with protection at the front. | 1 |
Tech Trash | techparts | 73681876 | A collection of random tech parts. | 50 |
Telephone | telephone | 1234878710 | Use the telephone to call other telephones on the island! | 1 |
Tesla Coil | electric.teslacoil | 1371909803 | A Tesla Coil | 3 |
Test Generator | electric.generator.small | -295829489 | A Mailbox that accepts notes. Only you can access the mail due to a one way slit. | 1 |
Thompson | smg.thompson | -1758372725 | A medium damage machine gun. | 1 |
Tiger Mask | hat.tigermask | 709206314 | A special tiger mask to celebrate Chinese New Year | 1 |
Timed Explosive Charge | explosive.timed | 1248356124 | C4, useful for breaking into bases. | 10 |
Timer | electric.timer | 665332906 | A Timer switch, will pass power through for duration. | 5 |
Tomaha Snowmobile | snowmobiletomaha | 1768112091 | An old snowmobile from around 1980. | 1 |
Tool Cupboard | cupboard.tool | -97956382 | Placing and authorising with the cupboard will make it so only you can build in a 50 meter radius of it. If you want your friends to build, they'll need to auth too. You should protect this. | 1 |
Torch | torch | 795236088 | A Torch. Lights your way at night and can be used as a weapon. | 1 |
Torpedo | submarine.torpedo.straight | -1671551935 | A torpedo for use in a submarine. Fires ahead in a straight line. | 100 |
Tree Lights | xmas.decoration.lights | 1723747470 | A tree isn't complete without colorful lights! | 1 |
Triangle Ladder Hatch | floor.triangle.ladder.hatch | 2041899972 | A hatch that opens and changes into a ladder. | 1 |
Tuna Can Lamp | tunalight | -1478445584 | A Makeshift wall light. | 1 |
Twitch Rivals Trophy | trophy | 975983052 | A trophy dedicated to the survivors of Rust Twitch Rivals | 1 |
Two Sided Hanging Sign | sign.hanging | 1205607945 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Ornate Hanging Sign | sign.hanging.ornate | -1647846966 | A double sided hanging sign, to attach to buildings. | 5 |
Two Sided Town Sign Post | sign.post.town.roof | 826309791 | A double sided town sign post, with roof, that you can plant into terrain. | 5 |
Vending Machine | vending.machine | 198438816 | Trade your goods with other players safely by creating sell and buy orders.
If a raider gains access to the rear panel, they will have free reign over all of your goodies. Keep it safe. | 1 |
Violet Boomer | firework.boomer.violet | -280223496 | A very large mortar type firework with a violet starburst | 20 |
Violet Roman Candle | firework.romancandle.violet | -99886070 | A small repeating firework, shoots a series of Violet balls into the air | 20 |
Violet Volcano Firework | firework.volcano.violet | -1538109120 | Emits a beautiful shower of Violet sparks | 20 |
Vodka Bottle | bottle.vodka | 755224797 | A bottle of Russian Vodka. | 1 |
Wagon | wagon | 996757362 | A train car. | 1 |
Watch Tower | watchtower.wood | -463122489 | A high wooden watchtower with a ladder | 10 |
Water | water | -1779180711 | Water. Drinking it will alleviate your thirst. | 2147483647 |
Water Barrel | water.barrel | -1863559151 | A storage container for water. Can output 10ml of water a second via a hose. | 1 |
Water Bucket | bucket.water | 1424075905 | A bucket for transporting water or other liquids. | 1 |
Water Gun | gun.water | 722955039 | A large water gun with pumpable pressure. Hold reload to pump! | 1 |
Water Jug | waterjug | -119235651 | A large jerry can for water. | 1 |
Water Pistol | pistol.water | -1815301988 | A small water gun that doesn't require pumping, but has a lower range and output. | 1 |
Water Pump | waterpump | -1284169891 | Can be placed in a water source to collect that water while powered. Can be connected to other Water entities. | 1 |
Water Purifier | water.purifier | 2114754781 | A Water Purifier. Place overtop of a campfire. Will provide clean, drinkable water from salty, or stagnant water. | 1 |
Waterpipe Shotgun | shotgun.waterpipe | -1367281941 | A Shotgun. Fires a single round before reloading. | 1 |
Weapon flashlight | weapon.mod.flashlight | 952603248 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a beam of light. Pressing F (default) to toggle light. | 1 |
Weapon Lasersight | weapon.mod.lasersight | -132516482 | Attaches to a weapon. Provides user with a guiding laser and reduces weapon sway. | 1 |
Wetsuit | diving.wetsuit | -1101924344 | A Wetsuit providing protection from frigid waters. | 1 |
Wheelbarrow Piano | piano | 1272430949 | The Piano is a repurposed wheelbarrow that weighs a ton, but makes up for it with a wide range of notes. | 1 |
White Berry | white.berry | 854447607 | A white berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
White Berry Clone | clone.white.berry | 1533551194 | A clipping of a White Berry Plant. | 50 |
White Berry Seed | seed.white.berry | -992286106 | These white berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
White Volcano Firework | firework.volcano | 261913429 | Emits a beautiful shower of white sparks | 20 |
Wind Turbine | generator.wind.scrap | -1819763926 | Converts kinetic energy harvested from the wind into electricity. Amount generated will vary depending on wind speed. Higher altitudes will yield stronger winds. | 1 |
Wire Tool | wiretool | -144417939 | A tool used to make connections between electrical objects. Aim at an object and click on an input/output handle. you can then click on another object's input/output handle to form a connection. holding right mouse will clear or cancel a connection. | 1 |
Wolf Headdress | hat.wolf | -1478212975 | A headdress made out of the scraped out head of a wolf. | 1 |
Wolf Skull | skull.wolf | 2048317869 | A wolf skull. | 1 |
Wood | wood | -151838493 | Wood. Collected from trees and used in many crafting recipes. It's also needed to cook in camp-fires. | 1000 |
Wood Armor Helmet | wood.armor.helmet | -2094954543 | A shoddy helmet made from Wood and Cloth. | 1 |
Wood Armor Pants | wood.armor.pants | 832133926 | A shoddy piece of leg armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Chestplate | wood.armor.jacket | 418081930 | A shoddy piece of body armor made from Wood and rope. | 1 |
Wood Double Door | door.double.hinged.wood | -1336109173 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wood Shutters | shutter.wood.a | -1023374709 | Wood shutters that you can open and close. | 20 |
Wood Storage Box | box.wooden | -180129657 | Keep your things in this wooden storage box. Stores up to 18 items. | 1 |
Wooden Arrow | arrow.wooden | -1234735557 | An arrow for a Hunting Bow and Crossbow. | 64 |
Wooden Barricade | barricade.wood | 866889860 | A wooden barricade. Will hurt players and animals that run into it. | 10 |
Wooden Barricade Cover | barricade.wood.cover | 1373240771 | Perfect for cover when engaging in gun fights. Decays rapidly when placed outside of building privilege. | 10 |
Wooden Cross | woodcross | 699075597 | A wooden cross marking the remains of an unknown soul | 1 |
Wooden Door | door.hinged.wood | 1729120840 | A Cheap door to secure your base. Its vulnerability to fire and weak explosive resistance makes the door a temporary solution to securing your base. Due to its flaws you should look at upgrading to a higher tier door such as Sheet Metal.
The Wooden Door can take two kinds of locks the basic Key Lock and the Code Lock. To pick up the door, remove any locks and open, hold down the E (USE) key and select 'Pickup'. | 1 |
Wooden Floor Spikes | spikes.floor | -92759291 | A set of spikes that will slow down and hurt anyone that walks over them. | 10 |
Wooden Horse Armor | horse.armor.wood | 1659447559 | A set of wooden horse armor | 1 |
Wooden Ladder | ladder.wooden.wall | -316250604 | A ladder will help you climb walls in any base. | 5 |
Wooden Spear | spear.wooden | 1540934679 | Primitive weapon, perfect for hunting your foes. Can be upgraded to Stone Spear. | 1 |
Wooden Window Bars | wall.window.bars.wood | -1183726687 | Window bars made out of wood. They'll stop people climbing through your window, but probably not for very long. | 10 |
Work Cart | workcart | -810326667 | A service train designed to run on an underground rail system. | 1 |
Workbench Level 1 | workbench1 | 1524187186 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 1 | 1 |
Workbench Level 2 | workbench2 | -41896755 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 2 | 1 |
Workbench Level 3 | workbench3 | -1607980696 | This allows you to craft and unlock items requiring workbench level 3 | 1 |
Worm | worm | 1770475779 | A small, writhing worm that can be used for bait. Could also be eaten in desperate situations. | 20 |
Wrapped Gift | wrappedgift | 204970153 | A lazily wrapped gift. | 1 |
Wrapping Paper | wrappingpaper | 1094293920 | Use this to conceal any item in a lazily wrapped gift | 1 |
XL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xl | -996185386 | An extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
XOR Switch | electric.xorswitch | 1293102274 | An exclusive-or logic gate that allows electrical passthrough if ONLY ONE input receives power, passthrough amount is whichever single input is active. if BOTH inputs recieve power, passthrough will be zero. | 5 |
XXL Picture Frame | sign.pictureframe.xxl | 98508942 | A double extra large canvas for artists paintings. | 5 |
Xylobone | xylophone | -211235948 | A selection of bones that were ¡°acquired¡± for their acoustic attributes. Play a lullaby for your camp with these soothing tones. | 1 |
Yellow Berry | yellow.berry | 1660145984 | A yellow berry. Can be eaten or used in mixing table recipes to create teas. | 20 |
Yellow Berry Clone | clone.yellow.berry | 390728933 | A clipping of a Yellow Berry Plant. | 50 |
Yellow Berry Seed | seed.yellow.berry | -520133715 | These yellow berry seeds can be planted in the ground and grown to collect additional food. Planting these seeds in a planter, and then watering them with large quantities of water yields significantly more Corn and faster groth. | 50 |
Yellow Perch | fish.yellowperch | 680234026 | A Yellow Perch, commonly found in freshwater rivers. | 10 |